Utilisateur:Noé/Wikimania 2016/Rédaction
This page aim to discuss about the talk three wiktionarian will give 25th of June 2016 in Esino Lario for Wikimania 2016. This draft is here not only for the participant but to offer a way to include the community in the process, to invite everyone to improve it, as it is customary in the wikiverse. It may seems unusual for a conference but we think the process is as interesting as the result itself. If you plan to be at Wikimania, be warn that it may spoil a large part of the talk (sob).
Comments, suggestions, request for more
[modifier le wikicode]We want to improve this talk before to present it. Feel free to ask questions about what stay unclear or too brief. We want to focus on practical solution we tried and how it turn, not to stay too much factual, but it’s difficult in only 18 minutes, so if some part seems boring, you can also say it gently.