The mediator starts by refering to two major books on this subject, then quotes Ernesto Laclau : "Populism is a concept as elusive as recurrent". He then directly questions his jounalist colleagues. Thomas Wieder, former chief of the political service, gives three periods and three definitionsː one for XIXeth century Russia, one for the 40ies Latin America (peronism), and one for today, "a political thought that relies on the vision of the people facing elites, and a promotion of nationalism". He adds that it appears under different shapes, through different political parties not only considered as on the extremities. Jérôme Gautheret, correspondent in Roma, agreesː "I work in a country where all political forces could, more or less, be called populists". So he avoids "writing “populism” : it makes things complicated without being accurate". Eventually, Sylvie Kauffman, editorial director, concludes that populism describes emergent protean movements that we don't know yet how to define. — by Romainbehar