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Utilisateur:Psychoslave/Vocabulaire utile pour l’informatique/3/g

Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
Terme Type grammatical Définitions en anglais pour lequel le terme est potentiellement utile Traductions en français Mots clés pour les contextes d'utilisation pertinents Synonymes et autre vocabulaire apparenté par le sens
gab nom Idle chatter. papotage discussion, expression
gab nom One of the open-forked ends of rods controlling reversing in early steam engines.
gad nom A sharp-pointed object; a goad. aiguillon pointeur
gad verb To move from one location to another in an apparently random and frivolous manner. vadrouiller parcours des nœuds d'un graphe
gag nom A device to restrain speech, such as a rag in the mouth secured with tape or a rubber ball threaded onto a cord or strap.

(law) An order or rule forbidding discussion of a case or subject.

bâillon, muselière élément servant de sourdine
gag verbe To restrain someone's speech by blocking his or her mouth.

To pry or hold open by means of a gag.

To restrain someone's speech without using physical means.

bâillonner, museler couper le son, mute, forcer une source de données à ne plus rien émettre
gam verbe To pay a social visit on another ship at sea.

To engage in social intercourse anywhere.

interaction entre plusieurs agents dans la théorie des automates
gap nom An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.

An opening allowing passage or entrance

An opening that implies a breach or defect

A vacant space or time

A hiatus, a pause in something which is otherwise continuous.

A vacancy, deficit, absence, or lack.

brèche, écart


décalage, fracture


hiatus, lacune


A gap in a series, making it incomplete.

An interruption, break or pause.

An unexpected break from work.

gap verbe To notch, as a sword or knife.

To make an opening in; to breach.

To check the size of a gap.

gar verbe (now chiefly Britain dialectal) To make, compel (someone to do something); to cause (something to be done). [14th-19th c.] contraindre, exiger, forcer, causer Gestion des événements
gaw verbe (obsolete) to stare or gape
gee verbe Of a horse, pack animal, etc.: to move forward; go faster; or turn in a direction away from the driver, typically to the right.

To agree; to harmonize.

ordonner de tourner vers la droite Décalage de bit vers la droite
gee verbe To agree; to hamonize. accepter, convenir, harmoniser
gel verbe To develop a rapport. Relation; proportion; conformity.
gem nom Anything of small size, or expressed within brief limits, which is regarded as a gem on account of its beauty or value, such as a small picture, a verse of poetry, or an epigram. gemme, joyau, perle, pépite
gem verbe To adorn with, or as if with, gems. orner quelquechose
get verbe To obtain; to acquire. obtenir, recevoir
gib verbe A bolt or wedge made from wood or metal used for holding a machine part in place. boulon, verrou, tenon, cale, part, morceau
gib verbe (New Zealand) To install plasterboard. Installer une plaque de plâtre.
gig verbe To engender, generate. engendrer génération d'une instance d'entité, calcul de la valeur d'une expression
gin nom (obsolete) A trick; a device or instrument.
gin nom (obsolete) Contrivance; artifice; a trap; a snare.

A snare or trap for game.

gin verbe To trap something in a gin. attraper, pièger
gin verbe (archaic) To begin. débuter, lancer, démarrer begin, start
gip nom A servant; a gyp.
gip verbe To take out the entrails of (herrings).
gob nom A lump of soft or sticky material. bloc, motte
gob nom (uncountable, mining) Waste material in old mine workings, goaf.
gob verbe To gather into a lump.
gob verbe (mining, intransitive) To pack away waste material in order to support the walls of the mine.
gog nom (obsolete) haste; ardent desire to go
gon nom (geometry, trigonometry) One hundredth of a right angle; a gradian.
goo nom (uncountable, informal) Any semi-solid or liquid substance; especially one that is sticky, gummy or slippery; frequently of vague or unknown composition, slime or a bodily fluid.
goo verbe (intransitive) To produce baby talk.
gry nom (archaic) A small amount.
gum verbe To stiffen with glue or gum. contracter, rigidifier compactage d'une séquence avec remplacement des éléments vides par un unique exemplaire d'un élément donné
gum verbe To impair the functioning of a thing or process.
gut verbe (transitive) To remove or destroy the most important parts of. vider de sa substance (to remove), délabrer (to destroy)
gyp verbe (derogatory, sometimes offensive) To cheat or swindle someone or something inappropriately.