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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
From mid-december to mid-january (from 23/12/2016 to 20/01/2016)
  • French wins 9,235 entries. There now are 337,728 lemmas and 496,018 definitions.
  • The three languages that most improved are Spanish (+ 2,126 entries), Nothern Sami (+ 2,081 entries) and Latin (+ 701 entries).
  • The new languages in the project are : Angevin (+2), Tera (+2), Bukit (+1), Margi (+1), Bakumpai (+1), Peranakan (+1), Kamwe (+1) and Daba (+1).
  • This month, there were 16,240 new entries in at least 83 languages !
  • The new language codes of the project are : Bakumpai (code : bkr), Nothern Sorsoganon (code : bks), Bukit (code : bve), Boga (code : bvw), Kamwe (code : hig), Tera (code : ttr) and Central Proto-Tchadic.