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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Terme Type grammatical Définitions en anglais pour lequel le terme est potentiellement utile Traductions en français Mots clés pour les contextes d'utilisation pertinents Synonymes et autre vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
yah adverbe (Britain, India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand) Yes. oui
yah interjection An expression uttered to encourage a horse to run faster. hue
yah nom (Britain, informal) An upper-class person, especially a Sloane Ranger. A class which is close to the roots of a type hierarchy
yak nom An ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas, Mongolia, Burma, and Tibet with dark, long, and silky hair, a horse-like tail, and a full, bushy mane. yack, yak
yak nom (slang) A talk, particular an informal talk; chattering; gossip. caquetage expression
yak nom (slang) A laugh. rire
yak nom (slang) Vomit. vomit dirty abundant output data
yak verbe (slang, intransitive) To talk, particularly informally but persistently; to chatter or prattle. jacasser
yak verbe (slang, intransitive) To vomit, usually as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. vomir
yam nom (regional, Cumberland) home main place or location where something dwell
yam nom Any climbing vine of the genus Dioscorea in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, usually cultivated. igname
yam nom The edible, starchy, tuberous root of that plant, a tropical staple food. root of a tree in graph theory
yam nom (US) A sweet potato; a tuber from the species Ipomoea batatas. patate douce sweet potato
yam nom (Scotland) Potato. pomme de terre
yam nom (New Zealand) A oca; a tuber from the species Oxalis tuberosa.
yam nom (Malaysia, Singapore) Taro. taro
yam nom An orange-brown colour, like the flesh of the yam.
yap nom (countable) The high-pitched bark of a small dog, or similar. jappement yelping
yap nom (uncountable, slang) Casual talk; chatter. jacassement expression prattle, jabber, twitter
yap nom (countable, slang, derogatory) The mouth, which produces speech.
yap nom (countable, Tyneside) A badly behaved child; a brat.
yap verbe (intransitive) Of a small dog, to bark. japper yelp
yap verbe (intransitive, slang) To talk, especially excessively; to chatter. jacasser express chatter, jabber, prattle, rattle on, twitter
yap verbe (transitive, slang) To rob or steal from (someone). voler, dérober fly, steal, rob, take, wing, pick, steal, snatch, purloin, screen
yar adjectif (Britain dialectal) Sour; brackish. acide, saumâtre acid, acidic, sour, citric
yar adjectif (nautical, of a vessel, especially sailboat) Quick and agile; easy to hand, reef and steer. anything that offers a good user experience handy, maneagable, manoeuvrable, practical
yar verbe (intransitive) To snarl; to gnar. grogner, gronder emit a warning message
yar verbe (intransitive, chiefly Scotland) To growl, especially like a dog; quarrel; to be captious or troublesome. maugréer
yaw nom The rotation of an aircraft, ship, or missile about its vertical axis so as to cause the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, ship, or missile to deviate from the flight line or heading in its horizontal plane. lacet
yaw nom The angle between the longitudinal axis of a projectile at any moment and the tangent to the trajectory in the corresponding point of flight of the projectile.
yaw nom An act of yawing. embardée sheer, lurch, swerve
yaw nom (nautical) A vessel's motion rotating about the vertical axis, so the bow yaws from side to side; a characteristic of unsteadiness. lacet
yaw nom The extent of yawing, the rotation angle about the vertical axis
yaw nom (countable) A characteristic of something that makes it different from something else. écart gap, difference, distance, departure, disparity, yaw
yaw verbe (intransitive, aviation) To turn about the vertical axis while maintaining course.
yaw verbe (intransitive, nautical) To swerve off course to port or starboard. dévier de route route interception
yaw verbe (intransitive, nautical) To steer badly, zigzagging back and forth across the intended course of a boat; to go out of the line of course. embarder, faire une embardée lurch, sheer
yaw verbe (intransitive) To rise in blisters, breaking in white froth, as cane juice in the clarifiers in sugar works.
yay adverbe Alternative spelling of yea
yay interjection (colloquial) An expression of happiness. houra, youpi hooray
yay interjection Misspelling of yea.
yea adverbe (dated) Yes.
yea adverbe Thus, so (now often accompanied by a hand gesture).
yea conjonction (archaic) Or even, or more like, nay. Introduces a stronger and more appropriate expression than the preceding one. voir même, ou carrément as second preposition of a ternary selection operator: condition ala true yea false
yea interjection (in some dialects of American English, including Southern, Western, and African American Vernacular) Yeah, right, yes.
yea interjection Misspelling of yay.
yea interjection Misspelling of yeah. synonyms: yes

antonyms: nay

yea nom An affirmative vote, usually but not always spoken
yeh interjection (colloquial, informal) Alternative form of yeah; yes. ouais
yeh pronom (dialectal) Eye dialect spelling of you.
yem nom (fashion) A Vietnamese form of underbodice; a dudou, its Chinese progenitor and equivalent.
yen nom A strong desire, urge, or yearning. envie, désir craving, desire, hankering, jones, longing, urge, yearning
yen verbe (transitive) To have a strong desire for. désirer
yep adverbe (informal) Yes. oui synonyms: yes

antonyms: nop

yep nom (informal) Yes. oui
yes particule A word used to show agreement or acceptance. oui synonyms: arr, ay, aye, yea, yassuh, affirmative, ya, yah, yeah, yeh, yep, yeppers, yup, yuppers, yus, ahuh, mhm, uh huh.

antonyms: no, negative, nay, ixnay, nah, naw, nope

yes particule A word used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement. si
yes interjection Used to express pleasure, joy, or great excitement.
yes interjection Response that confirms that the user is paying attention.
yes nom An affirmative expression; an answer that shows agreement or acceptance. Synonyms: aye, yea, nod

Antonyms: no, nay

yes nom A vote of support or in favor/favour of something. Synonyms: aye, yea

Antonym: nay

yes verbe (colloquial, transitive) to agree with, affirm, approve.
yes verbe (slang) to attempt to flatter someone by habitually agreeing
yet adverbe Nevertheless; however; but; despite that.
yet adverbe (usually with negative) Thus far; up to the present; up to some specified time. jusqu’à présent, jusqu’ici, jusque là, encore Synonyms: afore, aforehand, already, antecedently, as yet, at one time, before, beforehand, beforetime, erenow, erenow, ere, erewhile, erstwhile, erstwhiles, foretime, formerly, herebefore, hereto, heretofore, hereunto, hereuntofore, hitherto, hithertofore, in advance, in the past, late, once, precedently, previously, so far, sometimes, sometime, therebefore, thus far, to date, up to now, whilom, yestertide, yestertime

antonyms: henceforth,  still, currently, subsequently    [

hypernyms: formerly

yet adverbe Continuously up to the current time; still. encore maintenant even now, still
yet adverbe At some future time; eventually. at last, in time, sooner or later
yet adverbe (after certain copulative verbs, followed by an infinitive) Not as of the time referenced. still
yet adverbe In addition. encore besides, further, moreover, still, even, again, over, furthermore
yet adverbe Prior to some specified time, either past, present, or future; by this time; previously. déjà already, previously, ever
yet adverbe At all times; throughout all time; constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals (opposed to sometimes or occasionally). toujours always, still, ever, forever, constantly
yet adverbe (temporal location) At that time; (conjunctive) in that case. alors then, here
yet adverbe In reality; implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality. même even, alike, nay
yet adverbe (conjunctive) In spite of what preceded. quand même still, anyway, nevertheless, nonetheless, though
yet conjonction (degree) Even. pourtant, mais, or still, be that as it may, even so, withal, however
yet conjonction Merely, only, just. mais but, although, only
yet conjonction Still; in spite of (that). cependant however
yet conjonction Nevertheless. néanmoins however
yet conjonction Despite all. malgré tout
yet nom (dialectal) A metal pan or boiler; yetling.
yet verbe (dialectal) To melt; found; cast, as metal. merge, fusion
yet verbe (nonstandard, West Country) To get. obtenir
yew adjectif Made from the wood of the yew tree. d'if, en if yewen
yew nom (countable) A species of coniferous tree, Taxus baccata, with dark-green flat needle-like leaves and seeds bearing red arils, native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa, northern Iran and southwest Asia.
yew nom (countable, by extension) Any tree or shrub of the genus Taxus. if (graph theory) tree
yew nom Other conifers resembling plants in genus Taxus
yew nom (uncountable) The wood of the such trees. bois d'if
yew nom A bow for archery, made of yew wood.
yex nom (archaic or dialectal) a hiccup hoquet hiccup, hiccough
yex verbe (archaic) to hiccup hoqueter hiccup, hiccough
yex verbe (archaic) to belch or burp roter
yin nom (philosophy) A principle in Chinese and related East Asian philosophies associated with dark, cool, female, etc. elements of the natural world.
yin nombre The number one, primarily used in Scotland and Ulster un
yip nom a sharp, high-pitched bark
yip verbe to bark with a sharp, high-pitched voice
yob nom (obsolete, costermongers, back slang) A boy. boy
yob nom (derogatory, chiefly Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A person who engages in antisocial behaviour or drunkenness. bully, hooligan, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, tearaway, chav, yobbo, charva
yod nom Alternative form of yodh, a tool used to read a torah. Anything serving as a tool used to read a file or some data source
yok nom Alternative form of yock, a laugh, especially a loud or hearty one.
yok nom (derogatory) A non-Jew; a Gentile.
yok verbe Alternative form of yock, to laugh, especially loudly or uproariously
yon adjectif (dated or dialectal) That (thing) over there; of something distant, but within sight.
yon adverbe (dated, archaic or dialectal) yonder, at or in a distant but indicated place. là-bas
yon adverbe (dated, archaic or dialectal) yonder, synonym of thither: to a distant but indicated place; to that place; to that point, end, or result. alternative to this as deictic synonyms: there, thither, over there, away there, yonder

antonyms: thence

yon pronom (dated or dialectal) That one or those over there.
yow interjection Expression of pain; ouch.
yow interjection Expression of humorous surprise or emphasis.
yow nom (dialect) A ewe; a female sheep.
you déterminant The individual or group spoken or written to. toi, vous thee, thou
you déterminant Used before epithets, describing the person being addressed, for emphasis. te
you pronom (object pronoun) The people spoken, or written to, as an object. [from 9th c.] tu, vous ye, thou
you pronom (reflexive, now US colloquial) (To) yourselves, (to) yourself. [from 9th c.] toi-même
you pronom (object pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as an object. (Replacing thee; originally as a mark of respect.) [from 13th c.] vous thee
you pronom (subject pronoun) The people spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Replacing ye.) [from 14th c.]
you pronom (subject pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Originally as a mark of respect.) [from 15th c.]
you pronom (indefinite personal pronoun) Anyone, one; an unspecified individual or group of individuals (as subject or object). [from 16th c. on we, they
you verbe (transitive) To address (a person) using the pronoun you (in the past, especially to use you rather than thou, when you was considered more formal).
yuk nom (slang) Something, such as a joke, that causes a exuberant laugh.
yuk interjection (onomatopoeia) An exuberant laugh.
yuk verbe To laugh exuberantly.
yum adjectif (Australia, New Zealand, Britain, informal) Delicious. miam
yum interjection Indicating delight at the flavor of food. miam
yum nom (computing) Yellowdog Updater, Modified, a popular package manager in Linux
yup interjection (informal) Yes. oui
yup nom (informal) A yes; an affirmative answer. oui antonyms: nope
yus adverbe (dialectal) Alternative form of yes. oui