(cooking) vessel | Noun | बरतन | |
(eye) glasses | Noun | चश्मा | |
(for) just a moment | Adverb | पल भर | क्या तुम पल भर के लिये बाहर जाओगे ? |
(good) name | Noun | शुभ नाम | आप का शुभ नाम क्या है ? |
(made of) cotton | Adjective | सूती | |
(maternal) grandfather | Noun | नाना | |
(maternal)grandmother | Noun | नानी | |
(paternal) grandfather, elder brother | Noun | दादा | |
(paternal) grandfather, old man, ascetic | Noun | बाबा | |
(paternal) grandmother | Noun | दादी | |
�as..so | Conjunction | ज्यों ज्यों... त्य़ों त्य़ों… | |
�plus one half | Adjective | साढ़े | |
1/4 seer (about half a pound) | Noun | पाव | |
a fourth | Noun | चौथाई | |
a little | Adjective | ज़रा | |
able, capable, competent | Adjective | लायक़ | |
about, in relation to | Postposition | के विषय में | |
about, pertaining to, relating to | Postposition | के बारे में | |
above, upward | Adverb | ऊपर | |
accepted | Adjective | स्वीकार | |
according to (one's) understanding | की समझ में | आपकी समझ में मुझे क्या करना चाहिये ? | |
according to, in accordance with | Postposition | के मुताबिक | आपके मुताबिक अब हमें क्या करना चाहिये ? |
according to, in accordance with | Postposition | के अनुसार | |
account, reckoning | Noun | हिसाब | |
acquaintance, familiarity, identity | Noun | पहचान | |
across, on the side of, beyond | Postposition | के पार | |
address, knowledge | Noun | पता | |
advantage, gain, profit,benefit | Noun | फ़ायदा | |
advice, counsel, opinion | Noun | सलाह | यह काम तुमने किसकी सलाह से किया ? |
after | Postposition | के बाद | |
again, new | Adverb | फिर से | |
against, opposed to | Postposition | के खिलाफ | |
age, lifetime | Noun | उम्र | |
age, time, period | Noun | ज़माना | |
agriculture, farming | Noun | खेती | |
ahead of, in front of, before | Postposition | के आगे | |
ahead, before, in the future | Adverb | आगे | |
aim, goal | Noun | उद्देश्य | |
airplane | Noun | हवाई जहाज़ | |
alive, living | Adjective | ज़िंदा | |
all | Adjective/Pronoun | सब | |
all (emphatic) | Adjective | सभी | |
all day | Adverb | दिन भर | तुमने दिन भर में क्या किया ? |
all day | Adverb | दिन भर दिन भर | |
all right! | Interjection | ठीक ! | |
all right, so-so | Adjective | ठीक-ठाक | |
all week | Adverb | हफ़्ते भर | |
all, entire | Adjective | तमाम | |
all, entire, whole | Suffix | भर | |
also, too, even | Particle | भी | |
always | Adverb | हमेशा | |
among our/your/themselves, mutually | Pronoun | आपस में | |
and | Conjunction | तथा | |
anger | Noun | नाराज़गी | तुम्हारी नाराज़गी का क्या कारण है ? |
anger | Noun | गुस्सा | |
anger | Noun | क्रोध | |
angry | Adjective | नाराज़ | तुम मुझसे नाराज़ हो ? |
angry, hot tempered | Adjective | क्रोधी | |
animal | Noun | जानवर | |
answer, reply, response | Noun | जवाब | |
answer, reply, response; north | Noun | उत्तर | |
anybody, someone: any | Pronoun/Adjective | कोई | क्या तुममें से कोई बाज़ार जा रहा है ? |
anyone at all, any � at all | Pronoun/Adjective | कोई भी | |
anything at all | Pronoun | कुछ भी | |
anywhere at all | Adverb | कहीं भी | |
apple | Noun | सेव, सेब | |
approximately, about | Adverb | लगभग | |
approximately, about | Adverb | तक़रीबन | |
area, region, territory | Noun | इलाका | |
argument, discussion, debate | Noun | बहस | |
armpit, side, flank | Noun | बग़ल | |
army | Noun | फ़ौज | |
art, craft, skill | Noun | कला | |
artificial | Adjective | नक़ली | |
artisan, skilled person | Noun | कारीगर | |
artist, artisan, craftsman | Noun | कलाकार | |
as far as | Adverb | जहाँ तक | |
as if, as though; supposing | Conjunction | मानो, मानों | |
as many as | Pronoun/Adjective | जितने | |
as much � as � | Pronoun/Adjective | उतना जितना | |
as much as | Pronoun/Adjective | जितना | |
as soon as | Conjunction | ज्यों ही | |
as soon as, no sooner then | Conjunction | जैसे ही | |
as, as if | Conjunction | ज्यों | |
as, in the manner of | Postposition | के तौर पर | मिसाल के तौर पर, यह देखिये ! |
as, just as | Conjunction | जैसा कि | |
as, like, for example, for instance, as if | Adverb/Conjunction | जैसे | |
as�so | Conjunction | जैसे.. वैसे.. | |
ascent, rise, incline | Noun | चढ़ाई | |
ash (es) | Noun | राख | घर में राख कहाँ से आ गयी है ? |
at � o'clock | Adverb | ... बजे (पर) | |
at first, first of all, previously | Adverb | पहले | |
at home | Adverb | घर पर | तुम्हारे घर पर, आज कौन आया है ? |
at last, after all, finally | Adverb | आखिर (2) | |
at last, after all, finally | Adverb | आखिरकार | यह शोर आखिरकार आ कहाँ से रहा है ? |
at least | Adverb | कम से कम | |
at noon; in the afternoon | Adverb | दोपहर को | |
at once | Adverb | फौरन | |
at once | Adverb | एकदम | |
at once, immediately | Adverb | तुरंत | |
at one time or another | Adverb | कभी न कभी | |
at the place or home of (someone) | Postposition | के यहाँ | |
at this very place, right here | Adverb | यहीं | |
atmosphere, surroundings | Noun | वातावरण | |
attack | Noun | हमला | तुम पर किसने हमला किया था ? |
attempt | Noun | कोशिश | |
attention, concentration of mind, meditation | Noun | ध्यान | तुम्हारा ध्यान आजकल कहाँ रहता है ? |
aunt (mother's brother's wife) | Noun | मामी मामी | |
aunty (father's younger brother's wife) | Noun | चाची | |
auspicious, good, splendid | Adjective | शुभ | |
autumn | Noun | शरद | |
back | Noun | पीठ | |
back part, rear | Noun | पीछा | |
bad | Adjective | बुरा | |
bad quality, fault, flaw, evil | Noun | बुराई | |
bad, spoiled, defective | Adjective | ख़राब | |
bag, shoulder bag, backpack | Noun | झोला | |
ball, bomb | Noun | गोला | |
banana | Noun | केला | |
bank, edge, side, border | Noun | किनारा | |
barley | Noun | जौ | |
basic, fundamental | Adjective | बुनियादी | |
basket | Noun | टोकरी | |
bathroom | Noun | गुसलख़ाना | |
bazaar, market | Noun | बाज़ार | |
bear | Noun | भालू | |
beard | Noun | दाढ़ी | |
beating, blow | Noun | मार | |
beating; scuffle, exchange of blows | Noun | मार-पीट | |
beautiful, pretty, handsome | Adjective | सुंदर | |
beautiful, pretty, handsome | Adjective | खूबसूरत | |
beauty | Noun | खूबसूरती | |
beauty | Noun | सुंदरता | |
because of, on account of | Postposition | की वजह से | |
because of, on account of | Postposition | के कारण | |
because of, on account of | Postposition | के मारे | |
because, since | Conjunction | क्यों कि | |
bed | Noun | पलंग | |
bed, cot | Noun | चारपाई | |
bedding | Noun | बिस्तर | |
bedsheet | Noun | चादर | |
before | Postposition | से पहले, के पहले | |
before | Postposition | के पहले | |
beggar | Noun | भिखारी | यह भिखारी अन्दर कैसे घुस आया ? |
beginning | Noun | शुरू | |
beginning, beginning stage | Noun | शुरुआत | |
behavior | Noun | व्यवहार | |
behind, in back | Adverb | पीछे | |
behind, in back of | Postposition | के पीछे | |
bell, gong, clock, hour | Noun | घंटा | |
beloved, dear, pleasing | Adjective | प्रिय | वह मेरा प्रिय छात्र है ? |
below | Adverb | नीचे | |
besides, in addition to, apart from | Postposition | के अलावा | |
best wishes | Noun | शुभ कामनाएँ | |
better | Adjective | बेहतर | |
beware! | Interjection | खबरदार! | |
big stick, cudgel, truncheon, club, bat | Noun | लाठी | |
big, great, important, elder | Adjective | बड़ा | |
bird | Noun | चिड़िया | |
birth | Noun | जन्म | तुम्हारा जन्म कहाँ हुआ था ? |
black, dark | Adjective | काला | |
bland, tasteless | Adjective | फीका | |
blind | Adjective | अंधा | |
blood | Noun | खून | |
blue | Adjective | नीला | |
boat | Noun | नाव | |
body | Noun | देह | |
body | Noun | शरीर | |
body | Noun | बदन | |
boldness, bravery, valor | Noun | बहादुरी | |
bond, tie, restriction | Noun | बंधन | |
bone | Noun | हड्डी | |
book | Noun | किताब | |
book bag, school bag | Noun | बस्ता | |
born | Adjective | पैदा | |
both | Adjective | दोनों | |
both� and� | Particle | ...भी ...भी | |
box | Noun | संदूक | यह संदूक किसका है ? |
box, compartment | Noun | डिब्बा | यह डिब्बा किस चीज़ का है ? |
boy, son | Noun | लड़का | |
brave, bold, valiant | Adjective | बहादुर | |
bravo! well done! | Interjection | शाबाश ! | |
breakfast, snack | Noun | नाश्ता | आज नाश्ते में क्या बना है ? |
breath | Noun | साँस | |
bridge | Noun | पुल | |
broken | Adjective | टूटा | |
broom | Noun | झाड़ू | |
brother, cousin | Noun | भाई | |
brother, term of affection for a brother | Noun | भैया | भैया तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
brother-in-law (wife's brother), term of abuse | Noun | साला | साले जी कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
brown | Adjective | भूरा | |
building | Noun | भवन भवन | |
building, structure, edifice | Noun | इमारत | |
bullet, pill | Noun | गोली | |
bullock | Noun | बैल | |
bullock cart | Noun | बैलगाड़ी | |
business, trade | Noun | व्यापार | |
but | Conjunction | लेकिन | |
but | Conjunction | मगर | |
but | Conjunction | किंतु | |
but, yet | Conjunction | पर (Conjunction) | |
butter | Noun | मक्खन | |
by force, forcibly | Adverb | ज़बरदस्ती से | |
by means of | Postposition | के द्वारा | |
by mistake | Adverb | भूलकर | |
by, by means of, through | Postposition | के ज़रिये | |
cabbage | Noun | बंद गोभी | |
camel | Noun | ऊँट | |
candle | Noun | मोमबत्ती | |
cap, hat | Noun | टोपी | |
capital | Noun | राजधानी | |
car | Noun | मोटर | |
care, maintenance, supervision | Noun | देखभाल | |
careful! beware! | Interjection | सावधानी ! | |
carefully, attentively | Adverb | ध्यान से | |
carrot | Noun | गाजर | |
cart, carriage, car, train, vehicle | Noun | गाड़ी | |
caste, breed | Noun | जाति | |
cat | Noun | बिल्ली | |
cauliflower | Noun | गोभी | |
cause, reason | Noun | वजह | तुम्हारी यहाँ आने की क्या वजह है ? |
caution, care | Noun | सावघानी | |
cautious, careful | Adjective | सावधान | |
cautious, watchful | Adjective | खबरदार होना | क्या आप इस मुसीबत से ख़बरदार हैं ? |
century | Noun | शताब्दी | |
certainly | Adverb | ज़रूर | |
certainly, definitely | Adverb | अवश्य | |
chair | Noun | कुर्सी | |
chance, opportunity, occasion | Noun | मौक़ा | |
change | Noun | परिवर्तन | |
chapati ( a type of thin round bread) | Noun | चपाती | |
cheap | Adjective | सस्ता | |
cheese | Noun | पनीर | |
chest, breast, bosom | Noun | छाती | |
child | Noun | बच्चा | यह बच्चा किसका है ? |
childhood | Noun | बचपन | |
choli (a type of women's bodice) | Noun | चोली | |
church | Noun | गिरजा (घर) | |
citizen | Noun | नागरिक | |
city | Noun | शहर | |
city, town | Noun | नगर | |
class, degree, rank, category | Noun | दर्जा | |
clean; clear | Adjective | साफ़ | |
cleanliness | Noun | सफ़ाई | |
clever, cunning, crafty | Adjective | चालाक | |
clever, intelligent | Adjective | होशियार | |
cleverness, intelligence | Noun | होशियारी | |
close to, near | Postposition | के नज़दीक | |
closed, stopped, off | Adjective | बंद | |
cloth, fabric, textile | Noun | कपड़ा | |
clothes | Noun | कपड़े | |
cloud | Noun | बादल | |
coal, charcoal | Noun | कोयला | |
cock, rooster | Noun | मुर्ग | |
coconut | Noun | नारियल | |
cold | Noun | ठंड | |
cold | Adjective | ठंडा | |
cold (sickness) | Noun | जुकाम | |
cold, winter | Noun | सर्दी, सरदी | |
collected, gathered | Adjective | जमा | |
collected, gathered | Adjective | इकट्ठा | |
color, dye, paint | Noun | रंग रंग | |
colored, colorful; color (eg. Color TV) | Adjective | रंगीन | |
common | Adjective | आम(2) | |
companion | Noun | साथी | तुम्हारे साथी कौन कौन हैं ? |
company, association | Noun | साथ | |
comparsion | Noun | तुलना | |
complaint | Noun | शिकायत | |
completely, absolutely | Adverb | बिल्कुल, बिल्कुल | |
concern, care | Noun | परवाह | |
confusion, muddle, mess, disorder | Noun | गड़बड़ | |
congratulations | Noun | बधाई | |
congratulations on (your,) wedding! | Interjection | शादी मुबारक ! | हमारी तरफ से आपको शादी मुबारक ! |
congratulations, blessed, auspicious, happy | Adjective | मुबारक | |
consciousness, senses | Noun | होश | |
control, power | Noun | बस | |
conversation | Noun | बातचीत | |
coolie | Noun | कुली | |
copy, imitation | Noun | नक़ल | यह राम के पर्चे की नकल है ! |
corner | Noun | कोना | |
correct, proper | Adjective | सही | |
correctly, properly | Adverb | ठीक से | |
cost, expense, expenditure | Noun | खर्च | |
cough | Noun | खाँसी | |
country | Noun | मुल्क | |
country, land | Noun | देश | |
countryside, village | Noun | देहात | |
courage | Noun | हिम्मत | |
cover, lid | Noun | ढक्कन | |
cow | Noun | गाय | |
craziness, madness | Noun | पागलपन | यह क्या पागलपन लगा रखा है ? |
crazy, mad | Adjective | पागल | तुम क्या पागल हो गये हो ? |
crocodile | Noun | मगर, मगरमच्छ मगर, मगरमच्छ | |
crop, harvest | Noun | फ़सल | |
crowd, mob | Noun | भीड़ | |
cultural | Adjective | सांस्कृतिक | |
culture | Noun | संस्कृति | |
cup | Noun | प्याला प्याला | |
cupboard | Noun | अलमारी | |
curtain, veil, the wearing of a veil | Noun | परदा, पर्दा | |
curved, bent, crooked, intricate | Adjective | टेढ़ा | |
custom, practice | Noun | रिवाज | |
dacoit, bandit | Noun | डाकू | |
daily, every day | Adverb | रोज़ाना | |
daily, every day; day | Noun/Adverb | रोज़ | |
dance | Noun | नाच | |
danger | Noun | खतरा | |
dangerous | Adjective | खतरनाक | |
darkness, dark | Noun/Adjective | अंधेरा | |
date, appointed day, history | Noun | तारीख़ | आज क्या तारीख़ है ? |
daughter | Noun | बेटी | |
daughter, girl, maiden, virgin | Noun | कन्या | |
day | Noun | दिन | |
day in day out, day after day | Adverb | रोज़ रोज़ | तुम रोज़ रोज़ बीमार क्यों पड़ जाते हो ? |
dear, beloved | Adjective | प्यारा | |
death | Noun | देहांत | |
death | Noun | मौत | |
debt, loan | Noun | कर्ज़ | हम आपका कर्ज़ कैसे चुकाएँगे ? |
decided, resolved, settled, fixed | Adjective | तय | |
decision | Noun | निश्चय | |
deed, action, any relegious action or rite, fate | Noun | कर्म | |
deep, dark (color), profound | Adjective | गहरा | |
deer | Noun | हिरन | |
defeat | Noun | हार | |
defect | Noun | ख़राबी | |
delicate, tender, fragile | Adjective | नाज़ुक | |
demand | Noun | माँग | |
deserted, quiet | Adjective | सुनसान | |
desire, wish, well | Noun | इच्छा | |
development | Noun | विकास | |
device, means, remedy (for a situation) | Noun | उपाय | |
dhoti (a knee-length loincloth) | Noun | धोती | |
dictionary | Noun | शब्दकोश | |
difference, distinction | Noun | फ़र्क़ फ़र्क़ | |
different from | Adjective | भिन्न से | |
different, separate, distinct | Adjective | भिन्न | |
difficult, difficulty | Noun/Adjective | मुश्किल | |
difficult, hard | Adjective | कठिन | |
difficulty | Noun | कठिनाई | |
difficulty, trouble | Noun | दिक़्क़त | |
dirty, filthy | Adjective | गंदा | |
dirty, soiled | Adjective | मैला | |
distance | Noun | दूरी | |
disturbed, restless, uneasy | Adjective | बेचैन | तुम इतने बेचैन क्यों हो रहे हो ? |
dog | Noun | कुत्ता | |
donkey, ass | Noun | गधा | |
door | Noun | दरवाज़ा | |
door leaf, shutter | Noun | किवाड़ | |
double, two-fold | Adjective | दुगना, दुगुना | |
doubt | Noun | शक | तुम मुझपर शक क्यों करते हो ? |
drawer | Noun | दराज़ | |
dream | Noun | सपना | |
drop | Noun | बूँद | यह पानी की बूँद कहाँ से गिरी ? |
dry | Adjective | सूखा | |
duck | Noun | बतख़ | |
dupatta (a long scarf) | Noun | दुपट्टा | |
during | Postposition | के दौरान | |
dust, dirt | Noun | धूल | |
each other, one another | Pronoun | आपस | |
ear | Noun | कान | |
earth, soil; dust | Noun | मिट्टी | |
easily | Adverb | आसानी से | |
east | Noun | पूरब, पूर्व | |
eastern | Adjective | पूर्वी | |
easy, convenience | Noun | आसानी | |
easy, simple, convenient | Noun/Adjective | आसान | |
educated man, middle class man, clerk | Noun | बाबू | |
education | Noun | तालीम | |
education, teaching | Noun | शिक्षा | तुमने अपनी शिक्षा कहाँ से ली है ? |
educational | Adjective | तालीमी | |
egg | Noun | अंडा | क्या तुम अंडा खाते हो ? |
either� or� | Conjunction | चाहे...चाहे.. | |
either� or� | Conjunction | या... या... | |
election, selection | Noun | चुनाव | इस बार का चुनाव कौन जीतेगा ? |
electricity, lightning | Noun | बिजली | |
elephant | Noun | हाथी | |
emotion, feeling | Noun | भावना | |
emperor | Noun | बादशाह | |
emphatic particle: at any rate, however, at least | Particle | तो | |
emphatic particle: only, solely, alone, none but | Particle | ही | |
empty, vacant, unoccupied, blank | Adjective | खाली | |
end | Noun | अंत | क्या तुमने किसी फूल के जीवन का अंत देखा है ? |
end | Noun | आखिर | |
enemy | Noun | दुश्मन | |
english (language) | Noun/Adjective | अंग्रेजी | |
englishman, british person | Noun/Adjective | अंग्रेज | |
enmity, hostility | Noun | दुश्मनी | |
enough! that's all | Interjection | बस ! बस ! | |
entertaining | Adjective | मनोरंजक | |
entertainment | Noun | मनोरंजन | |
enthusiasm | Noun | उत्साह | |
entire, whole, complete | Adjective | पूरा | |
envelope | Noun | लिफ़ाफ़ा | क्या तुम्हारे पास खाली लिफ़ाफ़ा है ? |
equal to, similar to, like | Postposition | के समान | |
equal, same, even | Adjective | बराबर | |
equal, similar | Adjective | समान | |
equality | Noun | बराबरी | |
especially | Adverb | खास से | |
essay, treatise | Noun | निबंध | |
etcetera (etc.) | Adverb | वग़ैरह, वग़ैरा | |
even if, whether | Conjunction | चाहे | |
even then, even so | Conjunction | तब भी | |
even then, nevertheless, in spite | Conjunction/Adverb | तो भी | |
evening | Noun | शाम | |
every, each | Adjective | हर | |
everyone | Pronoun | सब लोग | सब लोग कहाँ जा रहे हैं ? |
everything | Pronoun | सब कुछ | |
everywhere | Adverb | सब कहीं | |
everywhere, all around | Adverb | चाऱों तऱफ | |
examination, test | Noun | परीक्षा | |
examination, test | Noun | इम्तिहान | |
example | Noun | उदाहरण | |
example | Noun | मिसाल | |
except, apart from, besides | Postposition | के सिवा, के सिवाय | |
excepting, except for | Postposition | को छोड़कर | |
exchange, revenge | Noun | बदला | |
excuse, pretext, pretense | Noun | बहाना | |
excused, pardoned | Adjective | माफ़ | |
expensive | Adjectve | महँगा | |
expensive, precious, valuable | Adjective | कीमती | |
experience | Noun | अनुभव | |
eye | Noun | आँख | |
eyelid | Noun | पलक | तुम बार बार पलक क्यों झपका रहे हो ? |
face, features | Noun | चेहरा | |
face, mouth | Noun | मुँह | |
factory, workshop, mill | Noun | कारख़ाना | |
fair, festival | Noun | मेला | |
faith, confidence, assurance, certainty | Noun | यक़ीन | क्या तुम्हें मुझ पर यक़ीन नहीं है ? |
faith, confidence, trust, belief | Noun | विश्वास विश्वास | |
false, untrue | Adjective | झूठा | |
family | Noun | परिवार | |
famous | Adjective | मशहूर | |
fan | Noun | पंखा | |
far from | Postposition | से दूर | |
far, distant, remote/far off, far away | Adjective/Adverb | दूर | |
farmer, peasant | Noun | किसान | |
fat, thick | Adjective | मोटा | |
fate, fortune, lot, luck | Noun | किस्मत | |
father | Noun | बाप | तुम्हारे बाप का क्या नाम है ? |
father | Noun | पिता | |
father-in-law | Noun | ससुर | |
fear | Noun | डर | |
felt, perceived | Adjective | महसूस | |
female servant | Noun | नौकरानी | |
festival day, festival | Noun | त्यौहार, त्योहार | |
fever | Noun | बुख़ार | |
few, some | Adjective | थोड़े | |
field, farm | Noun | खेत | |
field, plain, open area | Noun | मैदान | |
fight, battle, quarrel | Noun | लड़ाई | यहाँ किस बात पर लड़ाई हो रही है ? |
filth, diry, uncleanliness | Noun | गंदगी | |
finger | Noun | उंगली | |
finished, completed | Adjective | ख़त्म | |
fire | Noun | आग | |
first | Adjective | पहला पहला | |
fish | Noun | मछली | |
fit for, proper for worthy of | Adjective | के लायक़ | तुम क्या काम करने के लायक़ हो ? |
flag, banner | Noun | झंडा | |
flash, brilliance, shine, glare | Noun | चमक | |
flesh, meat | Noun | गोश्त | |
floor, flooring | Noun | फ़र्श | |
flour | Noun | आटा | |
flower | Noun | फूल | |
fly | Noun | मक्खी मक्खी | |
food | Noun | खाना (N) | |
food, meal | Noun | भोजन | |
foolish, stupid | Adjective | मूर्ख | |
foolish, stupid | Adjective | बेवकूफ़ | |
foolishness, stupidity | Noun | बेवकूफ़ी बेवकूफ़ी | |
foolishness, stupidity | Noun | मूर्खता | |
foot, leg | Noun | पाँव | |
foot, leg | Noun | पैर | |
for | Postposition | के लिए | तुम यहाँ किस काम के लिए आये हो ? |
for a glance to fall on someone | Verb | पर निगाह पड़ना | |
for this reason, that is why | Conjunction | तभी तो | |
for, for the sake of | Postposition | के वास्ते | |
forbidden | Adjective | मना | |
force, emphasis, stress, influence | Noun | ज़ोर | |
force, power, vigor | Noun | ज़बरदस्ती | |
forehead | Noun | माथा | तुम्हारे माथे में क्या लगा है ? |
foreign land | Noun | विदेश | |
foreign; foreigner | Noun/Adjective | विदेशी | |
form or word of salutation | Noun | नमस्कार, नमस्ते | |
formality, elaborate courtesy | Noun | तकल्लुफ | |
fort, castle | Noun | किला | |
four-fold, quadruple | Adjective | चौगुना | |
fourth | Adjective | चौथा | |
fox | Noun | लोमड़ी | |
free, without charge, at no cost | Adjective | मुफ़्त | |
fresh, new, recent | Adjective | ताज़ा | |
friend | Noun | दोस्त | तुम्हारे दोस्त का क्या नाम है ? |
friend, companion; lover, paramour | Noun | यार | |
friendship | Noun | दोस्ती | |
frog, toad | Noun | मेंढ़क | |
from behind | Adverb | पीछे से | |
from now onward, in the future | Adverb | अब से | |
from, starting with | Postposition | से लेकर | |
from; with; by means of; since | Postposition | से | तुम कहाँ से आ रहे हो ? |
from� to� | Postposition | ... से लेकर ...तक | |
fruit, result, consequence | Noun | फल | |
fruit-seller | Noun | फलवाला | |
full | Adjective | भरा | |
further on, later on, subsequently | Adverb | आगे चलकर | |
garden, park | Noun | बाग़ | |
garden, small park | Noun | बगीचा | |
garland, necklace, string of beads | Noun | माला | |
gate | Noun | फाटक | |
gathering, meeting, assembly | Noun | सभा | यह सभा किस लिये है ? |
generally | Adverb | आम तौर पर | |
ghee (clarified butter) | Noun | घी | |
girl, daughter | Noun | लड़की | यह लड़की यहाँ क्या कर रही है ? |
glance, look, vision | Noun | नज़र | |
god (muslim term) | Noun | खुदा | |
gold | Noun | सोना (N) | |
golden | Adjective | सुनहरा | |
good | Adjective | अच्छा | |
good quality, goodness, merit | Noun | खूबी | |
government | Noun | सरकार | |
governmental | Adjective | सरकारी | |
gradually, by degrees | Adverb | धीरे धीरे | |
gram, chick-peas | Noun | चना | |
grass | Noun | घास | |
grave, tomb | Noun | कब्र | |
great! excellent! | Interjection | वाह ! | |
green | Adjective | हरा | |
Greeting: hello, goodbye | Interjection | नमस्ते ! | |
guarding | Noun | रखवाली | तुम्हारे घर की रखवाली कौन कर रहा है ? |
guest | Noun | मेहमान | |
habit | Noun | आदत | |
hair | Noun | बाल | |
half | Adjective | आधा | |
haltingly | Adverb | रुक रुककर | तुम रुक रुककर क्यों चल रहे हो ? |
hand | Noun | हाथ | |
handkerchief | Noun | रूमाल | |
happily | Adverb | खुशी से | |
happiness, joy | Noun | सुख | |
happiness, joy, delight | Noun | खुशी | |
happy | Adjective | सुखी | |
happy new year ! | Interjection | नया साल मुबारक ! | आप सबको हमारी तरफ से नया साल मुबारक ! |
happy, pleased | Adjective | खुश | |
hard | Adjective | सख़्त | |
hard work, toil, exertion | Noun | मेहनत | |
hard, rigid, stiff | Adjective | कड़ा | |
hardly, not at all, scarcely | Adverb | थोड़े ही | |
harm, damage, hindrance | Noun | हर्ज, हर्ज़ | |
head | Noun | सिर | |
health | Noun | तंदुरुस्ती | तुम्हारी तंदुरुस्ती का क्या राज़ है ? |
healthy | Adjective | तंदुरुस्त | |
heap, pile | Noun | ढेर | |
heart | Noun | दिल | |
heat , summer, passion, anger | Noun | गर्मी, गरमी | |
heavy, huge, grave | Adjective | भारी | |
he-goat | Noun | बकरा बकरा | |
height, altitude, elevation | Noun | ऊँचाई | |
help | Noun | मदद | |
helpless | Adjective | बेचारा | यह बेचारा क्या खायेगा ? |
helpless, compelled, forced | Adjective | मज़बूर | |
helplessness | Noun | मजबूरी | |
hen | Noun | मुर्गी | |
here and there | Adverb | इधर-उधर | |
here and there, everywhere, all around | Adverb | जहाँ तहाँ | |
here and there, in some places | Adverb | कहीं कहीं | |
here, in/at this place | Adverb | यहाँ | यहाँ का रास्ता तुम्हें किसने बताया ? |
here, this way | Adverb | इधर | तुम इधर कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
high cost | Noun | महँगाई | इतनी महँगाई में हमारा गुज़ारा कैसे होगा ? |
high, elevated, lofty | Adjective | ऊँचा | |
hindu holy man, ascetic | Noun | साधु | |
hindu; a hindu | Noun/Adjective | हिंदू | |
holiday, vacation, leave | Noun | छुट्टी | |
holidays | Noun | छुट्टियाँ | |
home-spun cloth | Noun | खादी | |
honey | Noun | शहद | |
honor, prestige, reputation, respect | Noun | इज़्ज़त | |
honorific suffix, yes | Particle | जी | |
hope | Noun | आशा | |
hope, expectation | Noun | उम्मीद | |
horse | Noun | घोड़ा | |
house, building | Noun | मकान | |
house, home, residence | Noun | घर | |
how (could it be that) | Adverb | क्यों कर | |
how many | Pronoun/Adjective | कितने | कल यहाँ कितने लोग आये थे ? |
how much | Pronoun/Adjective | कितना | यहाँ का पानी कितना स्वच्छ है ! |
how, in what way | Adverb | कैसे | आपको हमारे बाग के फल कैसे लगे ? |
hundred thousand | Adjective | लाख | |
hunger, appetite | Noun | भूख | |
hungry | Adjective | भूखा | |
hurrah! bravo! well done! | Interjection | वाह वाह! | |
hurt, wounded | Adjective | घायल | |
husband | Noun | पति | आपके पति कौन हैं ? |
hut | Noun | झोंपड़ी | |
i | Pronoun | मैं | |
idea, thought, opinion | Noun | ख्याल | फिल्म के बारे में तुम्हारा क्या ख्याल है? |
idea, thought, view, opinion | Noun | विचार | तुम्हारा इस बारे में क्या विचार है ? |
idol, statue | Noun | मूर्ति | |
if | Conjunction | अगर | |
if | Conjunction | यदि | |
imagination, fiction, supposition | Noun | कल्पना | |
immediately, at once, instantly | Adverb | फ़ौरन | |
important, necessary, essential, obligatory | Adjective | आवश्यक | |
in all | Adverb | कुल मिलाकर | |
in between; meanwhile | Adverb | बीच में | |
in connection with | Postposition | के सिलसिले में | |
in connection with, with regard to | Postposition | के संबन्ध में | |
in front of | Adverb | पेश | |
in front of, opposite | Postposition | के सामने | |
in front, opposite | Adverb | सामने | |
in one's mind | Adverb | मन ही मन | |
in reality | Adverb | असल में | |
in return for | Postposition | के बदले में | इस के बदले में तुम मुझसे क्या चाहते हो ? |
in spite of, despite | Postposition | के बावजूद | |
in the end, finally | Adverb | अंत में | |
in the evening | Adverb | शाम को | हम लोग आज शाम को कहाँ चलेंगे ? |
in the future | Adverb | आगे से | |
in the middle of, between, among, during | Postposition | के बीच | |
in the morning | Adverb | सवेरे, सबेरे | तुम इतनी सवेरे कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
in the morning | Adverb | सुबह को | तुम कल सुबह को क्या कर रहे हो ? |
in the summer | गर्मियों में | ||
in the very middle | Adverb | बीचोंबीच | यह सड़क के बीचोंबीच क्या पड़ा है ? |
in the winter | Adverb | जाड़ों में | |
in this way | Adverb | इस तरह | |
in total, in the aggregate, in all | Adverb | कुल | |
in, inside, within | Postposition | के भीतर | |
in, inside, within | Postposition | के अंदर | |
in, into, among, between, at | Postposition | में | |
incident, event, occurrence | Noun | घटना | |
included, part of | Adjective | शामिल | |
independence | Noun | स्वतंत्रता | |
independence, freedom | Noun | आज़ादी | |
independent, free | Adjective | स्वतंत्र | |
independent, free | Adjective | आज़ाद | |
india | Noun | भारत भारत | |
indian; an indian | Adjective | भारतीय | |
individually, separately | Adverb | अलग-अलग | |
influence, effect, impact, impression | Noun | असर | |
injury, hurt, blow, stroke | Noun | चोट | |
inner, internal, interior | Adjective | भीतरी | |
inquiry | Noun | पूछताछ | |
inside, within | Adverb | अंदर | |
instead of | Postposition | के स्थान में, के स्थान में पर | |
instead of, in place of | Postposition | के बजाय, की बजाय | |
instead of, in place of | Postposition | की बजाय | |
insult, affront | Noun | अपमान | |
intelligent, wise, sensible | Adjective | समझदार | |
intention | Noun | इरादा | आपका आज क्या करने का इरादा है ? |
interest | Noun | दिलचस्पी | |
interest, fondness | Noun | शौक | |
interesting | Adjective | दिलचस्प | |
introduction, acquaintance, familiarity | Noun | परिचय | अपना परिचय दीजिये ? |
invitation (to a meal/feast/snack) | Noun | दावत | |
iron | Noun | लोहा | |
it's � o'clock | Time referent | ... बजा, बजे हैं | इस समय क्या बजा है ? |
jackal | Noun | गीदड़ | |
job, employment | Noun | नौकरी | |
jointly, collectively | Adverb | मिल जुलकर | |
joke; ridicule | Noun | मज़ाक़ | तुम्हें यह सब मज़ाक़ लग रहा है ? |
jungle, forest, wood | Noun | जंगल | |
just a little | Adjective | ज़रा सा | मैं आपकी बोतल से ज़रा सा पानी पी लूँ ? |
just like that, in that very manner; casually | Adverb | वैसे ही | |
just like that, of that very type | Pronoun/Adjective | वैसा ही | |
just like this; casually, by chance, accidentally | Adverb | यों ही, यूँ ही | |
just now, this very moment | Adverb | अभी | |
just then, just at the time | Adverb | तभी | |
kerosene | Noun | मिट्टी का तेल | |
key | Noun | चाबी | तुमने चाबी कहाँ रखी है ? |
kind, merciful, compasionate | Adjective | दयालु | |
kind, sort, method, way | Noun | तरह | यह किस तरह का खाना है ? |
kindly, please | Adverb | कृपया | |
kindness, favor | Noun | कृपा | |
kindness, favor | Noun | मेहरबानी | मुझ पर अचानक इतनी मेहरबानी क्यों ? |
kindness, pity, mercy, compassion | Noun | दया | |
king | Noun | राजा | |
king | Noun | शाह | |
kitchen | Noun | रसोईघर | |
knee | Noun | घुटना | |
knife | Noun | छुरी | |
knowledge, information | Noun | जानकारी | |
knowledge, learning | Noun | विद्या | |
known | Adjective | मालूम | |
known, familiar | Adjective | परिचित | |
kurta ( a type of long shirt) | Noun | कुर्ता | |
labor, wage (s), labor charges | Noun | मज़दूरी | |
lack, shortage | Noun | कमी | |
lamp, light | Noun | बत्ती | |
land, earth, ground | Noun | ज़मीन | |
landowner | Noun | ज़मीनदार | |
lane, alley | Noun | गली | |
language, speech | Noun | भाषा | तुम्हें कौन कौन सी भाषाएँ आती हैं ? |
large bag, sack | Noun | थैला | |
large spoon | Noun | चमचा | |
last, final, ultimate | Adjective | आखिरी | |
late | Adverb | देर से | तुम देर से क्यों आये हो ? |
later, subsequently | Adverb | बाद में | |
laughter, ridicule | Noun | हँसी | तुम्हें किस बात पर हँसी आयी ? |
law | Noun | क़ानून | |
lawsuit, legal case | Noun | मुक़दमा | |
lawyer | Noun | वकील | |
leader | Noun | नेता | |
leader, chief | Noun | सरदार | तुम लोगों का सरदार कौन है ? |
leaf | Noun | पत्ता | |
learned person, scholar; learned | Noun/Adjective | विद्वान | |
leather, hide, skin | Noun | चमड़ा | |
left | Adjective | बायाँ , बाएँ, बाईं | |
leisure, spare time | Noun | फ़ुर्सत | |
lemon, lime | Noun | नींबू, नीबू | |
length, height, tallness | Noun | लंबाई | तुम्हारी कितनी लंबाई है ? |
lentils, pulses | Noun | दाल | |
lesson, text, recitation, reading | Noun | पाठ | |
letter | Noun | पत्र | |
letter of the alphabet | Noun | अक्षर | |
letter, note | Noun | चिट्ठी | |
lie, falsehood, untruth | Noun | झूठ | |
life | Noun | ज़िंदगी | |
life, existence | Noun | जीवन | |
light | Noun | रोशनी | |
light (in weight, color etc.) | Adjective | हलका, हल्का | |
like | Postposition | की तरह | |
like �, as if �, �ish | Adjective | सा, से, सी | |
like, similar to, resembling, such as | Pronoun/Adjective | जैसा | |
liking, choice, taste | Noun | पसंद | तुम्हें किस तरह का संगीत पसंद है ? |
limit, extent | Noun | हद | |
limitless, unlimited | Adjective | बेहद | |
line | Noun | लकीर | |
line, row | Noun | पंक्ति | |
lion | Noun | शेर | |
lip | Noun | होंठ, ओंठ | |
literary | Adjective | साहित्यिक | |
literature | Noun | साहित्य | |
little bit | Adjective | थोड़ा सा | |
little, few | Adjective | थोड़ा | |
little, few, less | Adjective | कम | |
local, of this place | Adjective | यहाँ का | |
lock | Noun | ताला | |
loneliness | Noun | अकेलापन | अकेलापन किसको अच्छा लगता है ? |
long, tall | Adjective | लंबा | |
look, glance, sight | Noun | निगाह | |
loose, slack, sluggish | Adjective | ढीला | |
looseness, slackness, sluggishness | Noun | ढिलाई | |
lord, god (hindu term) | Noun | भगवान भगवान | |
loss, damage, harm | Noun | नुक़सान | |
lots of, much; many | Adjective | बहुत सा, बहुत से, बहुत सी | |
lotus | Noun | कमल | |
love | Noun | मुहब्बत | |
love, affection | Noun | प्रेम | |
love, affection | Noun | प्यार प्यार | क्या तुम मुझे प्यार करते हो ? |
lover, beloved | Noun | प्रिय (N) | |
low, mean, base, vile | Adjective | नीचा | |
mail, post | Noun | डाक | |
male water buffalo | Noun | भैंसा | |
man, human being | Noun | आदमी | |
management, arrangement | Noun | इंतजाम | | |
mango | Noun | आम | |
manner, method, way | Noun | ढंग | |
many, numerous, several | Adjective | अनेक | | |
many, several, a few | Adjective | कई | |
map, chart, plan | Noun | नक़्शा | |
marriage | Noun | शादी | |
master, boss. owner | Noun | मालिक | |
matter, affair, business | Noun | मामला | |
meaning | Noun | मतलब | तुम्हें क्या इसका मतलब मालूम है ? |
meaning | Noun | अर्थ | |
meaningless talk, nonsense | Noun | बकवास | |
meanwhile, at the moment | Adverb | इतने में | |
medicine, drug, cure | Noun | दवा, दवाई | |
meeting, union | Noun | मिलन | इस साल का परिवार मिलन कहाँ हो रहा है ? |
meeting, visit, interview | Noun | मुलाक़ात | |
memory | Noun | याद | |
mention, reference | Noun | ज़िक्र | तुम अभी किस चीज़ का ज़िक्र कर रहे थे ? |
message, command | Noun | संदेश | |
method, manner, technique | Noun | तरीक़ा | |
middle (part), center | Noun | बीच | |
milk | Noun | दूध | |
milkman | Noun | दूधवाला | |
millet millet | Noun | ज्वार | |
mind | Noun | दिमाग़ | |
mind, heart | Noun | मन | |
mind, intellect, wisdom | Noun | बुद्धि | |
minister, secretary ( of an organization) | Noun | मंत्री मंत्री | |
mirror | Noun | शीशा | |
mistake, error, fault | Noun | ग़लती | |
mistake, error, fault | Noun | भूल | |
momemt, instant | Noun | क्षण | |
money | Noun | पैसा | |
monkey | Noun | बंदर | |
month | Noun | महीना | |
moon | Noun | चाँद | |
moon light | Noun | चाँदनी | |
more than, better than, superior to | Postposition | से बढ़कर | |
more, many, much | Adjective | ज्य़ादा | |
more, much, many | Adjective | अधिक | |
morning | Noun | सुबह | |
morning | Noun | सवेरा, सबेरा | |
mosque | Noun | मस्जिद | |
mosquito | Noun | मच्छर | |
mosquito net | Noun | मच्छरदानी | |
most of, the majority of; the most, most of all | Adjective/Adverb | सब से ज़्यादा | |
most, majority of | Adjective | अधिकतर | |
mostly | Adverb | ज्य़ादातर | |
mother | Noun | माता | |
mother | Noun | माँ | |
mother-in-law | Noun | सास | |
mountain, hill | Noun | पहाड़ | |
mountainous | Adjective | पहाड़ी | |
mouse | Noun | चुहिया | |
mr. | Noun | श्री, श्रीमान | यह श्रीमान कौन हैं ? |
mrs. | Noun | श्रीमती | |
much, many | Adjective | बहुत | |
much/many ,enough, very, quite | Adjective | काफ़ी | |
music | Noun | संगीत | |
musical instrument | Noun | बाजा | क्या तुम्हें बाजा बजाना आता है ? |
musician | Noun | संगीतकार | |
muslim person | Noun | मुसलमान | |
muslim wife, muslim lady | Noun | बेगम | बेगम आज आप कहाँ घूमने चलेंगी ? |
my, mine | Pronoun/Adjective | मेरा | |
naked, bare | Adjective | नंगा | यह बच्चा नंगा क्यों घूम रहा है ? |
name | Noun | नाम | आपका नाम क्या है ? |
narrow, tight | Adjective | तंग | |
native, indigenous, local | Adjective | देशी | |
nature | Noun | प्रकृति | |
near by, in the vicinity of | Adjective | के पास | |
near, around, in the vicinity | Adverb | आसपास | |
near, around, in the vicinity of | Postposition | आसपास के | |
near, close | Adverb | नज़दीक | |
near, close to | Postposition | के करीब | |
near, nearby | Adverb | पास | |
near,around | Postposition | के आसपास | |
nearly, about, approximately, almost | Adverb | करीब | |
necessary, important | Adjective | ज़रूरी | |
necessity, importance, need | Noun | ज़रूरत | |
necessity, need, requirement | Noun | आवश्यकता | |
neck | Noun | गर्दन, गरदन | |
neck, throat, voice | Noun | गला | |
negative particle | Noun | मत | |
neighbor | Noun | पड़ोसी | |
neighborhood, vicinity | Noun | पड़ोस | |
neither� nor� | Conjunction | न... न... | |
nephew (bother's son) | Noun | भतीजा | |
nephew (sister's son) | Noun | भाँजा भांजा | |
never | Adverb | कभी नहीं | |
nevertheless, even then, still, in spite of | Conjunction | फिर भी | |
new | Adjective | नया | |
news, information | Noun | समाचार | क्या तुमने आज के समाचार देखे ? |
news, information | Noun | खबर | |
newspaper | Noun | अखबार | |
newspaper | Noun | समाचारपत्र | |
next to | Postposition | की बगल में की बग़ल में | |
next, following | Adjective | अगला | |
niece (brother's daughter) | Noun | भतीजी | |
niece (sister's daughter) | Noun | भाँजी | |
night | Noun | रात | |
no ! | Interjection | नहीं ! | |
no matter what, in any case | Conjunction | जो भी हो | |
no! (polite) | Interjection | जी नहीं ! | |
no, not | Particle | न | |
no, not | Particle | नहीं | |
noise | Noun | शोर | यहाँ शोर क्यों हो रहा है ? |
noon, afternoon | Noun | दोपहर | तुम दोपहर में क्या कर रहे हो ? |
nose | Noun | नाक | |
not at all | Adverb | ज़रा भी नहीं | |
nothing | Pronoun | कुछ नहीं | |
notice, information, notification | Noun | सूचना | तुम्हें यह सूचना कहाँ से मिली ? |
novel | Noun | उपन्यास | |
now | Adverb | अब | |
now ( as opposed to formerly ) | Adverb | अब तो | |
nowadays, these days | Adverb | आजकल | |
nowhere | Adverb | कहीं नहीं | |
number | Noun | संख्या | |
occupation, employment | Noun | रोज़गार रोज़गार | |
ocean, sea | Noun | समुद्र | |
of somewhere, i.e. some kind of | Adjective | कहीं का | |
of what condition or kind, what sort of | Pronoun/Adjective | कैसा | आपको मेरा गाना कैसा लगा ? |
office | Noun | दफ़्तर | |
official, employee | Noun | कर्मचारी | |
often, generally, usually | Adverb | अक्सर | |
oh that�!, i wish that�!, had god willed that..! | Conjunction | काश कि...! | |
oil | Noun | तेल | |
old age | Noun | बुढ़ापा | |
old woman | Noun | बुढ़िया | |
old, aged, old man | Noun/Adjective | बूढ़ा | |
old, ancient, outdated | Adjective | पुराना पुराना | |
on foot | Adverb | पैदल | |
on one side, by the side, close by | Adverb | बगल में | |
on the contrary, but, rather | Conjunction | बल्कि | |
on the left of, on the left side of | Postposition | के बाएँ हाथ पर | |
on the pretext of, with a pretense of | Postposition | के बहाने | |
on the right of, on the right side of | Postposition | के दाहिने हाथ पर | |
on the right of, on the right side of | Postposition | के दाएँ हाथ पर | |
on, at, upon | Postposition | पर | |
on, upon, above, over | Postposition | के ऊपर | |
once again, for a second time | Adverb | दुबारा | |
one and a half | Adjective | डेढ़ | |
one and a quarter | Advective | सवा | |
one by one | Adverb | एक-एक करके | |
one third | Noun | तिहाई | |
one, a | Adjective | एक (Num) | |
one's own, pertaining to oneself | Pronoun/Adjective | अपना | |
one's self (reflexive pronoun) | Pronoun | खुद | |
oneself | Pronoun/Adverb | अपने आप | |
onion | Noun | प्याज़ | |
only, merely | Adverb | सिर्फ़ | |
only, merely, simply | Adverb | केवल | |
open, uncovered, untied | Adjective | खुला | |
opinion | Noun | राय | |
opposition, resistance | Noun | विरोध | चुनाव में हमारे विरोध में कौन खड़ा है ? |
or | Conjunction | या | तुम जाते हो या मैं पुलिस बुलाऊँ ? |
orange | Noun | संतरा | |
order, command | Noun | हुक्म, हुकुम | |
ordinary | Adjective | मामूली | |
otherwise, or else | Conjunction | वरना | |
otherwise, or else, if not | Conjunction | नहीं तो | |
our | Adjective/Pronoun | हमारा | |
out loud, louder, with force | Adverb | ज़ोर से | |
out of, from among | Postposition | में से | |
outside of, beyond | Postposition | से बाहर | |
outside, beyond | Postposition | के बाहर, से बाहर | |
outside, out | Adverb | बाहर | |
overturned, reverse/reversed, opposite | Adjective | उलटा | यह बरतन उलटा क्यों रखा है ? |
page | Noun | पन्ना | |
pain, ache | Noun | दर्द | |
pair, couple | Noun | जोड़ा | |
palace | Noun | महल | |
palm (of the hand) | Noun | हथेली | |
pandit, brahman, scholar | Noun | पंडित | |
papaya | Noun | पपीता | |
paper | Noun | कागज़ | |
parents | Noun | माता पिता | |
parrot | Noun | तोता | |
part, portion, section | Noun | हिस्सा | |
past tense agent marker | Postposition | ने | राम ने तुमसे क्या कहा था ? |
patience | Noun | सब्र | |
pay, salary | Noun | तनख़्वाह | |
pea (s) | Noun | मटर | |
peace | Noun | शाँति | |
peaceful | Adjective | शाँत | |
peacock | Noun | मोर | |
peanut | Noun | मूंगफली | |
pen | Noun | कलम | |
people | Noun | लोग | ये लोग यहाँ क्या कर रहे हैं ? |
pepper, chillies | Noun | मिर्च | |
perhaps, maybe | Adverb | शायद | |
period, time, age, era, tense | Noun | काल | |
permission | Noun | इजाज़त | |
perplexed | Adjective | हैरान | तुम इतने हैरान क्यों लग रहे हो ? |
person presiding over an assembly, chairperson | Noun | सभापति | |
pertaining to the air, aerial | Adjective | हवाई | |
pharmacy | Noun | दवाख़ाना | |
physical exercise, gymnastics | Noun | कसरत | |
picture , portrait | Noun | तसवीर | यह तसवीर किसकी है ? |
piece, fragment, part | Noun | टुकड़ा | |
pig, hog | Noun | सूअर | |
pigeon | Noun | कबूतर | |
place | Noun | जगह | |
place, position | Noun | स्थान | |
plant | Noun | पौदा, पौधा | |
play, drama | Noun | नाटक | |
play, game, sport | Noun | खेल | |
pleasant, delicious, entertaining | Adjective | मज़ेदार | |
pleasure; relish, fun | Noun | मज़ा | |
plough | Noun | हल | |
Noun | जेब | ||
poet | Noun | कवि | |
poetic symposium | Noun | मुशायरा | |
poetry, a poem | Noun | कविता | |
poor, meek, humble | Adjective | ग़रीब | |
population | Noun | आबादी | |
portion, part | Noun | भाग | |
possible | Adjective | मुमकिन | |
possible | Adjective | संभव | क्या तुम्हारा यहाँ रुकना संभव है ? |
post office | Noun | डाकख़ाना, डाकघर | |
postman | Noun | डाकिया | |
postposition denoting accusative and dative:to,for | Postposition | को | आप कहाँ को चल दिये ? |
postposition expressive of possession, belongingto | PostpositionAdjective | का, के, की | |
pot, jar | Noun | घड़ा | |
potato | Noun | आलू | |
poverty | Noun | ग़रीबी | |
practice, exercise | Noun | अभ्यास | |
praise | Noun | तारीफ़ | |
prayer, worship, adoration | Noun | पूजा | |
preparation | Noun | तैयारी | तुम्हारी सारी तैयारी हो चुकी है ? |
present, existing | Adjective | मौजूद | |
price, cost, value | Noun | कीमत | |
price, value | Noun | दाम | |
prime minister | Noun | प्रधानमंत्री | |
prince | Noun | राजकुमार | |
princess | Noun | राजकुमारी | |
program | Noun | कार्यक्रम | |
progress, advancement | Noun | तरक्क़ी | |
progress, rise, improvement | Noun | उन्नति | |
promise | Noun | वायदा, वादा | |
proper, suitable, appropriate | Adjective | मुनासिब | |
proper, suitable, appropriate | Adjective | उचित | |
properly | Adverb | ढंग से | |
protection, guarding | Noun | रक्षा | |
punishment | Noun | सज़ा | |
quarrel, dispute | Noun | झगड़ा | तुम्हारा झगड़ा किस बात पर हुआ ? |
quarter to | Adjective | पौने | |
queen | Noun | रानी | |
question | Noun | सवाल | तुमने क्या सवाल पूछा था ? |
question | Noun | प्रश्न | |
quickly | Adverb | जल्दी से | |
quickly | Adverb | तेज़ी से | |
quickly, urgently, immediately | Adverb | जल्दी | |
rabbit, hare | Noun | खरगोश | |
rainy season, rain | Noun | बरसात | |
ram | Noun | भेड़ा | |
rarely, seldom | Adverb | कम(1) | |
rat | Noun | चूहा | |
ready, willing, ready-made | Adjective | तैयार | |
rear, back, past, last | Adjective | पिछला | |
reason, cause | Noun | कारण | आपका इस समय यहाँ आने का क्या कारण हो सकता है ? |
red | Adjective | लाल | |
reflection, close attention | Noun | ग़ौर | तुम उधर इतने ग़ौर से क्या देख रहे हो ? |
relation, connection | Noun | संबन्ध | तुम्हारा इस घटना से क्या संबन्ध है ? |
relation, connection, tie | Noun | रिश्ता | |
relative | Noun | रिश्तेदार | |
religion, faith; duty; attribute | Noun | धर्म | |
religious | Adjective | धार्मिक | |
remaining, left over | Adjective | बाक़ी | |
rent, fare | Noun | किराया | |
repair | Noun | मरम्मत | क्या तुम्हें गाड़ी की मरम्मत करनी आती है ? |
respect | Noun | सम्मान | |
respectful term of address for a muslim | Noun | मियाँ | अरे मियाँ कहाँ चल दिये ? |
responsible, answerable | Adjective | जिम्मेदारी | |
rest, comfort, relief | Noun | आराम | |
result, consequence, conclusion | Noun | नतीजा | |
returned, given back | Adjective | वापस | |
reward, prize | Noun | पुरस्कार | |
rice | Noun | चावल | |
rich, wealthy | Adjective | अमीर | |
right (side, direction) | Adverb | दाएँ | |
right (side, direction) | Adjective | दाहिना दाहिना | |
right (side, direction) | Adjective | दायाँ, दाएँ, दाईं | |
right there, at that very place | Adverb | वहीं | |
right, correct, exact, proper, true | Adjective | ठीक | |
ripe, permanent, solid, firm, confirmed | Adjective | पक्का | |
river | Noun | नदी | |
road, street | Noun | सड़क | |
road, way | Noun | रास्ता | तुम्हें घर का रास्ता पता है ? |
roof | Noun | छ्त | |
room, chamber | Noun | कमरा | |
rope, string | Noun | रस्सी | |
roti (flat round bread) | Noun | रोटी | |
round, circular | Adjective | गोल | |
roundness, circumference | Noun | गोलाई | |
royal | Adjective | शाही | |
ruined, destroyed,wasted | Adjective | बरबाद | |
rule, reign, kingdom | Noun | राज | |
rupee, money | Noun | रुपया | कोई मुझे एक रुपया देगा ? |
rupees, money | Noun | रुपये | |
rural, rustic, villager | Noun/Adjective | देहाती | तुम देहाती हरकतें क्यों कर रहे हो? |
sad, dejected, gloomy | Noun/Adjective | उदास | |
sage, seer, preceptor | Noun | ॠषि | |
salt | Noun | नमक | |
salty, salted, salty snack | Noun/Adjective | नमकीन | |
sample, specimen, design | Noun | नमूना | |
sand | Noun | रेत | तुम्हारे जूतों में रेत कहाँ से घुस गयी है ? |
sandal | Noun | चप्पल | |
sari | Noun | साड़ी | |
satisfaction, contentment | Noun | संतोष | |
satisfied | Adjective | संतुष्ट | |
savage, wild | Adjective | जंगली | |
saying, proverb | Noun | कहावत | |
science | Noun | विज्ञान | |
search | Noun | खोज | |
search | Noun | तलाश | |
season | Noun | मौसम | |
second | Adjective | दूसरा | यह दूसरा आदमी कौन है ? |
seed | Noun | बीज | यह किस पेड़ का बीज है ? |
seer | Noun | सेर | |
sentence | Noun | वाक्य | |
separate, different, apart, aloof | Adjective | अलग | |
serious, sober, deep | Adjective | गंभीर | |
seriousness | Noun | गंभीरता | |
servant, employee | Noun | नौकर | |
service | Noun | सेवा | |
settlement, residential locality | Noun | बस्ती | |
several times as much/many as | Adjective | से कई गुना | |
shade, shadow, image, reflection | Noun | छाया | |
shame; bashfulness, shyness | Noun | शर्म, शरम | |
sharp, harsh, spicy, pungent | Adjective | तीखा | |
sharp, keen, quick, intelligent | Adjective | तेज़ | |
sharpness, keenness, quickness | Noun | तेज़ी | |
sheep | Noun | भेड़ | |
she-goat | Noun | बकरी | |
shining, brilliant, glittering | Adjective | चमकदार, चमकीला | |
shirt | Noun | कमीज़ | |
shoe | Noun | जूता | |
shop, store | Noun | दुकान | |
shopkeeper | Noun | दुकानदार | |
shoulder | Noun | कंधा | |
show, spectacle, entertainment | Noun | तमाशा | यह क्या तमाशा लगा रखा है ? |
sickness, illness, disease | Noun | बीमारी | तुम्हें क्या बीमारी हो गयी है ? |
side, direction | Noun | तऱफ | सब्ज़ी की दुकान किस तरफ है ? |
sight, visit to a sacred place or honored person | Noun | दर्शन | |
sign, mark | Noun | निशान | यह निशान किस चीज़ का है ? |
Sikh person, term of address for a Sikh | Noun | सरदार जी | सरदार जी कहाँ जा रहे हैं ? |
silence, quiet | Noun | खामोशी | |
silent, quiet | Adjective | चुप | तुम चुप क्यों हो ? |
silent, quiet | Adjective | खामोश | तुम इतने खामोश क्यों हो ? |
silently, quietly, stealthily | Adverb | चुपचाप | |
silk | Noun | रेशम | |
silken, made of silk | Adjective | रेशमी | |
silver | Noun | चाँदी | |
similar, alike | Adjective | एक-सा | |
simultaneously, together | Adverb | साथ ही | |
since then | Adverb | तब से | तब से अब तक तुमने क्या किया है ? |
since, from the time when | Conjunction | जब से | |
single, only, lonesome | Adjective | अकेला | |
sir | Term of Address | जनाब | कहाँ चल दिये जनाब ? |
sister | Noun | बहन, बहिन | तुम्हारी बहन कहाँ रहती है ? |
sister-in-law (older brother's wife) | Noun | भाभी | |
size, height, stature, figure | Noun | कद | |
skin | Noun | चमड़ी | |
skinny, scrawny | Adjective | दुबला पतला दुबला पतला | |
sleep | Noun | नींद | |
slowly | Adverb | धीरे | |
slowly, gently, at leisure | Adverb | आराम से | |
small bag, small sack | Noun | थैली | |
small box | Noun | डिबिया | इस डिबिया में क्या रखा है ? |
small merchant; caste name | Noun | बनिया | |
small, short, young | Adjective | छोटा | |
smile | Noun | मुसकराहट | तुम्हारी इस मुस्कुराहट का क्या कारण है ? |
smoke | Noun | धुआँ | यह धुआँ कहाँ से आ रहा है ? |
snake, serpent | Noun | साँप | |
snow, ice | Noun | बर्फ़ | |
so much, this much | Pronoun/Adjective | इतना | मुझे आज इतना कम खाना क्यों मिला ? |
so that, in order that | Conjunction | ताकि | |
so, therefore | Conjunction | सो | सो तो है ही ! |
soap | Noun | साबुन | |
social | Adjective | सामाजिक | |
society | Noun | समाज | |
sock, stocking | Noun | मोज़ा | |
soft | Adjective | नरम | |
soft, delicate, tender | Adjective | कोमल | |
soldier | Noun | फ़ौजी | |
soldier, policeman | Noun | सिपाही | |
solitude, privacy | Noun | एकांत | |
some more | Pronoun | कुछ और | |
some, a few, something | Pronoun/Adjective | कुछ | |
some, a little; somewhat | Adjective,/Adverb | थोड़ा बहुत | |
somehow, somehow or other | Adverb | जैसे तैसे | |
someone else, some other,,, | Pronoun/Adjective | कोई और | |
someone or other: some � or other | Pronoun/Adjective | कोई न कोई | |
something or other, some �. or other | Pronoun/Adjective | कुछ न कुछ | |
sometime, ever | Adverb | कभी | |
sometimes, now and then, occassionally | Adverb | कभी कभी | |
somewhat, to some degree | Adverb | कुछ कुछ | |
somewhere else | Adverb | कहीं और | |
somewhere or other | Adverb | कहीं न कहीं | |
somewhere, anywhere | Adverb | कहीं | |
son | Noun | बेटा | बेटा तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
song | Noun | गाना(N) | |
song, a lyrical poem | Noun | गीत | |
sorrow, grief | Noun | अफ़सोस | |
sound, voice | Noun | आवाज़ | |
south | Noun | दक्षिण | |
special, particular, peculiar | Adjective | खास | |
speech, lecture | Noun | भाषण | |
spice (s) | Noun | मसाला | |
spicy | Adjective | मसालेदार | |
spoon | Noun | चम्मच | |
spring | Noun | वसंत | |
staircase, ladder | Noun | सीढ़ी | |
stairs | Noun | सीढ़ियाँ | हमें अभी और कितनी सीढ़ियाँ चढ़नी हैं ? |
standing, upright, steep, stationary | Adjective | खड़ा | तुम खड़े क्यों हो ? |
star | Noun | तारा | |
state of health, temperament, disposition | Noun | तबियत, तबीयत | आपकी तबियत अब कैसी है ? |
state, condition | Noun | हाल, हालत | |
statement, account, description | Noun | बयान | |
step, pace, footstep | Noun | कदम | |
stomach, womb | Noun | पेट | |
stone | Noun | पत्थर | |
storm, tempest | Noun | तूफ़ान | |
stormy | Adjective | तूफ़ानी | तुम इस तूफ़ानी गति से कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
story, floor | Noun | मंज़िल | यह कौन सी मंज़िल है ? |
story, tale | Noun | कहानी | |
story, tale, fable, narrative | Noun | कथा | |
straight | Adverb | सीधे | |
straight | Adjective | सीधा | |
strange, peculiar, arousing a sense of wonder | Adjective | अजीब | |
strength, power | Noun | ताक़त | |
strength, sturdiness, firmness | Noun | मज़बूती | |
strolling, excursion, tour | Noun | सैर | |
strong, powerful, vigorous | Adjective | ज़बरदस्त | |
strong, sturdy, firm | Adjective | मज़बूत मज़बूत | |
strong, sturdy, robust | Adjective | तगड़ा | |
student | Noun | विद्यार्थी | |
study, education, learning | Noun | पढ़ाई | |
subject, topic | Noun | विषय | |
success | Noun | कामयाबी | |
success | Noun | सफलता | क्या तुम्हें अपने मकसद में सफलता मिली ? |
successful | Adjective | सफल | |
successful | Adjective | कामयाब | |
such, of that type | Pronoun/Adjective | वैसा | |
suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly | Adverb | अचानक | |
suffering, pain, hardship, distress | Noun | कष्ट | |
suffix denoting 'times' or 'fold' | Suffix | गुना | |
sugar | Noun | चीनी | |
sun | Noun | सूरज | |
sunshine, incense | Noun | धूप | |
support, backing, aid | Noun | सहारा | |
surahi | Noun | सुराही | |
surprise | Noun | आश्चर्य | |
surprise, wonder, astonishment | Noun | ताज्जुब | |
sweet | Adjective | मीठा | |
sweet (s) | Noun | मिठाई | |
table | Noun | मेज़ | |
tailor | Noun | दर्जी | |
talk, discussion | Noun | चर्चा | |
talk, light conversation, banter | Noun | गपशप | क्या गपशप चल रही है तुम दोनों में ? |
tank, pool, pond | Noun | तालाब | |
tea | Noun | चाय | तुमने चाय बना दी ? |
teacher | Noun | अध्यापक | |
teacher, preceptor, spiritual guide | Noun | गुरु | |
tear | Noun | आँसू | |
temperament; mood, disposition | Noun | मिज़ाज | आजकल आपके मिज़ाज कुछ ठीक नहीं लग रहे हैं ? |
temple (hindu) | Noun | मंदिर | |
ten million | Noun | करोड़ | |
terrible, dreadful, frightening | Adjective | भयानक | |
thank you! | Interjection | मेहरबानी ! | |
thank you! | Interjection | धन्यवाद ! | |
thanks | Noun | धन्यवाद | |
thanks!/thank you! | Interjection | शुक्रिया ! | |
that is, that is to say, I mean to say | Conjunction | यानी | |
that much, so much, to that extent | Pronoun/Adjective | उतना | |
that, he, she, it | Pronoun/Adjective | वह | वह कौन थी ? |
that, he, she, it (emphatic) | Pronoun/Adjective | वही | |
that, so that | Conjunction | कि | |
the day after tomorrow; the day before yesterday | Adverb | परसों | तुम परसों कहाँ गये थे ? |
the most | Adjective | सब से | |
the other bank/coast/side | Noun | पार | |
the people, the public, the masses | Noun | जनता | |
the sky | Noun | आसमान | |
theft, burglary, stealing | Noun | चोरी | |
then, again; afterwards | Conjunction/Adverb | फिर | |
then, at the time, afterwards | Adverb | तब | |
there | Adverb | वहाँ | |
there, on that side, that way | Adverb | उधर | |
therefore | Conjunction | इसलिये | |
there's no harm! it doesn't matter | Interjection | कोई हर्ज़ नहीं ! | |
these, they | Pronoun/Adjective | ये | ये कौन लोग हैं ? |
thief, burglar | Noun | चोर | |
thigh | Noun | जाँघ | |
thin, lean, weak | Adjective | दुबला | |
thin, slender, narrow | Adjective | पतला | |
thing, article, item, object | Noun | चीज़ | यह क्या चीज़ है ? |
thing, matter, fact, what is said | Noun | बात | |
things, material, luggage | Noun | सामान | यह सामान किसका है ? |
third | Adjective | तीसरा | |
thirst, longing | Noun | प्यास | |
thirsty | Adjective | प्यासा | |
this evening | Adverb | आज शाम को | |
this morning | Adverb | आज सबेरे/सवेरे/सुबह | |
this time | Adverb | अब की (बार) | | |
this very | Pronoun/Adjective | यही | |
this, he, she, it | Pronoun/Adjective | यह | यह कौन है ? |
thorn, nail, fork | Noun | काँटा | |
those, they | Pronoun/Adjective | वे | वे लोग कहाँ जा रहे हैं ? |
though, although | Conjunction | हालाँकि | |
three quarters | Adjective | पौन | |
three-fold, triple | Adjective | तिगुना | |
through, by way of, via | Postposition | से होकर | |
thus, like this, in this way | Adverb | यों, यूँ यों, यूं | |
thus, that way | Adverb | वैसे | वैसे आप यहाँ क्या कर रहे हैं ? |
tiger | Noun | बाघ | |
till | Particle | तक | |
time | Noun | वक़्त | |
time occasion, turn | Noun | बार | इस बार तुम छुट्टी में कहाँ जा रहे हो ? |
time, delay | Noun | देर | |
time, period | Noun | समय | इस वक्त क्या समय हो रहा है ? |
tired, weary | Adjective | थका | |
tiredness, weariness | Noun | थकान, थकावट | |
title of respect (gentleman; boss; master) | Noun | साहब | यह साहब कौन हैं ? |
to accept | Verb | मान लेना | |
to accept | Verb | स्वीकार करना | |
to accept,to agree to (do something) | Verb | मानना | |
to accompany, to join | Verb | का साथ देना | |
to add, to unite, to accumulate | Verb | जोड़ना | |
to appear/ to seem (to someone), to be seen | Verb | को दिखाई देना, को दिखाई पड़ना | |
to appear/to seem | Verb | को जान पड़ना | |
to applaud something | Verb | पर वाह वाह करना पर वाह वाह करना | |
to apply one's mind to | Verb | में मन लगाना | |
to apply, to attach, to join, to place | Verb | लगाना | |
to arrange for, to provide for | Verb | का इंतजाम करना | |
to ask | Verb | पूछना | आप मुझसे क्या पूछना चाहते हैं ? |
to ask a question | Verb | सवाल करना | |
to ask directions | Verb | रास्ता पूछना | |
to ask someone a question | Verb | से प्रश्न करना | |
to ask someone a question | Verb | से सवाल पूछना | |
to attack | Verb | पर हमला करना | |
to attack | Verb | पर चढ़ाई करना | |
to await, to look forward to, to expect | Verb | की आशा करना | |
to be able to | Verb | सकना | |
to be accepted | Verb | स्वीकार होना | |
to be afraid | Verb | डर लगना | |
to be all right, to be well | Verb | ठीक होना | तुम ठीक तो हो न ? |
to be angry | Verb | गुस्सा होना | |
to be ashamed about something | Verb | को ...पर शर्म होना | |
to be ashamed; to be bashful/shy/embarassed | Verb | शर्म करना | |
to be beaten | Verb | मार खाना | |
to be born | Verb | पैदा होना | |
to be called, to be known as | Verb | कहलाना | |
to be cleaned; to be clarified | Verb | साफ़ होना | |
to be closed, to be ended | Verb | बंद होना | |
to be collected, to be saved | Verb | जमा होना | |
to be completed | Verb | पूरा होना पूरा होना | |
to be completely lost | Verb | जाता रहना | |
to be convinced of | Verb | का यक़ीन करना | |
to be decided/resolved/settled/fixed | Verb | तय होना | तुम लोगों के बीच में क्या तय हुआ है ? |
to be destroyed | Verb | बरबाद होना | |
to be ended | Verb | ख़त्म होना | |
to be engaged in | Verb | में लगना | |
to be excused, to be pardoned | Verb | माफ़ होना | |
to be extreemly formal | Verb | तकल्लुफ करना | |
to be felt, to be perceived | Verb | महसूस होना | |
to be finished, to be completed | Verb | चुकना | |
to be forbidden | Verb | मना होना | |
to be forced/compelled (to do something) | Verb | पर मजबूर होना | |
to be found | Verb | के हाथ आना, के हाथ लगना | |
to be given up, to be left behind, to depart | Verb | छूटना | |
to be happy | Verb | खुश होना | |
to be happy, to be enjoying oneself | Verb | मज़े में होना | |
to be heard | Verb | को सुनाई देना, को सुनाई पड़ना | क्या तुमको कुछ सुनाई पड़ रहा है ? |
to be hungry | Verb | को भूख लगना | |
to be hurt | Verb | घायल होना | |
to be immersed, to sink, to drown, to set (sun) | Verb | डूबना | |
to be included in | Verb | में शामिल होना | |
to be interested in, to be fond of | Verb | को शौक होना | |
to be known to someone | Verb | को मालूम होना | |
to be late | Verb | देर करना | |
to be made/constructed/prepared | Verb | बनना | |
to be managed | Verb | संभलना | |
to be obtained, to be available | Verb | को मिलना | |
to be opened/ uncovered/ untied | Verb | खुलना | तुम्हारा स्कूल कब से खुलने वाला है ? |
to be overturned, to turn over | Verb | उलट जाना | |
to be patient | Verb | सब्र करना | |
to be played, to ring, strike | Verb | बजना | |
to be presented, to be introduced | Verb | पेश होना | |
to be punished | Verb | सज़ा पाना | |
to be punished | Verb | को सज़ा मिलना | |
to be quiet | Verb | चुप होना | |
to be ready | Verb | तैयार होना | |
to be remembered, to be kept in the memory | Verb | को याद रहना | |
to be returned/refunded/given back | Verb | वापस होना | |
to be satisfied | Verb | को संतोष होना | |
to be saved, to escape, to remain (unused) | Verb | बचना | |
to be seated | Verb | तशरीफ़ रखना | |
to be spent, to pass (time) | Verb | बीतना | |
to be startled, to be alarmed | Verb | चौंकना | |
to be thirsty | Verb | को प्यास लगना | |
to be tied/fastened/bound | Verb | बँधना | |
to be tired | Verb | थकना | |
to be tired of, to be fed up with | Verb | तंग होना | |
to be torn, to be split, to burst | Verb | फटना | |
to be troubled/bothered/annoyed | Verb | से तंग आना | |
to be understood, to be grasped | Verb | की समझ में आना | क्या यह आपकी समझ में आ गया है ? |
to be united (to), to mingle (with); to meet with | Verb | मिलना | |
to be united/attached/connected to | Verb | से लगना, पर लगना | |
to be visible, to be seen | Verb | दिखना | |
to be, to become | Verb | होना | |
to become | Verb | हो जाना | |
to become ashamed about something | Verb | को ...पर शर्म आना | |
to become bored | Verb | ऊबना | |
to become filled with | Verb | से भरना, भर जाना | |
to become spoiled, to get angry | Verb | बिगड़ना | |
to become tired | Verb | थक जाना | |
to begin | Verb | शुरू होना | |
to begin | Verb | शुरू करना | |
to believe | Verb | यक़ीन करना | |
to believe in | Verb | में विश्वास करना | |
to boil | Verb | उबालना | |
to boil, to simmer | Verb | उबलना | |
to bow, to droop, to stoop | Verb | झुकना | |
to break | Verb | तोड़ना | |
to break, to be broken | Verb | टूटना | |
to breathe, to take a breath | Verb | साँस लेना | |
to bring | Verb | लाना | |
to bring | Verb | ले आना | |
to bring back, to return | Verb | लौटाना | |
to bring into being, to give birth to, to grow | Verb | पैदा करना | |
to burn, to be lit, to be kindled, to feel jealous | Verb | जलना | |
to burn, to light, to kindle | Verb | जलाना | |
to buy and bring back | Verb | खरीद लाना | |
to buy, to purchase | Verb | खरीदना | हमें आज क्या क्या खरीदना है ? |
to call out | Verb | आवाज़ देना/लगाना | |
to call, to cry out | Verb | पुकारना | |
to call, to summon, to send for, to invite | Verb | बुलाना | |
to care about, to pay attention to | Verb | की परवाह करना | |
to care for, to look after | Verb | की देखभाल करना | |
to cast a glance at | Verb | पर निगाह डालना | |
to cast a glance at | Verb | पर नज़र डालना | |
to catch, to hold, to grasp | Verb | पकड़ना | |
to cause someone to apply/attach/join | Verb | लगवाना | तुम्हारी नौकरी यहाँ किसने लगवाई ? |
to cause someone to do | Verb | करवाना | |
to cause to disappear, to make off with | Verb | ग़ायब करना | |
to cause to do | Verb | कराना | |
to cause to drink, to give to drink | Verb | पिलाना | |
to cause to fall, to drop, to spill, to lower | Verb | गिराना | तुमने मुझे सीट से क्यों गिराया ? |
to cause to give | Verb | दिलाना | |
to cause to go up or rise, to load | Verb | चढ़ाना | |
to cause to make/construct/prepare | Verb | बनवाना | |
to cause to move, to drive, to operate | Verb | चलाना | तुम्हें गाड़ी चलाना आता है ? |
to cause to reach, to accompany someone somewhere | Verb | पहुँचाना | |
to cause to stand, to stop | Verb | खड़ा करना | |
to cause to stop/stay/pause/wait | Verb | ठहराना | |
to celebrate; to make someone agree to something | Verb | मनाना | |
to change | Verb | बदलना बदलना | |
to change (compound form) | Verb | बदल जाना | |
to chew | Verb | चबाना | तुम क्या चबा रहे हो ? |
to clean | Verb | की सफ़ाई करना | |
to clean; to clarify | Verb | साफ़ करना | |
to close, to end | Verb | बंद करना | |
to clothe | Verb | पहनाना | |
to collect, to gather | Verb | इकट्ठा करना | |
to collect, to save | Verb | जमा करना | |
to come | Verb | आना | |
to come (compound form) | Verb | आ जाना | |
to come back, to return | Verb | वापस आना | |
to come into view, to appear | Verb | को नज़र आना | |
to come out, to go out, to emerge | Verb | निकलना | |
to come to mind | Verb | को याद आना | |
to come under the control of | Verb | के बस में आना | |
to comit to memory, to keep in mind | Verb | याद रखना | |
to compare with | Verb | से तुलना करना | |
to complain about | Verb | की शिकायत करना | |
to complete | Verb | पूरा करना | |
to congratulate | Verb | को बधाई देना | |
to consult with someone | Verb | से सलाह करना से सलाह करना | |
to cook | Verb | पकाना | |
to copy, to imitate | Verb | की नक़ल करना | |
to cough | Verb | खाँसना | |
to count, to enumerate | Verb | गिनना | |
to cover, to control | Verb | ढकना | |
to cross | Verb | पार करना | |
to cry | Verb | रोना | |
to cry, to shout, to scream | Verb | चिल्लाना | तुम चिल्लाना बंद करोगे ? |
to cut, to bite, to chop, to prune, to reap | Verb | काटना | |
to dance | Verb | नाचना | |
to decide to | Verb | का निश्चय करना | |
to decide, to resolve, to settle, to fix | Verb | तय करना | |
to decorate | Verb | सजाना | |
to defeat | Verb | हराना | |
to demand, to ask for | Verb | माँगना | तुम अब यहाँ क्या माँगने आये हो ? |
to describe | Verb | का बयान करना | |
to desire/ to wish | Verb | को इच्छा होना | |
to destroy | Verb | बरबाद करना | |
to develop | Verb | विकास करना | |
to die | Verb | मरना | |
to die | Verb | चल बसना | |
to differenciate between | Verb | में फ़र्क़ करना | |
to disappear, to vanish | Verb | ग़ायब होना | |
to distinguish | Verb | का फ़र्क़ करना | |
to divide, to distribute | Verb | बाँटना | |
to do | Verb | करना | तुम आज क्या काम करना चाहते हो ? |
to do someone a favor | Verb | पर मेहरबानी करना | क्या आप मुझ पर मेहरबानी करेंगे ? |
to doubt | Verb | पर शक करना | |
to dream, to have a dream | Verb | सपना देखना | |
to drink, to smoke | Verb | पीना | |
to earn, to merit | Verb | कमाना | |
to eat | Verb | खाना | |
to eat a meal | Verb | भोजन करना | |
to eat one's full | Verb | पेट भर खाना | |
to eat up | Verb | खाना खा जाना/लेना | |
to elect, to choose | Verb | चुनना | |
to emphasize | Verb | ज़ोर देना | |
to end | Verb | ख़त्म करना | |
to endure, to bear, to tolerate | Verb | सहना | |
to excuse, to pardon | Verb | माफ़ करना | |
to expalin, to advise | Verb | समझाना | |
to expect, to hope for, to count on (something) | Verb | की उम्मीद करना | |
to face, to confront | Verb | का सामना करना | |
to fall | Verb | गिरना | |
to fall asleep | Verb | सो जाना | |
to fall down (compound form) | Verb | गिर जाना | |
to fall, to drop, to lie | Verb | पड़ना | |
to famirialize oneself with | Verb | जानकारी कर लेना | |
to fear, to be afraid of | Verb | से डरना | |
to feed | Verb | खाना खिलाना | |
to feel (something) | Verb | को लगना | तुम को इस बारे में क्या लगता है ? |
to feel bad, to be displeased | Verb | को बुरा लगना | |
to feel cold | Verb | ठंड लगना | |
to feel cold | Verb | को सर्दी लगना | |
to feel cold | Verb | जाड़ा लगना | |
to feel sad | Verb | को दुख होना | |
to feel warm | Verb | को गर्मी लगना | |
to feel, to perceive | Verb | महसूस करना | |
to fight/quarrel/struggle (with) | Verb | लड़ना | |
to fill | Verb | भरना | |
to find out | Verb | मालूम करना | तुम मुझसे क्या मालूम करना चाहते हो ? |
to find out | Verb | को पता करना | |
to find out, to inquire about, to locate | Verb | का पता लगाना | |
to flow, to float, to drift, to be swept away | Verb | बहना | |
to fly, to fly up | Verb | उड़ना | |
to follow, to chase, to pursue | Verb | का पीछा करना | |
to forbid, to refuse | Verb | मना करना, मना कर देना | |
to force/to compel (to do something) | Verb | पर मजबूर करना | |
to forget | Verb | भूलना | |
to frighten | Verb | डराना | |
to gather, to assemble | Verb | इकट्ठा होना | |
to get angry at | Verb | पर गुस्सा करना | |
to get injured | Verb | को चोट लगना | |
to get married to | Verb | से शादी करना | |
to get support from, to get the backing of | Verb | का सहारा लेना | |
to get to the other side of something | Verb | पार होना | |
to get up suddenly | Verb | उठ बैठना | |
to get, to obtain | Verb | पाना | तुम ज़िन्दगी में क्या पाना चाहते हो ? |
to give | Verb | देना | |
to give (compound form) | Verb | दे देना | |
to give an examination | Verb | इम्तिहान लेना | |
to give thought of, to reflect on | Verb | पर विचार करना | |
to go and come back | Verb | हो आना | |
to go away, to leave | Verb | चला जाना | |
to go down, to descend, to get down, to land | Verb | उतरना | |
to go up, to climb, to rise, to mount | Verb | चढ़ना | |
to go, to depart | Verb | जाना | |
to grace (an accassion or place) by coming | Verb | तशरीफ़ लाना | |
to grieve, to sorrow | Verb | दुख करना | |
to grow, to germinate, to spring up, to rise | Verb | उगना | |
to guard, to watch over | Verb | की रखवाली करना | |
to harm | Verb | को नुक़सान पहुँचाना | |
to have a good time with someone | Verb | के साथ मज़ा करना | |
to have an oppurtunity | Verb | को मौक़ा मिलना | |
to have confidence in, to be certain of | Verb | यक़ीन होना | |
to have something sent | Verb | भिजवाना | |
to hear, to listen | Verb | सुनना | तुम क्या सुनना चाहते हो ? |
to help | Verb | की मदद करना | |
to hide | Verb | छिपना | |
to hide, to conceal, to cover, to disguise | Verb | छिपाना | |
to hit, to beat; to kill | Verb | मारना | |
to hope | Verb | को आशा होना | |
to hope | Verb | आशा करना | |
to hurry | Verb | जल्दी करना | |
to hurt, to wound | Verb | घायल करना | |
to immerse, to drown | Verb | डुबाना | |
to include in | Verb | में शामिल करना | |
to increase, to cause to grow/advance, to extend | Verb | बढ़ाना | |
to increase, to grow, to advance | Verb | बढ़ना | |
to inform | Verb | खबर करना | |
to inform, to notify | Verb | खबर देना | |
to inquire of | Verb | से पूछताछ करना | |
to intend, to resolve (to do something) | Verb | का इरादा करना | |
to introduce one person to amother | Verb | किसी से किसी का परिचय कराना | |
to introduce, to familiarize | Verb | का परिचय देना | |
to jump | Verb | कूदना | तुम यहाँ पर कूदना बंद करोगे या नहीं ? |
to keep accounts | Verb | हिसाब रखना | |
to keep in mind | Verb | का ध्यान रखना | |
to keep quiet | Verb | चुप रहना | |
to kill | Verb | मार डालना | |
to kiss | Verb | चूमना | |
to know | Verb | को पता होना | |
to know, to percieve | Verb | जानना | |
to laugh | Verb | हँसना | |
to laugh | Verb | को हँसी आना | |
to learn | Verb | सीखना | |
to learn, to find out, to discover | Verb | को पता चलना | |
to lie, to lie down | Verb | लेटना | |
to like | Verb | पसंद करना | |
to like | Verb | को पसंद होना | |
to live, to be alive | Verb | जीना | |
to live, to reside, to stay, to remain | Verb | रहना | |
to lose | Verb | खोना | |
to lose, to be defeated | Verb | हारना, हार जाना | |
to love, to be in love with | Verb | से मुहब्बत करना | |
to love, to be in love with | Verb | से प्रेम करना | |
to love, to be in love with | Verb | प्यार करना, से प्यार करना | |
to lower, to cause to bend down, to cause to yield | Verb | झुकाना | |
to make a visit to (a sacred plavce), to meet with | Verb | का दर्शन करना | |
to make friends with | Verb | से दोस्ती करना | |
to make happy, to cheer up | Verb | खुश करना | |
to make noise | Verb | शोर मचाना | |
to make progress in, to improve in | Verb | में उन्नति करना | |
to make the excuse or pretnse that� | Verb | का बहाना करना | |
to make, to construct, to prepare | Verb | बनाना | |
to manage, to take care of, to take over | Verb | संभालना | |
to marry someone to someone | Verb | किसी से किसी की शादी कराना | |
to match, to equal, to compete with | Verb | की बराबरी करना | |
to measure | Verb | नापना | |
to meet someone | Verb | से मुलाक़ात होना | |
to mention, to talk about | Verb | ज़िक्र करना | |
to move aside, to get out of the way | Verb | हटना | |
to move, to shake, to cause to sway/wobble | Verb | हिलाना | तुम सिर हिलाना बन्द करोगे ? |
to need | Verb | ज़रूरत होना | |
to need, to want, to have to (do something) | Verb | को चाहिये | |
to open, to untie | Verb | खोलना | |
to oppose, to resist, to object to, to protest som | Verb | का विरोध करना | |
to pay attention to | Verb | की तरफ़ ध्यान, की ओर ध्यान | |
to place confidence in | Verb | पर यक़ीन करना | |
to play | Verb | खेलना | |
to play with colors on the holi festival | Verb | से रंग खेलना | |
to play, to ring, to strike | Verb | बजाना | |
to plough | Verb | हल जोतना | क्या तुम्हें हल जोतना आता है ? |
to pose a question about | Verb | का प्रश्न करना | |
to praise | Verb | की तारीफ़ करना | |
to praise, to commend, to respect | Verb | की इज़्ज़त करना | |
to prepare | Verb | तैयार करना | |
to prepare for, to make preparation for | Verb | की तैयारियाँ करना | |
to present, to put forth | Verb | पेश करना | |
to press, to suppress, to subdue | Verb | दबाना दबाना दबाना दबाना | |
to protect, to guard | Verb | की रक्षा करना | |
to pull, to draw, to drag, to attract | Verb | खींचना | तुम क्या मुझे खींचना बंद करोगे ? |
to put in or on, to pour into or on | Verb | डालना | |
to put one's faith in, to have faith in | Verb | के ऊपर विश्वास करना | |
to put, to place, to keep, to possess | Verb | रखना | |
to quit one's job | Verb | नौकरी छोड़ना | |
to rain, to shower | Verb | बरसना | |
to raise, to lift up, to pick up, to wake up | Verb | उठाना | |
to reach, to arrive | Verb | पहुँचना | |
to read, to study, to recite | Verb | पढ़ना | |
to receive a blow, to be wounded | Verb | चोट खाना | |
to recite, to read aloud | Verb | का पाठ करना | |
to recognize, to distinguish, to identify | Verb | पहचानना | |
to reflect on, to regard with attention | Verb | पर ग़ौर करना | |
to release | Verb | छोड़ना | |
to rely upon, to count on, expect (from someone) | Verb | से आशा करना | |
to remember | Verb | की याद करना | |
to remember, to recall, to memorize | Verb | याद करना | |
to remind someone of something | Verb | याद दिलाना | |
to remove, to put out of the way | Verb | हटाना | |
to repair | Verb | की मरम्मत करना | |
to repair, to fix, to straighten out | Verb | ठीक करना | |
to repeat | Verb | दोहराना, दुहराना | |
to rest | Verb | आराम करना | |
to return | Verb | लौटना | |
to return, to refund, to give back | Verb | वापस करना | |
to revolve, to turn around, to wander | Verb | फिरना | |
to ridicule, to make fun of | Verb | का मज़ाक़ उड़ाना | |
to ripen, to be cooked | Verb | पकना | |
to rise higher, to progress | Verb | उन्नति करना | |
to rise, to get up | Verb | उठना | |
to run | Verb | दौड़ना | |
to run, to run away, to escape | Verb | भागना | |
to salute, to greet, to say good-bye | Verb | नमस्ते करना | |
to save, to retain | Verb | बचाना | |
to say, to state, to tell , to utter | Verb | कहना | |
to scold | Verb | डाँटना | |
to search | Verb | तलाश करना | |
to search | Verb | खोज करना | |
to search for | Verb | की तलाश करना | हमें किस बच्चे की तलाश करना है ? |
to search for, to seek | Verb | ढूँढ़ना | |
to see, to look at | Verb | देखना | |
to seek for, to search for, to discover | Verb | की खोज करना | |
to seek, to search, to disvover | Verb | खोजना | |
to seem, to appear | Verb | को मालूम पड़ना | |
to seem, to appear, to cost, to be spent (time) | Verb | लगना | इस काम में कितना समय लगना चाहिये ? |
to sell | Verb | बेचना | |
to send | Verb | भेजना | |
to send a telegram | Verb | तार देना, तार भेजना | |
to serve | Verb | की सेवा करना | |
to set free, to release | Verb | छुड़ाना | |
to set off/to depart | Verb | चल देना, चल पड़ना | |
to settle, to be settled, to be situated | Verb | बसना | |
to settle, to cause to settle, to found | Verb | बसाना | |
to settle, to pay off, to repay | Verb | चुकाना | |
to sew | Verb | सीना | क्या तुम्हें कपड़े सीना आता है ? |
to shake, to sway, to wobble | Verb | हिलना | तुम हिलना बन्द करोगे ? |
to shine, to glitter, to sparkle, to flash | Verb | चमकना | |
to show | Verb | दिखाना, दिखलाना | |
to show mercy to, to have mercy on | Verb | के ऊपर दया करना | |
to sigh | Verb | साँस भरना | |
to silence | Verb | चुप करना | |
to sing | Verb | गाना | |
to sit, to sit down; | Verb | बैठना | |
to sleep | Noun | सोना | |
to smile | Verb | मुसकराना | |
to speak (to), to talk (to) | Verb | बोलना | |
to speak ill of | Verb | की बुराई करना | |
to spend (time) | Adverb | बिताना | |
to spend , to use up | Verb | खर्च करना | |
to spoil | Verb | बिगाड़ना | |
to spread out | Verb | बिछाना | |
to spread, to be diffused | Verb | फैलना | |
to spread, to spread out, to extend | Verb | फैलाना | |
to stand up (compound form) | Verb | खड़ा हो जाना | |
to stand, to be standing | Verb | खड़ा होना | |
to start a conversation, to initiate | Verb | बात चलाना | यहाँ किसकी बात चल रही है ? |
to steal | Verb | चुराना | |
to stop | Verb | रोकना | तुम हमें काम करने से रोकना क्यों चाहते हो ? |
to stop | Verb | बस करना | |
to stop, to stay, to pause, to wait | Verb | ठहरना | हमें कल कहाँ ठहरना है ? |
to stop, to stay, to stand | Verb | रुकना | |
to stroll in or around, to go on an excursion to | Verb | की सैर करना | |
to sweep | Verb | झाड़ू देना, झाड़ू लगाना | |
to sweep, to brush, to clean | Verb | झाड़ना | |
to swim, to float | Verb | तैरना | |
to take | Verb | लेना | |
to take (compound form) | Verb | ले लेना | |
to take (something) ill | Verb | बुरा मानना | |
to take a picture, to draw a picture | Verb | तसवीर खींचना | |
to take advantage of | Verb | का फ़ायदा उठाना | |
to take advice from someone | Verb | से सलाह लेना | |
to take along | Verb | ले चलना | |
to take an examination | Verb | इम्तिहान देना | |
to take an examination | Verb | परीक्षा देना | |
to take an examination | Verb | परीक्षा लेना | |
to take away | Verb | ले जाना | |
to take back | Verb | वापस लेना | |
to take bath, to bathe | Verb | नहाना | |
to take down, to unload | Verb | उतारना | |
to take out, to extract, to remove | Verb | निकालना | यह सामान बाहर निकालो ! |
to take part in, to participate in | Verb | में भाग लेना | क्या तुम नाटक में भाग ले रहे हो ? |
to take revenge on someone | Verb | से बदला लेना | |
to take satisfaction in | Verb | पर संतोष करना | |
to take the trouble | Verb | की तकलीफ़ उठाना | |
to tale a look | Verb | देख लेना | |
to talk about | Verb | के बारे में बात करना | तुम लोग किस के बारे में बात कर रहे हो ? |
to talk about, to speak of, to discuss | Verb | की चर्चा करना | |
to talk informally, to chat, to engage in banter | Verb | गपशप करना | |
to talk nonsense | Verb | बकवास करना बकवास करना | तुम बकवास करना बंद करोगे ? |
to talk nonsense | Verb | बकना | |
to teach | Verb | पढ़ाना | |
to teach | Verb | सिखाना | |
to teach, to educate | Verb | को शिक्षा देना | |
to tear, to split, to rip | Verb | फाड़ना | |
to tell | Verb | बताना | |
to tell a lie | Verb | झूठ बोलना | |
to tell, to relate, to recount, to recite | Verb | सुनाना | तुम हमें क्या सुनाना चाहते थे ? |
to test, to try | Verb | की परीक्षा करना | |
to thank | Verb | को धन्यवाद देना | |
to the left | Adverb | बाएँ | |
to the left of, to the left side of | Postposition | की बायीं तरफ़, की बायीं ओर | |
to the point where, so much so that | Conjunction | यहाँ तक कि | |
to the right | Adverb | दाहिने | |
to the right of, to the right side of | Postposition | की दाईं तरफ, की दाईं ओर | |
to the right of, to the right side of | Postposition | की दाहिनी तरफ़ | |
to think | Verb | सोचना | |
to think about, to pay attention to, to regard | Verb | का ख्याल करना | |
to think of, to consider | Verb | का विचार करना | |
to think, to get an idea | Verb | को ख्याल आना | |
to throw | Verb | फेंकना | |
to tie, to fasten, to bind | Verb | बाँधना | |
to touch, to feel | Verb | छूना | |
to trade in | Verb | का व्यापार करना | |
to travel | Verb | सफ़र करना | |
to treat (a patient) | Verb | की दवाई करना | |
to tremble, to quiver, to shiver | Verb | काँपना | |
to trouble, to bother, to annoy | Verb | तंग करना | |
to try to persuade someone | Verb | समझाना बुझाना | |
to turn away from | Verb | से मुँह फेरना | तुमने उससे मुँह क्यों फेर लिया ? |
to turn one's back to | Verb | पीठ की तरफ, की ओर करना | |
to turn one's face towards | Verb | मुँह की तरफ़, मुँह की ओर करना | |
to turn upside down, to overturn | Verb | उलटना | |
to turn, to be bent, to be twisted | Verb | मुड़ना | |
to turn, to bend, to twist | Verb | मोड़ना | |
to understand | Verb | समझना | |
to understand, to comprehend | Verb | को समझ में आना | |
to unite, to belnd, to bring together | Verb | मिलाना | |
to use | Verb | का इस्तेमाल करना | |
to wait for | Verb | का इंतज़ार करना | |
to wake up, to arouse | Verb | जगाना | |
to wake up, to be awake | Verb | जगना, जागना | |
to walk | Verb | पैदल चलना | |
to walk, to move, to go off | Verb | चलना | |
to want space (to do something), to feel like | Verb | इच्छा करना | |
to want, to wish, to love, to be fond of | Verb | चाहना | तुम क्या करना चाहते हो ? |
to wash, to launder | Verb | धोना | |
to watch for, to wait for | Verb | का रास्ता देखना | |
to wear, to put on | Verb | पहनना | |
to weigh | Verb | तोलना | |
to welcome | Verb | का स्वागत करना | |
to win, to conquer | Verb | जीतना | |
to work at a job | Verb | नौकरी करना | तुम कहाँ नौकरी करते हो ? |
to work hard | Verb | मेहनत करना | |
to worry about, to care about, to bother about | Verb | की फ़िक्र करना | |
to worry, to be nervous, to be disturbed | Verb | घबराना | |
to worship | Verb | की पूजा करना | |
to write | Verb | लिखना | |
today | Adverb | आज | |
together | Adverb | इकट्ठा (2) | |
together, as one | Adverb | एक होकर | |
together, as one | Adverb | एक साथ | |
together, with, along with | Postposition | के साथ | |
together; side by side | Adverb | साथ साथ साथ-साथ | |
tomcat | Noun | बिल्ला | |
tommorrow, yesterday | Adverb | कल | |
tonga | Noun | ताँगा | |
tonga driver | Noun | ताँगावाला, ताँगेवाला | यह ताँगावाला कहाँ चला गया ? |
tongue, language | Noun | ज़बान | |
tonight | Adverb | आज रात को | |
tooth | Noun | दाँत | |
torn | Adjective | फटा | |
tortoise, turtle | Noun | कछुआ | |
toward | Postposition | की तऱफ | |
towards, with respect to, regarding | Postposition | के प्रति | |
towel | Noun | तौलिया | |
toy | Noun | खिलौना | |
translation | Noun | अनुवाद | |
traveller | Noun | मुसाफ़िर | |
tray, plate, dish | Noun | थाली | इस थाली में क्या रखा है ? |
tree | Noun | पेड़ | |
trip, travel | Noun | सफ़र | तुम कहाँ के सफ़र में जा रहे हो ? |
trouble, difficulty, misfortune | Noun | मुसीबत | |
trouble, distress, ailment | Noun | तकलीफ़ | |
true, real | Adjective | सच्चा | |
true, real, unadulterated, original | Adjective | असली | |
truly | Adverb | सचमुच | |
truth | Noun | सच सच | |
truth | Noun | सच्चाई | |
turban | Noun | पगड़ी | |
two and a half | Adjective | ढाई | |
two-fold, double | Adjective | दुगुना | |
type, kind, sort, quality, variety | Noun | किस्म | |
uncle (father's youger brother) | Noun | चाचा | |
uncle (mother's brother) | Noun | मामा | |
under, beneath, below | Postposition | के नीचे | |
understanding, intellect | Noun | समझ | |
undoubtedly, no doubt | Adverb | बेशक | |
uneasiness, restlessness | Noun | बेचैनी | |
unhappiness, sadness, sorrow, pain | Noun | दुख, दुःख | |
unhappy, sad | Adjective | दुखी | तुम दुखी क्यों हो ? |
unity | Noun | एकता | |
unknown, unfamiliar | Adjective | अपरिचित | |
unripe, raw, unfinished, provisional | Adjective | कच्चा | |
until then | Adverb | तब तक | |
until, as long as | Conjunction | जब तक | |
up until now | Adverb | अब तक | |
upper | Adjective | ऊपरी | |
urdu | Noun/Adjective | उर्दू | |
urinal, toilet | Noun | पेशाबघर पेशाबघर | |
urine | Noun | पेशाब | |
use, application | Noun | इस्तेमाल | |
useless; unemployed | Adjective | बेकार | |
uselessness; state of being unemployed | Noun | बेकारी | |
vanished, disappeared, lost | Adjective | ग़ायब | |
vegetable | Noun | सब्ज़ी | |
very good | Adjective | बहुत अच्छा | |
very much, a lot | Adverb | खूब | |
very, exceedingly | Adverb | बड़ा, बड़े, बड़ी | |
victory, success | Noun | जीत | |
village | Noun | गाँव | |
vine, creeper | Noun | लता | |
wage, salary | Noun | वेतन | |
wait | Noun | इंतज़ार | |
wall | Noun | दीवार | |
warm,hot | Adjective | गरम | |
washerman | Noun | धोबी | आज धोबी आया, कि नहीं ? |
washerwoman | Noun | धोबिन | |
watch, timepiece | Noun | घड़ी | |
water | Noun | पानी | |
water buffalo (generic term) | Noun | भैंस | |
water-pipe, tap | Noun | नल | |
wave, ripple | Noun | लहर | |
way of life, life-style | Noun | रहन सहन | |
we | Pronoun | हम | |
week | Noun | हफ़्ता | |
week, feeble, ineffectual | Adjective | कमज़ोर | |
weekness, feebleness, debility | Noun | कमज़ोरी | |
weight | Noun | वज़न | |
welcome | Noun | स्वागत | |
well | Noun | कुँआ | |
well! alright! anyway! good! | Interjection | खैर ! | |
west | Noun | पश्चिम | |
western | Adjective | पश्चिमी | |
wet, moist | Adjective | गीला | |
what | Pronoun | क्या | यह तुम्हें क्या हो गया है ? |
what!, hey! | Interjection | अरे! | अरे! यह क्या हुआ ! |
what, which | Pronoun/Adjective | कौन-सा | यह कौन-सा जानवर है ? |
whatever | Pronoun/Adjective | जो कुछ | |
wheat | Noun | गेहूँ | |
when | Conjunction | जब | |
when, at what time | Adverb | कब | तुम यहाँ कब पहुँचे ? |
when, while, since ( temperol+ casual) | Conjunction | जब कि | |
whenever | Conjunction | जब भी | |
where | Adverb | किधर | तुम किधर जा रहे हो ? |
where | Adverb | कहाँ | सब लोग कहाँ चले गये ? |
where | Adverb | जहाँ | |
wherever | Adverb | जहाँ कहीं | |
wherever | Adverb | जहाँ भी | |
wherever, in whatever direction | Adverb | जिधर | |
while, whereas, although, though | Conjunction | यों तो | |
white | Adjective | सफेद | |
white, fair skinned | Adjective | गोरी | |
who | Pronoun | कौन | आप कौन हैं ? |
who: which, what, that | Pronoun/Adjective | जो | |
whoever, whichever | Pronoun/Adjective | जो भी | |
whoever, whichever | Pronoun/Adjective | जो कोई | |
whole, entire | Adjective | सारा | |
why | Adverb | क्यों | तुम परेशान क्यों लग रहे हो ? |
why not? excellent! its natural! | Interjection | क्यों न हो? | आखिर क्यों न हो ? वह मेरा भाई जो ठहरा ! |
why, for what reason | Adverb | किसलिये | तुम यहाँ किसलिये आये हो ? |
wide, broad | Adjective | चौड़ा | |
width, breadth | Noun | चौड़ाई | |
wife | Noun | पत्नी | आपकी पत्नी कहाँ हैं ? |
wife, respected lady | Noun | बीवी | |
wind, air | Noun | हवा | |
window | Noun | खिड़की | |
wine, liquor | Noun | शराब | |
winter, cold season | Noun | जाड़ा | |
wire, cable, telegram | Noun | तार | |
with the support/backing/aid/help of | Postposition | के सहारे | |
with, together with | Postposition | के संग | |
without | Postposition | के बिना | |
without | Postposition | बिना | |
without, excluding | Postposition | के बग़ैर | |
wolf | Noun | भेड़िया भेड़िया | |
wood | Noun | लकड़ी | |
wool | Noun | ऊन | |
woolen, woolly | Adjective | ऊनी | |
word | Noun | शब्द | |
work, deed, action, task, job, employment | Noun | काम | |
work, deed, task | Noun | कार्य | |
worker, laborer | Noun | मज़दूर | |
world | Noun | दुनिया | |
worried, troubled, bothered | Adjective | परेशान | |
worry, anxiety, care, concern | Noun | फ़िक्र | |
worry, trouble | Noun | परेशानी | तुम्हारी परेशानी का क्या कारण है ? |
wrist | Noun | कलाई | |
writer | Noun | लेखक | |
wrong, untrue, incorrect | Adjective | ग़लत | |
year | Noun | साल | तुम कितने साल के हो? |
year | Noun | वर्ष | |
yellow | Adjective | पीला | |
yes! | Interjection | हाँ | |
yes! (polite) | Interjection | जी हाँ | |
yes! (polite) | Interjection | जी हाँ ! | |
yoghurt | Noun | दही | |
you | Pronoun | आप | |
you | Pronoun | तुम | तुम कौन हो ? |
you (familiar) | Pronoun | तू | तू कहाँ जा रहा है ? |
you (pl), you people | Pronoun | आप लोग | आप लोग कहाँ जा रहे हैं ? |
young, youthful | Adjective | जवान | यह सुंदर जवान कौन है ? |
your | Pronoun | आप का | |
your, yours | Adjective | तुम्हारा | तुम्हारा नाम क्या है ? |
your, yours | Pronoun | तेरा | तेरा काम हो गया ? |
youth, youthfulness | Noun | जवानी |