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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-

This bot goes over multiple pages of the home wiki, and edits them without
changing. This is for example used to get category links in templates

Don't forget to set the ftout to your current list of words,
see below for a line that looks like:
ftout =open('/home/cmillet/wikitruks/wiktio/all/2005-12-14.txt', 'r')

This script understands various command-line arguments:

    -start:        used as -start:page_name, specifies that the robot should
                   go alphabetically through all pages on the home wiki,
                   starting at the named page.

    -file:         used as -file:file_name, read a list of pages to treat
                   from the named textfile. Page titles should be enclosed
                   in [[double-squared brackets]].

    -ref:          used as -start:page_name, specifies that the robot should
                   touch all pages referring to the named page.

    -cat:          used as -cat:category_name, specifies that the robot should
                   touch all pages in the named category.

All other parameters will be regarded as a page title; in this case, the bot
will only touch a single page.
import wikipedia, wiktionary, pagegenerators, catlib
import sys
import re
import time

#endings = [<ms>, <fs>, <mp>, <fp>]
#endings = [u'', u'e', u's', u'es']
#pronEnding = [u'', u'', u'', u'']
heading = u'Annexe:Conjugaison française:'
ending = u'ir'
templateName = u'fr-conj-2'
alphanum = [u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd', u'e', u'f', u'g', u'h', u'i', u'j', u'k', u'l', u'm', u'n', u'o', u'p', u'q', u'r', u's', u't', u'u', u'v', u'w', u'x', u'y', u'z', u'0', u'1', u'2', u'3', u'4', u'5', u'6', u'7', u'8', u'9']
aList = [u'@', u'à', u'À', u'â', u'Â', u'ä', u'Ä']
cList = [u'ç']
eList = [u'€', u'é', u'É', u'è', u'È', u'ê', u'Ê', u'ë', u'Ë']
iList = [u'ï', u'Ï', u'î', u'Î']
nList = [u'ñ']
oList = [u'ô', u'Ô']
uList = [u'ù', u'Ù', u'û', u'Û', u'ü', u'Ü']
quoteList = [u'’', u'\'', u'\`', u'\"', u'\\', u'\/']
dotList = [u' ', u'.', u'&', u'~', u'{', u'(', u'[', u'-', u'|', u'_', u'^', u')', u']', u'=', u'°', u'+', u'=', u'}', u'£', u'$', u'¤', u'%', u'µ', u'*', u'?', u',', u';', u':', u'§', u'!', u'<', u'>']

commentCompiler = re.compile( u"\<\!\-\-(.*?)\-\-\>", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
templateCompiler = re.compile(u'\{\{' + templateName + u' *\r?\n?\| *.*?\}\}', re.DOTALL)
flexionCompiler = re.compile(u'\{\{' + templateName + u' *\r?\n?\| *(.*?)\}\}', re.DOTALL)
flexionParser = re.compile(u'\{\{' + templateName + u'.*?\}\}', re.DOTALL)
splitCompiler = re.compile(u'\|')
parameterCompiler = re.compile(u'^(.*?) *\= *(.*?)$')
spacesCompiler = re.compile(u'\s+')

class KeyBot:
  def __init__(self, generator, acceptall = False):
    self.generator = generator
    self.acceptall = acceptall
  def run(self):
    for page in self.generator:
        hasBadParameters = False
        hasStrangeParameter = False
        word = page.title()
        while len(word) > 0 and heading + word != page.title():
          word = word[1:]
        wordBase = word
        while len(wordBase) > 0 and wordBase + ending != word:
          wordBase = wordBase[:-1]
        if wordBase + ending == word:
          wikipedia.output(u'page: %s' % page.title())
          thePage = page.get()
          theChangedPage = thePage # as newtext, but without comment
          # removing <!-- -->
          oldText = commentCompiler.sub(u'', thePage)
          # We need to do something here
          newText = oldText
          templateList = templateCompiler.findall(newText)
  ##          maxIteration = int(100)
  ##          while flexion and maxIteration > 0:
          for oldTemplate in templateList:
            flexion =
            parameterList = splitCompiler.split(
            wordStart = parameterList[0].strip(u'\r\n ')
            if len(parameterList) > 0:
              nothing = parameterList[0].strip(u'\r\n ')
              if nothing == u'':
  ##            pron = parameterList[1].strip(u'\r\n ')
            parameters = {}
            parameterIndex = []
            for parameter in parameterList:
              parameter = parameter.strip(u'\r\n ')
              parameterElmnt =
              if parameterElmnt:
                parameters[] =
                hasStrangeParameter = True

            if u'cat' not in parameters:
              parameters[u'cat'] = word

            if u'v1' in parameters or u'v2' in parameters or u'c1' in parameters or u'c2' in parameters or u'p.v1' in parameters or u'p.v2' in parameters or u'ill' in parameters or u'j' in parameters or u'e' in parameters:
              hasBadParameters = True
          # we upload the text
          if hasBadParameters:
            wikipedia.output(u'################### %s ####################' % word)
            theTitle = word
            encodedTitle = theTitle.encode('utf-8')
      except wikipedia.NoPage:
          wikipedia.output(u'Page %s does not exist?!?!'%page.aslink())
      except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
      except wikipedia.LockedPage:

def main():
    #page generator
    gen = None
    pageTitle = []
    for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
        if arg:
            if arg.startswith('-start:'):
                gen = pagegenerators.AllpagesPageGenerator(arg[7:])
            elif arg.startswith('-ref:'):
                referredPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[5:])
                gen = pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(referredPage)
            elif arg.startswith('-links:'):
                linkingPage = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[7:])
                gen = pagegenerators.LinkedPageGenerator(linkingPage)
            elif arg.startswith('-file:'):
                gen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(arg[6:])
            elif arg.startswith('-cat:'):
                catGen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator('./cat.txt')
                catPreloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(catGen)
                for catPage in catPreloadingGen:
                  cat = catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(), catPage.title())
                gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat)

    if pageTitle:
        page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), ' '.join(pageTitle))
        gen = iter([page])
    if not gen:
        preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen)
        bot = KeyBot(preloadingGen)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    now = time.localtime()
    filename = './articlesToChange-' + str(now.tm_hour) + '-' + str(now.tm_min) + '-' + str(now.tm_sec) + '.txt'
    outputFile =open(filename, 'w')