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[modifier le wikicode]- Étymologie manquante ou incomplète. Si vous la connaissez, vous pouvez l’ajouter en cliquant ici. De Siletz, nom d’un fleuve du nord-ouest américain qui a également donné son nom à la Confédération des tribus de Siletz.
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Figure 2: Recent seismic interpretation for oceanic subduction by (left) (Sigloch and Mihalynuk, 2013) and (right) (Porritt and Allen, 2014) showing a diagonal slice downward from left to right. […] (c) map projection of an east dipping plane along the trace of the Farallon plate. Color scale gives relative compressional wave speed determined in the DNA13-P model. Purple, black, and blue boxes outline the Siletzia Curtain, Nevada Anomaly, and Isabella Anomaly, respectively.
— (Alisa Marie Green, Interpretation of EarthScope magnetotelluric data for Northwestern United States, thèse de doctorat en géophysique, Department of Geology and Geophysics, College of Mines & Earth Sciences, University of Utah, décembre 2014)These rocks appear to mark the edge of the last major piece of North America to be tectonically plastered onto the Pacific Northwest: a ghost plate, once part of a region known as Siletzia that now lies buried, mostly to the west of Interstate 5, in Washington and Oregon. The suture zone between Siletzia and the rest of North America could be an area of weakness through which fluids from below can travel. Sure enough, Mount St. Helens appears to sit above or very near to that zone.
— (Steve Olson, « Inside Mount Saint Helens, Scientists Find Clues to Eruption Prediction », in Scientific American, volume 317, numéro 5, novembre 2017)