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Carl Fredrik Sjöland
Carl Fredrik Sjöland
Personal account

About me

I am a medical doctor in Stockholm, Sweden. I grew up and studied in Gothenburg, and have lived abroad for extended periods in The United States, Japan, and France.

I've been a Wikipedian since May 2006, when I was 15; currently 18 years, 8 months and 27 days ago.

My work

I am currently employed at the Karolinska Institute, where I do research in global health and epidemiology of infectious disease.


Feel free to leave a message on my talk page.
On other sites

Disclaimer: I've been both a volunteer and employee of the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Sweden; I work continuously as Wikipedian in Residence for the en:Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services ( using the account Carl Fredrik (WIR); and was a full board member of Wikimedia Medicine between 2015–2019, where I continue to be an advisory member