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Portrait de KrystjanM, contributeur volontaire Wikipédia.
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Christian Cédric Mbou Missambi
Volunteer Wikimedians, Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group

About me

I am cameroonian and High school teacher by profession. I discovered Wikipedia for the first time while working first on my Masters in Education project then I get involved in the movement since 2016. My main aim is to promote africain languages on Wikipedia by sharing and translating local contents.

My work

Since 2018, I am a Wikipedian in residence in Cameroon for LinguaLibre project. I volunteer in the User Group: Wikimedians of Cameroon User Group. Meanwhile, I contribute both to the #WikiKwatt project in Cameroon (which highlights and focuses on registering neighbourhoods from yaoundé, Cameroon, on wikipedia) and the Lingualibre one in which I advocate for African languages, especially Bulu.

Contact me

User language
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.

Cette personne a une page sur Wikimedia MetaWiki.

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