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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

The Catholic University of Louvain has just uploaded DicAuPro, an online dictionary of 1,700 French proverbs. While free, it requires an email address to obtain access to it. It consists of a digitization of 33 university essays (similar to QP in USA academic system) on the philology and etymology of French proverbs. At the moment, no copyright is indicated, which does not allow us to know whether it is possible to use the content in the Wiktionary. In any case, it is possible to use it as a source to enrich entries dealing with proverbs. The French Wiktionary already has the category "Proverbs in French" and the appendix "List of French proverbs," which are still incomplete at the moment!