Forme de nom de famille
[modifier le wikicode]Singulier | Pluriel |
Trump \Prononciation ?\ |
Trumps \Prononciation ?\ |
Trumps \Prononciation ?\
- Pluriel de Trump.
"The idea that they would just move in seems unlikely," said the official, who was not aware of the specific contract numbers but was aware there were additional measures being taken after the Trumps leave the White House.
— (Kate Bennett et Maegan Vazquez, « White House moving day packed with taxpayer-funded Covid-19 cleanings and shifting sports equipment », CNN, 12 janvier 2021)
Forme de nom de famille
[modifier le wikicode]Trumps \Prononciation ?\
- Génitif singulier de Trump.
Donald Trumps administration underskrev ‘fredsaftalen’ med Taleban.
— (Kristian Jensen et Jacob Svendsen, « Se videoen: Så hurtigt har Taleban indtaget Afghanistan », Politiken, 13 août 2021)