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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.
  • There are 30,011 illustration medias (picturess and videos) in the frnech Wiktionary articles, meaning 374 more than last month.
  • Quality of the Wiktionary : the entries morse, pâquerette and chat have been proposed as having good content.
  • The project wikistics proposes in alpha version (so it is locked on 19/11/2016) to see the viewing statistics of wikimedia projects. It is interesting to see that wiktionaries cumulate 3,427,008 viewing on this day, amongst which 705,552 for the English version and 327,378 for the French version, which is the second most visited. It should be noticed that the smallest score is 53 for the Sindhi wiktionary (144thaï position), and it is already good to have about fifty viewings a day for a language from Pakistan. To compare, wikipedias have 499,444,987 viewings amongst which 11,876,905 for the French version (and 5,201 for the Sindhi version).
  • Wiktionary now proposes 250 thesauri in French! We will discuss it in the January 2017 Actualités, one year after a first balance sheet on the topic.