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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
  • The city of Washington D.C. in the U.S. considers opening a museum dedicated to linguistics and languages (article in English). There is already a language museum in Paris, Mundolingua! This museum, located at 10 Rue Servandoni, 75006 Paris will welcome the conference Wiktionary: Beyond a Dictionary on Thursday, February 16th, 7:30pm, presented by Lyokoï and Noé!
  • In the article Beliefs and skepticism in Google searches / confirmation bias, dated January 26, 2017, Serge Bret-Morel observes the definitions and relations that appear to the Internet users when they do a Google search containing the words astrologie, horoscope and zodiaque. He points out several pages from Wikipedia and the definition of zodiaque in the French Wiktionary, that he considers as technically wrong.
  • Philippe Blanchet denounces glottophobia in an interview: "Rejeter un accent, c’est toucher à l’identité de l’être" (Rejecting an accent is like rejecting one’s identity.), a concrete affirmation for the Wiktionary, where all variants are legitimate in the description of a language.
  • Pronuncify is a tool developed since October 2015 and currently in version 0.31 since January 28, 2017. This tool is useful in command lines and enables the registration of pronunciations under the .ogg format from lists of words. These new files can then be sent straight to Wikimedia Commons while being categorized. The technical part is very similar to what is being developed at the Lingua Libre project.
  • Fransin is a project for phonetic transcription of simplified French. Its promoters used Wiktionary for their work.
  • The PhD student Kaja Dolar is currently working on collaborative dictionaries as linguist, discursive and social objects while Charlotte Siarri-Mesana defended last year a thesis about new words attested between 1990 and 2012 in the Nouveau Petit Robert Electronique 2012, comparing this French dictionary to the Wiktionary. These theses are not yet available but Actualités will keep you in touch!