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The following is a list of 1,344 words that occur 50 or more times in the Bible:

a - Aaron - abide - Abimelech - able - abner - abode - abomination - abominations - about - above - abraham - abroad - Absalom - abundance - according - Achab - acts - add - adore - adored - afar - afflict - afflicted - affliction - afraid - after - afterwards - again - against - age - air - alive - all - almighty - alone - also - altar - altars - always - am - amen - Ammon - among - an - ancients - and - angel - angels - anger - angry - anointed - another - answer - answered - answering - Antiochus - any - apostles - appear - appeared - appointed - are - arise - ark - arm - arms - army - arose - art - as - asa - ashamed - ashes - aside - ask - asked - ass - assembled - assembly - asses - Assyrians - astonished - at - ate - away - Azarias

Baal - babylon - back - bands - baptized - bars - Basan - battle - be - bear - beast - beasts - beautiful - beauty - became - because - become - bed - been - before - began - beget - begin - beginning - begot - behind - behold - being - believe - believed - beloved - benjamin - beseech - beside - besides - besought - best - Bethel - better - between - beyond - birds - blemish - bless - blessed - blessing - blind - blood - body - bones - book - border - borders - bore - born - both - bound - bow - bowels - boy - branches - brass - bread - breadth - break - brethren - bring - bringeth - broke - broken - brother - brought - buck - build - building - built - burden - buried - burn - burning - burnt - but - buy - by

calf - call - called - calling - calves - came - camels - camp - camped - can - cannot - canst - captain - captains - captives - captivity - care - carried - carry - cast - cattle - cause - cease - ceased - cedar - ceremonies - certain - Chaldeans - chamber - Chanaan - changed - chapter - charge - chariot - chariots - charity - cherubims - chief - child - children - choose - chose - chosen - christ - church - cities - city - clean - cleansed - clothed - cloud - clouds - come - cometh - comfort - coming - command - commanded - commandment - commandments - commit - committed - common - company - conceived - concerning - confidence - confounded - confusion - consider - consume - consumed - continue - converted - core - corn - could - counsel - countenance - countries - country - courage - court - covenant - cover - covered - created - cried - crown - cry - cubits - curse - cursed - cut

damascus - dan - daniel - darkness - daughter - daughters - david - day - days - dead - death - deceived - declare - deep - defiled - deliver - delivered - Demetrius - depart - departed - departing - desert - desire - desired - desolate - despise - despised - destroy - destroyed - destruction - devil - devils - devour - devoured - did - didst - die - died - diligently - disciples - distress - divers - divide - divided - do - doctrine - doing - dominion - done - door - doors - dost - doth - double - down - draw - dream - drew - drink - drunk - dry - dust - dwell - dwelleth - dwelling - dwelt -

each - ear - early - ears - earth - east - eat - eaten - Edom - egypt - egyptians - eight - either - Eleazar - Elias - Eliseus - end - ends - endureth - enemies - enemy - enter - entered - Ephraim - Esau - escape - even - evening - ever - everlasting - every - evil - evils - exalt - exalted - exceeding - exceedingly - except - eye - eyes - Ezechias

face - faces - faith - faithful - fall - fallen - false - families - family - famine - far - fast - fat - father - fathers - favour - fear - feared - feast - feed - feet - fell - few - field - fields - fifth - fifty - fight - fighting - fill - filled - find - fine - fire - first - firstborn - firstfruits - five - fled - flee - flesh - flock - flocks - flour - follow - followed - following - folly - food - fool - foolish - foot - for - forget - forgive - forgotten - former - fornication - forsake - forsaken - forth - forthwith - forty - forward - fought - found - four - fourth - free - friend - friends - from - fruit - fruits - fulfilled - full

gad - Galaad - Galilee - garment - garments - gate - gates - gather - gathered - gave - general - generation - generations - gentiles - get - ghost - gift - gifts - give - given - giveth - giving - glad - glorified - glorious - glory - go - goat - goats - god - gods - goeth - going - gold - golden - gone - good - goods - gospel - governor - grace - grass - graven - great - greater - greatly - greatness - grievous - ground - grow

had - hair - half - hand - handmaid - hands - happened - hard - harlot - harvest - has - hast - haste - hate - hated - hath - have - having - he - head - heads - healed - hear - heard - hearing - hearken - hearkened - heart - hearts - heat - heaven - heavens - Hebron - heed - height - held - hell - help - helper - her - here - herself - hid - hidden - hide - high - hill - hills - him - himself - his - hither - hold - holocaust - holocausts - holy - home - honey - honour - hope - horns - horsemen - horses - hosts - hour - house - houses - how - humble - humbled - hundred - hurt - husband

I - idols - if - ignorant - image - immediately - in - incense - increase - indeed - indignation - inhabitants - inheritance - iniquities - iniquity - inner - innocent - into - iron - is - isaac - Isaias - israel - it - its - itself

Jacob - Jehu - Jeremias - Jericho - Jeroboam - Jerusalem - Jesus - Jews - Joab - Joas - Job - John - Joiada - joined - Jonathan - Joram - Jordan - Josaphat - Joseph - Josias - Josue - journey - joy - Juda - Judas - Judea - judge - judged - judges - judgment - judgments - just - justice - justified keep - keepeth - kept - kill - killed - kind - kindled - kindred - kindreds - king - kingdom - kingdoms - kings - knew - know - knowest - knoweth - knowing - knowledge - known

labour - laid - lamb - lambs - land - lands - last - law - laws - lay - lead - learn - learned - least - leave - led - left - length - leprosy - lest - let - letters - levi - Levites - Libanus - libations - lie - life - lift - lifted - light - like - linen - lion - lions - lips - little - live - lived - liveth - living - lo - loins - long - look - looked - looketh - looking - lord - lot - loud - love - loved - loveth - lying

made - make - maketh - making - male - man - Manasses - manifest - manner - many - Mardochai - Mary - master - matter - may - mayest - mayst - me - measure - measured - meat - meet - men - merciful - mercy - messengers - met - midst - might - mighty - milk - mind - mine - minister - ministry - Moab - money - month - months - moon - more - moreover - morning - morrow - moses - most - mother - mount - mountain - mountains - mourn - mourning - mouth - moved - much - multiplied - multiply - multitude - multitudes - must - my - myself

Nabuchodonosor - naked - name - named - names - nation - nations - near - neck - need - needy - neighbour - neither - never - new - next - nigh - night - no - noise - none - nor - north - not - nothing - now - number - numbered o - oath - obey - oblation - observe - of - off - offer - offered - offering - offerings - oil - old - on - once - one - ones - only - open - opened - or - order - other - others - ought - our - ourselves - out - over - overcome - own - ox - oxen

parable - part - parts - pass - passed - paths - patience - paul - pay - peace - penance - people - perfect - perhaps - perish - perished - perpetual - person - peter - pharao - Pharisees - Philistines - pieces - Pilate - pillars - pit - pity - place - places - plain - plains - please - pleased - pleasure - poor - portion - possess - possessed - possession - pour - poured - power - praise - praised - pray - prayed - prayer - prayers - preach - preached - precepts - precious - prepare - prepared - presence - present - prey - price - pride - priest - priests - prince - princes - prison - promise - promised - prophesy - prophet - prophets - proud - provinces - provoke - provoked - psalm - purple - pursued - put - queen - quickly - race - rain - raise - raised - ram - rams - ran - rather - read - ready - reason - receive - received - red - redeemed - regard - reign - reigned - rejoice - rejoiced - remain - remained - remember - remembered - remnant - removed - render - rent - reproach - resist - rest - restore - return - returned - revenge - reward - rich - riches - right - rise - risen - rising - river - rivers - rock - rod - root - rose - round - Ruben - rule - ruler - rulers - run - running

s - sabbath - sacrifice - sacrificed - sacrifices - Sadoc - said - saints - saith - sake - salute - salvation - Samaria - same - samuel - sanctified - sanctify - sanctuary - sat - satan - saul - save - saved - saviour - saw - say - saying - scarlet - scattered - scribe - scribes - sea - second - secret - Sedecias - see - seed - seeing - seek - seemed - seen - seeth - send - sent - separated - sepulchre - servant - servants - serve - served - service - set - seven - seventh - seventy - shadow - shall - shalt - shame - she - shed - sheep - shew - shewed - shewn - ship - should - shouldst - shut - Sichem - sick - side - sides - sight - sign - signs - silver - Simeon - simon - sin - sing - singing - sinned - sinner - sinners - sins - Sion - sister - sit - sitting - six - slain - slaughter - sleep - slept - slew - small - so - sold - soldiers - Solomon - some - son - sons - soon - sorrow - sought - soul - souls - sound - south - spare - speak - speaketh - speaking - speech - spirit - spoils - spoke - spoken - spread - stand - standing - stars - stay - stead - steps - still - stone - stones - stood - strange - stranger - strangers - streets - strength - strengthened - stretch - stretched - strike - strong - struck - subject - substance - suburbs - such - suffer - suffered - sun - supplication - surely - swear - sweet - sword - swore - syria

tabernacle - table - tables - take - taken - taketh - taking - talents - taught - teach - tears - teeth - tell - temple - ten - tent - tenth - tents - terrible - testimony - than - thanks - that - the - thee - their - them - themselves - then - thence - there - therefore - therein - thereof - these - they - thing - things - think - third - thirty - this - thither - those - thou - though - thought - thoughts - thousand - thousands - three - throne - through - thus - thy - thyself - till - time - times - to - Tobias - together - told - tongue - took - top - torrent - touch - touched - toward - towards - treasures - tree - trees - tribe - tribes - tribulation - trouble - troubled - true - trumpet - trumpets - trust - truth - turn - turned - twelve - twentieth - twenty - two - tyre

unclean - under - understand - understanding - understood - unjust - unless - until - unto - up - upon - upward - us - use - vain - valiant - valley - vanity - vengeance - very - vessel - vessels - victim - victims - villages - vineyard - vineyards - violence - violet - vision - visit - voice - void

wait - walk - walked - wall - walls - want - war - was - wash - washed - wast - waste - watch - water - waters - way - ways - we - weak - weep - weeping - weight - well - went - wept - were - west - what - whatsoever - wheat - when - whence - where - whereas - wherefore - wherein - wherewith - whether - which - while - whilst - white - whither - who - whole - whom - whose - whosoever - why - wicked - wickedness - widow - wife - wilderness - will - wilt - wind - wine - wings - wisdom - wise - wit - with - within - without - witness - witnesses - wives - woe - woman - womb - women - wonderful - wonders - wood - word - words - work - works - world - worship - worshipped - worthy - would - wounded - wrath - write - written - wrote - wrought - ye - yea - year - years - yet - yoke - you - young - your - yourselves - youth -