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Utilisateur:Psychoslave/Vocabulaire utile pour l’informatique/3/h

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Terme Type grammatical Définitions en anglais pour lequel le terme est potentiellement utile Traductions en français Mots clés pour les contextes d'utilisation pertinents Synonymes et autre vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
hag nom quagmire; mossy ground where peat or turf has been cut. bourbier, impasse, marécage, marasme Gestion des erreurs, situation inextricable
ham verbe (acting) To overact; to act with exaggerated emotions. surjouer
hap nom (slang, in the plural) Happenings; events; goings-on.

(archaic) That which happens; an occurrence or happening, especially an unexpected, random, chance, or fortuitous event; chance; fortune; luck.

occasion, chance, fortune, occurence, événement gestion des événements
hap verbe (intransitive, literary) To happen; to befall; to chance.

Synonyms: come to pass, occur, transpire; see also Thesaurus:happen

(transitive, literary) To happen to.

advenir, avoir lieu, survenir, se produire, résulter, se manifester
hap verbe (dialect) To wrap, clothe. envelopper, couvrir, emballer, entourer, vêtir, habiller Encapsulation des structures manipulées
har nom (dialectal) A hinge. charnière, gond
has verb Third-person singular simple present indicative form of have a (avoir, contenir) tester si un séquence contient un élément
hat nom (figuratively) A particular role or capacity that a person might fill. chapeau gestion des rôles et accréditations
haw verb (of an animal) To turn towards the driver, typically to the left.

To cause (an animal) to turn left.

ordonner de tourner vers la gauche Décalage de bit vers la gauche
hay nom (obsolete) An enclosure, haw. clôture, haie, enclos, boîtier
hay nom (obsolete) A net placed around the lair or burrow of an animal. fourrage cachant l'entrée d’une antre
hay nom A hedge. couverture, haie, protection, sauvegarde
hay verbe To feed with hay. nourrir, alimenter (avec du foin) Fournir des données à une structure ou un processus
hed nom (journalism, slang) The headline of a news story. gros titre
hem periphery ourlet , bord
hem nom The border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together to finish the edge and prevent it from fraying. ourlet
hem nom A rim or margin of something. marge
hem verbe (intransitive) (in sewing) To make a hem.

(transitive): To put hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something.

hem verbe (transitive): To surround something or someone in a confining way.

synonyms: surround, enclose, encircle, encompass, ring

entourrer action d'encapsuler un élément dans une séquence
hen verbe (dialectal) To throw. jeter gestion des erreurs
hep verbe (dated, US slang) To make aware of. faire prendre conscience de gestion des événement, signaler aux autres acteurs qu'une situation à été enclenché
hey interjection An informal greeting, similar to hi. salut "hey all" à la place de "hello world"
hew nom (obsolete) hue; colour teinte, couleur
hew nom (obsolete) shape; form forme, modèle
hew nom (obsolete) Destruction by cutting down.
hew verbe (transitive, intransitive) To chop away at; to whittle down; to mow down. tailler tronquer une séquence
hew verbe cut, cut off, turn off, disconnect, shut off couper action de déconnecter
hew verbe dig, excavate, burrow, delve, bore creuser, excaver, fouiller,
hew verbe to square équarrir
hew verbe (transitive) To shape; to form. façonner, modeler
hew verbe To act according to, to conform to; usually construed with to se conformer, s'accommoder de, s’assujettir à, se plier à
hex verbe (transitive) To cast a spell on (specifically an evil spell), to bewitch. maudire
hex nom An evil spell or curse. sort, malédiction, sortilège
hid simple past tense of hide

(archaic) past participle of hide

caché si l'élément est caché
hie verbe (intransitive, poetic) To hasten; to go quickly, to hurry.

(reflexive, poetic) To hurry (oneself).

se hâter, se dépêcher
hip nom The inclined external angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes. synonyms: arete, ridge, bridge, bone, rib arrête
hip verbe (transitive, slang) To inform, to make knowledgeable.

Synonyms: update, acquaint, brief, inform, introduce

mettre au courant Tout domaine relevant d'une mise-à-jour, d'une actualisation d'information
hip adjectif (slang) Aware, informed, up-to-date, trendy. tendance, à la page, au fait, branché, à jour gestion de version et de maintenance système
hit nom Something very successful, such as a song, film, or video game, that receives widespread recognition and acclaim. hit, succès
hit nom (computing, Internet) A match found by searching a computer system or search engine résultat
hit nom (Internet) A measured visit to a web site, a request for a single file from a web server. visite, nombre de visite
hit verbe (transitive, colloquial) To briefly visit. rencontrer traverser les nœuds lors du parcours d'un graphe
hit verbe To strike. trouver, frapper, heurter, conclure, forer, découvrir
hit verbe (transitive, informal) To encounter an obstacle or other difficulty. se heurter à, se cogner à, rencontrer, faire face à
hit verbe (heading) To attain, to achieve.

synonyms: succeed, pass, achieve, get, work

hit verbe (transitive) To affect negatively.

Synonyms: touch, affect, feel, receive, contact

toucher, affecter, impacter
hit verbe (figuratively) To attack.

synonyms: strike, knock, beat, impact, punch

attaquer, asséner, frapper
hit verbe (transitive, computing, programming) To use; to connect to. utiliser, se connecter à
hob nom A kind of cutting tool, used to cut the teeth of a gear. armure, fraise-mère
hob nom The hub of a wheel; the nave. centre, noyau, nœud, moyeu
hoe nom An agricultural tool consisting of a long handle with a flat blade fixed perpendicular to it at the end, used for digging rows. binette, houe
hoe verbe To cut, dig, scrape, turn, arrange, or clean, with a hoe. biner, houer
hog verbe (transitive) To greedily take more than one's share, to take precedence at the expense of another or others.

Synonyms: gobble up, monopolize, be greedy, grab all of have, all to oneself, cover

hop nom A short jump. bond, saut, rebond
hop nom (networking) The sending of a data packet from one host to another as part of its overall journey. rebond
hop nom step, stage, stop, leg, point étape
hop verbe (intransitive) To jump a short distance. bondir, sauter
hop verbe (intransitive) To be in state of energetic activity. s'activer
hop verbe To make short visit. faire une courte visite
hop verbe (intransitive, usually in combination) To move frequently from one place or situation to another similar one.
hot adjectif Popular; in demand.
hot adjectif Very close to finding or guessing something to be found or guessed.
hot adjectif Performing strongly; having repeated successes. en vogue
hot adjectif Fresh; just released. tout chaud, tout juste arrivé/annoncé
hot adjectif Uncomfortable, difficult to deal with; awkward, dangerous, unpleasant.
hot adjectif (slang) Used to emphasize the short duration or small quantity of something
hot verbe (with up) To heat; to make or become hot.
hoy verbe (transitive) To incite; to drive onward. susciter
hoy verbe (Geordie) To throw. jeter
hub nom The central part, usually cylindrical, of a wheel; the nave. centre, nœud, noyau
hub nom A point where many routes meet and traffic is distributed, dispensed or diverted. plaque tournante, plateforme, concentrateur
hub nom (computing) A computer networking device connecting several Ethernet ports. See switch. commutateur
hub nom A block for scotching a wheel. cale
hue nom A color, or shade of color; tint; dye. teinte
hue nom The characteristic related to the light frequency that appears in the color, for instance red, yellow, green, cyan, blue or magenta.
hue nom (figuratively) A character; aspect. tonalité, nuance
hug verbe (transitive) To embrace by holding closely, especially in the arms. étreindre, serrer, embrasser
hug verbe To hold fast; to cling to

Synonyms: treasure

tenir fermement à, s'aggriper,
hug verbe lock, seize, squeeze enserrer
hut case, box, cot, shelter