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Utilisateur:Psychoslave/Vocabulaire utile pour l’informatique/3/n

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Terme Type grammatical Définitions en anglais pour lequel le terme est potentiellement utile Traductions en français Mots clés pour les contextes d'utilisation pertinents Synonymes et autre vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
naa verbe (Tyneside) To know
nab verbe (informal, transitive) To seize, arrest or take into custody (a criminal or fugitive).
nab verbe (informal, transitive) To grab or snatch something.
nab nom The summit of an eminence.
nab nom The cock of a gunlock. chien
nab nom (locksmithing) The keeper, or box into which the lock is shot.
nag verbe (transitive, intransitive) To continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters.
nag nom Someone or something that nags.
nag nom A repeated complaint or reminder.
nag nom A persistent, bothersome thought or worry
nag verbe (transitive, intransitive) To continuously remind or complain to (someone) in an annoying way, often about insignificant or unnecessary matters.
nag verbe To bother with persistent thoughts or memories.
nag verbe To bother or disturb persistently in any way.
nah interjection no
nap nom A short period of sleep, especially one during the day. sieste
nap nom A soft or fuzzy surface, generally on fabric or leather.
nap nom The common direction, on some kinds of fabric, of the hairs making up the pile.
nap nom (dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) A cup, bowl.
nap verbe To have a nap; to sleep for a short period of time, especially during the day.
nap verbe To form or raise a soft or fuzzy surface on (fabric or leather).
nap verbe (obsolete) To grab; to nab.
nap verbe (cooking) To cover (something) with a sauce (usually in passive).
nap interjection (Scotland, US) Eye dialect spelling of no.
nat adverbe (obsolete) Not. [14th-17th c.]
nat nom A spirit in Burmese mythology, whose cult is followed alongside Buddhism. nat
nat nom A logarithmic unit of information or entropy, based on natural logarithms. nit, nepit
nay conjonction or even, or more like, or should I say. Introduces a stronger and more appropriate expression than the preceding one. ou plutôt, voire
nay nom A vote against.
nay nom A person who voted against.
nay nom (archaic) A denial; a refusal.
nay verbe (obsolete) To refuse.
neb nom (now dialectal) A projecting extremity; a point or sharp projection.
neb nom (now dialectal) A nib, as of a pen. pointer
neb nom (now dialectal) The peak of a flat cap.
nee interjection (Tyneside) no, used to express no as a quantity, i.e. not any, like German kein/Dutch geen/French rien. Compare with na.
née adjectif Used when giving a former name. Originally known as.
nen pronom (Tyneside) none
net nom A mesh of string, cord or rope.
net nom (by extension) A trap.
net nom (geometry) Of a polyhedron, any set of polygons joined edge to edge that, when folded along the edges between adjoining polygons so that the outer edges touch, form the polyhedron.
net nom A system that interconnects a number of users, locations etc. allowing transport or communication between them.
net verbe (transitive) To catch by means of a net.
net verbe (transitive, figuratively) To catch in a trap, or by stratagem.
(to trap): catch, ensnare, entrap, snare, trap
net verbe To enclose or cover with a net.
net verbe To form network or netting; to knit.
net verbe To fully hedge a position.
net adjectif (obsolete) Good, desirable; clean, decent, clear.
net adjectif Free from extraneous substances; pure; unadulterated; neat.
net adjectif Remaining after expenses or deductions.
net adjectif Final; end.
new adjectif Recently made, or created.
new adjectif Additional; recently discovered.
new adjectif Current or later, as opposed to former.
new adjectif Used to distinguish something established more recently, named after something or some place previously existing.
new adjectif In original condition; pristine; not previously worn or used.
new adjectif Refreshed, reinvigorated, reformed.
new adjectif Of recent origin; having taken place recently.
new adjectif Strange, unfamiliar or not previously known.
new adjectif Recently arrived or appeared.
new adjectif Inexperienced or unaccustomed at some task.
new adjectif (of a period of time) Next; about to begin or recently begun.
new adverbe Newly (especially in composition).
new adverbe As new; from scratch.
new nom Things that are new.
new verbe (obsolete) To make new; to recreate; to renew.
nib nom The tip of a pen or tool that touches the surface, transferring ink to paper.
nib nom The bill or beak of a bird; the neb.
nib nom Bits of trapped dust or other foreign material that form imperfections in painted or varnished surfaces.
nib nom A small and pointed thing or part; a point; a prong.
nib nom One of the handles projecting from a scythe snath.
nib nom The shaft of a wagon.
nib verbe (transitive) To fit (a pen) with a nib. pointer
nil nom Nothing; zero.
nil déterminant No, not any.
nip nom A small quantity of something edible or a potable liquor. petite quantité dash, hoot
nip nom A pinch with the nails or teeth. pincée pinch, spot
nip nom A small cut, or a cutting off the end. fauchage mowing, pinch
nip nom A seizing or closing in upon; a pinching pincement pinch, twinge, transfixion, plunk, thrusting
nip nom (nautical) A short turn in a rope.
nip nom (papermaking) The place of intersection where one roll touches another
nip nom prise taking, outlet, take, intake, grip, pinch
nip nom (informal) To make a quick, short journey or errand, usually a round trip.
nip verbe To catch and enclose or compress tightly between two surfaces, or points which are brought together or closed; to pinch; to close in upon. pincer pinch, pluck, pinch out, tweak, nail
nip verbe To remove by pinching, biting, or cutting with two meeting edges of anything; to clip. faucher mow, reap, scythe, swipe, pinch
nip verbe To blast, as by frost; to check the growth or vigor of; to destroy.
nip verbe (Scotland, Northern England) To squeeze or pinch.
nip verbe brûler burn, burn off, scorch, incinerate, scald
nip verbe piquer prick, sting, bite, pique, puncture
nit nom A minor shortcoming. lacune mineure, petit défaut
nit nom Synonym of nat (logarithmic unit of information)
nix adverbe Nothing rien
nix nom (colloquial) Nothing. [from 1789] rien, que dalle nada, zip
nix nom A treacherous water-spirit; a nixie. nixe
nix verbe To make something become nothing; to put an end to, to reject or cancel. [from 1903] rejeter, mettre son veto à cancel, reject

reject, veto, turn down, scrap, scrub, ditch, scuttle, stymie, call off, put the kibosh on

nix verbe To destroy or eradicate. annihiler, détruire, éradique To destroy or eradicate
nob nom (now only in slang) The head. caboche Chief element of a series noggin, noddle, hobnail, nut, block
nob nom (informal) To hit in the head fiole conteneur  

flask, phial, bottle

nob verbe (informal) To hit in the head
nod nom A reference or allusion to something. allusion, référence, insinuation pointer, reference allusion, hint,

innuendo, mention

nod nom An instance of inclining the head up and down, as to indicate agreement, or as a cursory greeting.
nod nom A nomination.
nod nom (figuratively) Approval.
nod verbe (transitive, intransitive) To incline the head up and down, as to indicate agreement. dodeliner, hocher
nod verbe (transitive, intransitive) To briefly incline the head downwards as a cursory greeting. saluer hello world greet, salute, commend, hail, bow, nod
nod verbe (transitive, intransitive) To sway, move up and down.
se balancer swing, sway, rock, dangle, roll, nod
nod verbe (intransitive) To gradually fall asleep. sleep, slumber, doze, drowse
nod verbe (transitive) To signify by a nod. signifier par un mouvement de tête that which is produced by the power of a will expression, see numen.
nod verbe (intransitive) To make a mistake by being temporarily inattentive or tired
nod verbe (intransitive, figuratively) To allude to something. point to
nog nom A wooden block, the size of a brick, built into a wall, as a hold for the nails of woodwork. A software component used as unite to build larger part. For example a block of code.
nog nom One of the square logs of wood used in a pile to support the roof of a mine.
nog nom (shipbuilding) A treenail to fasten the shores. la quille keel, pin, skittle, tenpin, tenpins
nog verbe (transitive) to fill in, as between scantling, with brickwork.
nog verbe (transitive, shipbuilding) to fasten, as shores, with treenails.
nom verb (colloquial) To eat with noisy enjoyment. Consuming data while more or less verbosely logging what is performed
non adverbe Obsolete form of none, not any of a given number or group. aucun
noo adverbe (Tyneside) now maintenant
nor conjonction (literary) And not (introducing a negative statement, without necessarily following one). ni
nor conjonction A function word introducing each except the first term or series, indicating none of them is true.
nor conjonction Used to introduce a further negative statement.
nor conjonction (Britain, dialect) Than.
nor nom (logic, electronics) A logical operator that consists of a logical OR followed by a logical NOT and returns a true value only if both operands are false.
not adverbe Negates the meaning of the modified verb.
not adverbe To no degree.
not adverbe Used to modify superlatives to indicate the opposite or near opposite, often in a form of understatement.
nub nom (Internet slang) A noob; a newcomer or incompetent.
nub nom (obsolete) The innermost section of a chrysalis in a silk cocoon.
nub nom A small lump or knob.
nub nom The essence of an issue, argument etc. l'essence The value or state of a node, the innermost content of a encapsulated data structure crux, gist, main, essence, core, essentials, substance
nub nom The core of an issue, argument etc. noyau The value or state of a node, the innermost content of a encapsulated data structure core, kernel, nucleus, stone, pit
nub nom An extremal part bout, extrêmité end, toe, tip, piece, butt
nub verbe (baseball) To hit the ball weakly.
nub verbe To push; to nudge. pousser, pousser du coude Wherever one would usually use push to add some data in a data structure
nub verbe To beckon. attirer (l'attention), appeler, faire signe à To attach an observer to an object in the observer pattern entice, gesture, wave

attract, draw, bring, catch, entice, appeal to

call, appeal, name, call for, summon, term

nut nom A hard-shelled seed. noix Cryptanalyse, instead of seed walnut
nut nom A piece of metal, usually square or hexagonal in shape, with a hole through it having machined internal threads, intended to be screwed onto a bolt or other threaded shaft. écrou
nut nom (slang) The head. tête


top, lead, capita, brain

noggin, noddle, hobnail, nob, block

nut nom (US, slang) Monthly expense to keep a venture running.
nut nom (US, slang) The amount of money necessary to set up some venture; set-up costs.
nut nom (US, slang) A stash of money owned by an extremely rich investor, sufficient to sustain a high level of consumption if all other money is lost.
nut nom (music, lutherie) On stringed instruments such as guitars and violins, the small piece at the peghead end of the fingerboard that holds the strings at the proper spacing and, in most cases, the proper height.
nut nom (climbing) A shaped piece of metal, threaded by a wire loop, which is jammed in a crack in the rockface and used to protect a climb. (Originally, machine nuts [sense #2] were used for this purpose.)
nut nom (poker, only in attributive use) The best possible hand of a certain type, for instance: "nut straight", "nut flush", and "nut full house". Compare nuts (“the best possible hand available”). In any set of tuple, the highest ranked one according to a given order
nut nom The tumbler of a gunlock. culbuteur
nut nom (nautical) A projection on each side of the shank of an anchor, to secure the stock in place. patte (d’un jas), bec (d’un jas)
nut verbe (mostly in the form "nutting") To gather nuts.
collecter des noix In replacement of cherry pick in DCVS in particual, or any constitution of a data set from a larger collectio
nut verbe (Britain, transitive, slang) To hit deliberately with the head; to headbutt.
mettre un coup de boule