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Utilisateur:Psychoslave/Vocabulaire utile pour l’informatique/3/u

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Terme Type grammatical Définitions en anglais pour lequel le terme est potentiellement utile Traductions en français Mots clés pour les contextes d'utilisation pertinents Synonymes et autre vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
uey nom (Australia, Canada, Britain, US, colloquial, informal, literally) A U-turn, a turn in a vehicle carried out by driving in a semicircle in order to travel in the opposite direction. demi-tour, volte-face, retournement
Return the reverse of a sequence
uey nom (Australia, Canada, Britain, US, colloquial, informal, figuratively) A U-turn, a reversal of policy; a volte-face, a backflip
demi-tour, marche arrière, revirement, volte-face A cancelation, the reversal of a change, the toggle of a security policy option
uey verbe (Australia, Canada, Britain, US, colloquial, informal, intransitive) Make a U-turn, to shift from one opinion or decision to its opposite. faire marche arrière, faire vorte-face, faire machine-arrière To cancel, reverse a change, toggle a security policy option
ugh interjection Used to express repugnance, disgust, or annoyance.
uke nom (judo, martial arts) The training partner against whom tori performs a move.
uke nom (Japanese fiction) A passive or submissive male fictional character in a same-sex relationship; a bottom.
ulu nom An all-purpose knife traditionally used by Yup'ik, Inuit, and Aleut women. a tool to cut, segment a sequence
ulu nom Anglicized spelling of ʻulu (Hawaiian for breadfruit), an evergreen tree, or the large round fruit of this tree. tree, or consumable resources
umm interjection Implying hesitation.
umm verbe (intransitive, rare) To make the umm sound to express confusion or hesitancy. notify about an ambiguous language construction err, hmm, um
ump nom (tennis, sports, informal) An umpire, the official who presides over a tennis game sat on a high chair. arbitre an agent in charge of conflict resolution arbitrator, referee, arbiter, umpire
ump nom (cricket, sports, informal) An umpire, one of the two white-coated officials who preside over a cricket match. arbitre
ump nom (baseball, sports, informal) An umpire, one of usually 4 officials who preside over a baseball game. arbitre
ump nom (American football, sports, informal) an umpire, The official who stands behind the line on the defensive side. arbitre
ump nom (Australian rules football, sports, informal) an umpire, A match official on the ground deciding and enforcing the rules during play. As of 2007 the Australian Football League uses 3, or in the past 2 or just 1. The other officials, the goal umpires and boundary umpires, are normally not called just umpires alone. arbitre
ump nom (law, sports, informal) An umpire, a person who arbitrates between contending parties. arbitre
ump nom (curling, sports, informal) An umpire, the official who presides over a curling game. arbitre
ump verbe (intransitive) To act as an umpire. arbitrer arbitrate, referee, umpire
urb nom Bud. [doubtful entry] bourgeon, bouton bloom, blossom, embryo, floret, germ, nucleus, shoot, spark
urd nom (botany, India cooking) Vigna mungo, a South Asian bean used to make dal. bean urad
urn nom A vase with a footed base. urne
urn nom A metal vessel for serving tea or coffee.
urn nom A vessel for the ashes or cremains of a deceased person. urne funéraire
urn nom (figuratively) Any place of burial; the grave.
urn nom (historical, Roman antiquity) A measure of capacity for liquids, containing about three gallons and a half, wine measure. It was half the amphora, and four times the congius.
urn nom (botany) A hollow body shaped like an urn, in which the spores of mosses are contained; a spore case; a theca.
urn verbe (transitive) To place in an urn. mettre en urne
urp interjection The sound of a burp, the sound one makes when belching, that is when expelling (gas) loudly from the stomach through the mouth; ejecting or emiting (something) with spasmodic force or noise.
use nom The act of using. usage, emploi, utilisation
use nom The act of using something; the manner in which something is used; the state of being used. utilisation utilization
use nom The manner or the amount of using; habit or accepted practice. usage usage, purpose, practice, custom, wear
use nom (uncountable) The act of consuming alcohol or narcotics. consommation consumption
use nom (uncountable, followed by "of") Usefulness, benefit. utilité
use nom A function; a purpose for which something may be employed. emploi employment, job, work, occupation, situation
use nom Occasion or need to employ; necessity. besoin need, requirement, want
use nom (obsolete, rare) Interest for lent money; premium paid for the use of something; usury.
use nom An inclination in a particular direction; a tendency. tendance trend, tendency, movement, bias, leaning
use nom (archaic) Continued or repeated practice; usage; habit. habitude habit, practice, custom, wont, way
use nom The process or manner of treating someone or something.
traitement treatment, processing, handling, salary, dealing
use nom (obsolete) Common occurrence; ordinary experience. cas courant
use nom (religion) The special form of ritual adopted for use in any diocese.
use nom (forging) A slab of iron welded to the side of a forging, such as a shaft, near the end, and afterward drawn down, by hammering, so as to lengthen the forging.
use verbe To utilize or employ. utiliser utilize, employ, spend, involve, take on
use verbe (transitive) To employ; to apply; to utilize. employer, appliquer, se servir (de) employ, harness, exercise, bestow
use verbe (transitive, often with up) To expend; to consume by employing. consommer consume, use, drink, eat up
use verbe (transitive) To handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way. [from 14th c.]
traiter treat, deal, process, handle, cure
use verbe (transitive) To fret and wear by rubbing; to weaken or work against user wear, chafe, undermine, go through, tap
use verbe To exert for the sake of training or improvement; to practice in order to develop; to handle with skill and ease, especially a weapon or tool. user de exercise, employ, wield
use verbe To make useful; to find a practical use for. se servir de utilize
use verbe Repetition of an activity to improve a skill; to perform a work or labour; to exert power or strength, physical or mechanical; to act. pratiquer practice, apply, make, operate, dispense
use verbe (transitive) To manage, or wield with the hands; to manage, control, or direct; to treat, to deal with (in a specified way). manier handle, wield, operate, ply, feel
use verbe To produce a piece of work with a tool intended to produce it. jouer de play, blow
use verbe (transitive) To exploit. exploiter exploit, operate, harness, tap, utilize, work
use verbe (transitive) To consume (alcohol, drugs, etc), especially regularly. consommer consume, use, drink, eat up
use verbe (intransitive) To consume a previously specified substance, especially a drug to which one is addicted.
use verbe (transitive, with auxiliary "could") To benefit from; to be able to employ or stand. bénéficier de benefit, avail, gain, thrive
use verbe To accustom; to habituate. (Now common only in participial form. Uses the same pronunciation as the noun; see usage notes.) habituer, accoutumer
use verbe (now rare, reflexive, obsolete, with "to") To become accustomed, to accustom oneself. s’habituer, s’accoutumer go native, grow used to, become used to, settle, become accustomed, use
use verbe (intransitive, now rare, literary, except in past tense) To habitually do; to be wont to do. (Now chiefly in past-tense forms; see used to.) avoir l'habitude de
use verbe (dated) To behave toward; to act with regard to; to treat. agir à l'égard de
use verbe (reflexive, obsolete) To behave, act, comport oneself. se comporter
ute nom (Australia, New Zealand) A small vehicle based on the same platform as a family car but with a unibody construction and a built-in open tray area for carrying goods; similar but not identical to a pick-up truck. coupé mean of transportation