ci-joint le super script de simulation trop génial, décrit sur ma page utilisateur...
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This bot will make direct text replacements. It will retrieve information on
which pages might need changes either from an SQL dump or a text file, or only
change a single page.
You can run the bot with the following commandline parameters:
-sql - Retrieve information from a local SQL dump (cur table, see
Argument can also be given as "-sql:filename".
-file - Retrieve information from a local text file.
Will read any [[wiki link]] and use these articles.
Argument can also be given as "-file:filename".
-page - Only edit a single page.
Argument can also be given as "-page:pagename". You can give this
parameter multiple times to edit multiple pages.
-regex - Make replacements using regular expressions. If this argument
isn't given, the bot will make simple text replacements.
-except:XYZ - Ignore pages which contain XYZ. If the -regex argument is given,
XYZ will be regarded as a regular expression.
-fix:XYZ - Perform one of the predefined replacements tasks, which are given
in the dictionary 'fixes' defined inside this file.
The -regex argument and given replacements will be ignored if
you use -fix.
Currently available predefined fixes are:
* HTML - convert HTML tags to wiki syntax, and fix XHTML
-namespace:n - Namespace to process. Works only with a sql dump
-always - Don't prompt you for each replacement
other: - First argument is the old text, second argument is the new text.
If the -regex argument is given, the first argument will be
regarded as a regular expression, and the second argument might
contain expressions like \\1 or \g<name>.
NOTE: Only use either -sql or -file or -page, but don't mix them.
If you want to change templates from the old syntax, e.g. {{msg:Stub}}, to the
new syntax, e.g. {{Stub}}, download an SQL dump file (cur table) from
http://download.wikimedia.org, then use this command:
python replace.py -sql -regex "{{msg:(.*?)}}" "{{\\1}}"
If you have a dump called foobar.sql and want to fix typos, e.g.
Errror -> Error, use this:
python replace.py -sql:foobar.sql "Errror" "Error"
If you have a page called 'John Doe' and want to convert HTML tags to wiki
syntax, use:
python replace.py -page:John_Doe -fix:HTML
# (C) Daniel Herding, 2004
# Distributed under the terms of the PSF license.
from __future__ import generators
import sys, re
import wikipedia, config
# Summary messages in different languages
# NOTE: Predefined replacement tasks might use their own dictionary, see 'fixes'
# below.
msg = {
'de':u'Bot: Automatisierte Textersetzung %s',
'en':u'Robot: Automated text replacement %s',
'es':u'Robot: Reemplazo automático de texto %s',
'fr':u'Bot : Remplacement de texte automatisé %s',
'hu':u'Robot: Automatikus szövegcsere %s',
'is':u'Vélmenni: breyti texta %s',
'pt':u'Bot: Mudança automática %s',
# Predefined replacements tasks.
fixes = {
'cat': {
'regex': True,
'msg': {
'de':u'Bot: entferne Grundkategorien'
'replacements': {
r'\[\[Kategorie:Zeit:.+?\]\][\r\n ]*': '',
r'\[\[Kategorie:Raum:.+?\]\][\r\n ]*': '',
r'\[\[Kategorie:Thema:.+?\]\][\r\n ]*': '',
r'\[\[Kategorie:Typ:.+?\]\][\r\n ]*': '',
# These replacements will convert HTML to wiki syntax where possible, and
# make remaining tags XHTML compliant.
'HTML': {
'regex': True,
# We don't want to mess up pages which discuss HTML tags, so we skip
# all pages which contain nowiki tags.
'exceptions': ['<nowiki>'],
'msg': {
'en':u'Robot: converting/fixing HTML',
'de':u'Bot: konvertiere/korrigiere HTML',
'replacements': {
# Everything case-insensitive (?i)
# Keep in mind that MediaWiki automatically converts <br> to <br />
# when rendering pages, so you might comment the next two lines out
# to save some time/edits.
#r'(?i)<br>': r'<br />',
# linebreak with attributes
#r'(?i)<br ([^>/]+?)>': r'<br \1 />',
r'(?i)<b>(.*?)</b>': r"'''\1'''",
r'(?i)<strong>(.*?)</strong>': r"'''\1'''",
r'(?i)<i>(.*?)</i>': r"''\1''",
r'(?i)<em>(.*?)</em>': r"''\1''",
# horizontal line without attributes in a single line
r'(?i)([\r\n])<hr[ /]*>([\r\n])': r'\1----\2',
# horizontal line without attributes with more text in the same line
r'(?i) +<hr[ /]*> +': r'\r\n----\r\n',
# horizontal line with attributes; can't be done with wiki syntax
# so we only make it XHTML compliant
r'(?i)<hr ([^>/]+?)>': r'<hr \1 />',
# a header where only spaces are in the same line
r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h1> *([^<]+?) *</h1> *([\r\n])': r"\1= \2 =\3",
r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h2> *([^<]+?) *</h2> *([\r\n])': r"\1== \2 ==\3",
r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h3> *([^<]+?) *</h3> *([\r\n])': r"\1=== \2 ===\3",
r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h4> *([^<]+?) *</h4> *([\r\n])': r"\1==== \2 ====\3",
r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h5> *([^<]+?) *</h5> *([\r\n])': r"\1===== \2 =====\3",
r'(?i)([\r\n]) *<h6> *([^<]+?) *</h6> *([\r\n])': r"\1====== \2 ======\3",
# TODO: maybe we can make the bot replace <p> tags with \r\n's.
# Grammar fixes for German language
'grammar-de': {
'regex': True,
'exceptions': ['sic!'],
'msg': {
'de':u'Bot: korrigiere Grammatik',
'replacements': {
u'([Ss]owohl) ([^,\.]+?), als auch': r'\1 \2 als auch',
#u'([Ww]eder) ([^,\.]+?), noch': r'\1 \2 noch',
u'(?=\W)(\d[\d\.\,]*\d|\d)($|â¬|DM|mg|g|kg|l|t|ms|s|min|h|µm|mm|cm|dm|m|km|°C|K|kB|MB|TB)(?=\W)': r'\1 \2',
u'(\d+)\.(Januar|Februar|MÀrz|April|Mai|Juni|Juli|August|September|Oktober|November|Dezember)': r'\1. \2',
class ReplacePageGenerator:
Generator which will yield PageLinks for pages that might contain text to
replace. These pages might be retrieved from a local SQL dump file or a
text file, or as a list of pages entered by the user.
* source - Where the bot should retrieve the page list from.
Can be 'sqldump', 'textfile' or 'userinput'.
* replacements - A dictionary where keys are original texts and values
are replacement texts.
* exceptions - A list of strings; pages which contain one of these
won't be changed.
* regex - If the entries of replacements and exceptions should
be interpreted as regular expressions
* namespace - Namespace to process in case of a SQL dump. -1 means
that all namespaces should be searched.
* textfilename - The textfile's path, either absolute or relative, which
will be used when source is 'textfile'.
* sqlfilename - The dump's path, either absolute or relative, which
will be used when source is 'sqldump'.
* pagenames - a list of pages which will be used when source is
def __init__(self, source, replacements, exceptions, regex = False, namespace = -1, textfilename = None, sqlfilename = None, pagenames = None):
self.source = source
self.replacements = replacements
self.exceptions = exceptions
self.regex = regex
self.namespace = namespace
self.textfilename = textfilename
self.sqlfilename = sqlfilename
self.pagenames = pagenames
def read_pages_from_sql_dump(self):
Generator which will yield PageLinks to pages that might contain text to
replace. These pages will be retrieved from a local sql dump file
(cur table).
* sqlfilename - the dump's path, either absolute or relative
* replacements - a dictionary where old texts are keys and new texts
are values
* exceptions - a list of strings; pages which contain one of these
won't be changed.
* regex - if the entries of replacements and exceptions should
be interpreted as regular expressions
#mysite = wikipedia.getSite()
import sqldump
dump = sqldump.SQLdump(self.sqlfilename, wikipedia.myencoding())
for entry in dump.entries():
skip_page = False
if self.namespace != -1 and self.namespace != entry.namespace:
if "Wiktionary:" in entry.full_title() :
for exception in self.exceptions:
if self.regex:
exception = re.compile(exception)
if exception.search(entry.text):
skip_page = True
if exception in entry.text:
skip_page = True
if not skip_page:
for old in self.replacements:
if self.regex:
old = re.compile(old)
if old.search(entry.text):
yield entry
# yield wikipedia.PageLink(mysite, entry.full_title())
if old in entry.text:
# yield wikipedia.PageLink(mysite, entry.full_title())
yield entry
def read_pages_from_text_file(self):
Generator which will yield pages that are listed in a text file created by
the bot operator. Will regard everything inside [[double brackets]] as a
page name, and yield PageLinks for these pages.
* textfilename - the textfile's path, either absolute or relative
f = open(self.textfilename, 'r')
# regular expression which will find [[wiki links]]
R = re.compile(r'.*\[\[([^\]]*)\]\].*')
m = False
for line in f:
# BUG: this will only find one link per line.
# TODO: use findall() instead.
if m:
yield wikipedia.PageLink(wikipedia.getSite(), m.group(1))
def read_pages_from_wiki_page(self):
Generator which will yield pages that are listed in a wiki page. Will
regard everything inside [[double brackets]] as a page name, except for
interwiki and category links, and yield PageLinks for these pages.
* pagetitle - the title of a page on the home wiki
listpage = wikipedia.PageLink(wikipedia.getSite(), self.pagetitle)
list = wikipedia.get(listpage, read_only = True)
# TODO: Make MediaWiki's search feature available.
def generate(self):
Starts the generator.
if self.source == 'sqldump':
for pl in self.read_pages_from_sql_dump():
yield pl
elif self.source == 'textfile':
for pl in self.read_pages_from_text_file():
yield pl
elif self.source == 'userinput':
for pagename in self.pagenames:
yield wikipedia.PageLink(wikipedia.getSite(), pagename)
class ReplaceRobot:
def __init__(self, generator, replacements, exceptions = [], regex = False, acceptall = False):
self.generator = generator
self.replacements = replacements
self.exceptions = exceptions
self.regex = regex
self.acceptall = acceptall
def checkExceptions(self, original_text):
If one of the exceptions applies for the given text, returns the
substring. which matches the exception. Otherwise it returns None.
for exception in self.exceptions:
if self.regex:
exception = re.compile(exception)
hit = exception.search(original_text)
if hit:
return hit.group(0)
hit = original_text.find(exception)
if hit != -1:
return original_text[hit:hit + len(exception)]
return None
def doReplacements(self, original_text):
Returns the text which is generated by applying all replacements to the
given text.
new_text = original_text
for old, new in self.replacements.iteritems():
if self.regex:
# TODO: compiling the regex each time might be inefficient
oldR = re.compile(old)
new_text = oldR.sub(new, new_text)
new_text = new_text.replace(old, new)
return new_text
def run(self):
Starts the robot.
# Run the generator which will yield PageLinks to pages which might need to be
# changed.
for pl in self.generator.generate():
print ''
# rajouts moi
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s en cours' % pl.full_title())
# Load the page's text from the wiki
# original_text = pl.get()
original_text = pl.text
except wikipedia.NoPage:
# wikipedia.output(u'Page %s not found' % pl.linkname())
wikipedia.output(u'Page %s not found' % pl.full_title())
except wikipedia.LockedPage:
# wikipedia.output(u'Skipping locked page %s' % pl.linkname())
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping locked page %s' % pl.full_title())
except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
match = self.checkExceptions(original_text)
# skip all pages that contain certain texts
if match:
wikipedia.output(u'Skipping %s because it contains %s' % (pl.linkname(), match))
new_text = self.doReplacements(original_text)
if new_text == original_text:
# wikipedia.output('No changes were necessary in %s' % pl.linkname())
wikipedia.output('No changes were necessary in %s' % pl.full_title())
wikipedia.showColorDiff(original_text, new_text)
if not self.acceptall:
choice = wikipedia.input(u'Do you want to accept these changes? [y|n|a(ll)]')
if choice in ['a', 'A']:
self.acceptall = True
if self.acceptall or choice in ['y', 'Y']:
wikipedia.output(u'ok (simulation : on touche a rien)')
# pl.put(new_text)
def main():
# How we want to retrieve information on which pages need to be changed.
# Can either be 'sqldump', 'textfile' or 'userinput'.
source = None
# Array which will collect commandline parameters.
# First element is original text, second element is replacement text.
commandline_replacements = []
# A dictionary where keys are original texts and values are replacement texts.
replacements = {}
# Don't edit pages which contain certain texts.
exceptions = []
# Should the elements of 'replacements' and 'exceptions' be interpreted
# as regular expressions?
regex = False
# Predefined fixes from dictionary 'fixes' (see above).
fix = None
# the dump's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used when source
# is 'sqldump'.
sqlfilename = ''
# the textfile's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used when
# source is 'textfile'.
textfilename = ''
# a list of pages which will be used when source is 'userinput'.
pagenames = []
# will become True when the user presses a ('yes to all') or uses the -always
# commandline paramater.
acceptall = False
# Which namespace should be processed when using a SQL dump
# default to -1 which means all namespaces will be processed
namespace = -1
# Load default summary message.
wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg))
# Read commandline parameters.
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
arg = wikipedia.argHandler(arg, logname = 'replace.log')
if arg:
if arg == '-regex':
regex = True
elif arg.startswith('-file'):
if len(arg) == 5:
textfilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the filename:')
textfilename = arg[6:]
source = 'textfile'
elif arg.startswith('-sql'):
if len(arg) == 4:
sqlfilename = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the SQL dump\'s filename:')
sqlfilename = arg[5:]
source = 'sqldump'
elif arg.startswith('-page'):
if len(arg) == 5:
pagenames.append(wikipedia.input(u'Which page do you want to chage?'))
source = 'userinput'
elif arg.startswith('-except:'):
elif arg.startswith('-fix:'):
fix = arg[5:]
elif arg == '-always':
acceptall = True
elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
namespace = int(arg[11:])
if source == None or len(commandline_replacements) not in [0, 2]:
# syntax error, show help text from the top of this file
wikipedia.output(__doc__, 'utf-8')
if (len(commandline_replacements) == 2 and fix == None):
replacements[commandline_replacements[0]] = commandline_replacements[1]
wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg ) % ' (-' + commandline_replacements[0] + ' +' + commandline_replacements[1] + ')')
elif fix == None:
old = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the text that should be replaced:')
new = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the new text:')
change = '(-' + old + ' +' + new
replacements[old] = new
while True:
old = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter another text that should be replaced, or press Enter to start:')
if old == '':
change = change + ')'
new = wikipedia.input(u'Please enter the new text:')
change = change + ' & -' + old + ' +' + new
replacements[old] = new
default_summary_message = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg) % change
wikipedia.output(u'The summary message will default to: %s' % default_summary_message)
summary_message = wikipedia.input(u'Press Enter to use this default message, or enter a description of the changes your bot will make:')
if summary_message == '':
summary_message = default_summary_message
# Perform one of the predefined actions.
fix = fixes[fix]
except KeyError:
wikipedia.output(u'Available predefined fixes are: %s' % fixes.keys())
if 'regex' in fix:
regex = fix['regex']
if 'msg' in fix:
wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), fix['msg']))
if 'exceptions' in fix:
exceptions = fix['exceptions']
replacements = fix['replacements']
gen = ReplacePageGenerator(source, replacements, exceptions, regex, namespace, textfilename, sqlfilename, pagenames)
bot = ReplaceRobot(gen, replacements, exceptions, regex, acceptall)
if __name__ == "__main__":