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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

Danfarid133 asked at the beginning of the month whether there was a French word composed of the 26 letters of the alphabet and without any repetition. After some proposals, programs were written to do an exhaustive search in the Wiktionary. The longest words found are 14 letters long, such as dyschromatique, enschtroumpfai or xylographiques. There is also a proper name: Bricklehampton. Even taking into account the spaces (the dashes were already included in the previous test), no locution stands out. By differentiating the accented letters, a single word of 16 letters appears: psychomagnétique. Finally, when searching in other languages using the Latin alphabet (still in the French Wiktionary), one comes across the 16 letter English word uncopyrightables. The complete results are available in the appendix of the linguistic curiosities. — A column by Romainbehar