It is, however, quite rare to encounter real mistranslations. I remember one, several years ago, on the English Wiktionary who had amused me: intrigued by the fact that I found several pages on the net giving the word anaullaut in Inuktitut, and knowing that this word meant stick I found, after some research, that the origin was that a contributor had found in an Inuktitut/English dictionary: anaullaut : bat and has created this entry on the English Wiktionary by specifying Category:Animals; this has been reused and translated into French by other websites.
Yet, alas for him, it was the English word bat but in his meaning of batte — for example in baseball — and not bats (animal) ...
If you have also noticed some crazy or funny contributions, do not hesitate to report them here for a future issue. — a chronicle by Unsui