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Portail des non-francophones / Non-french speakers portal
Welcome !

This page is there so that you can find people who can help you. If French is not your mother language, we can help you. You are welcome. This page contains important information, so please read it.

C'est quoi un non-francophone ? / What is a non-French speaker ?

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Quelqu'un ne parlant pas le français en tant que langue maternelle ou même ne parlant pas le français.
Someone who doesn’t have French as their first language or who can’t speak French at all.

You can practice French. With the help of French speakers, you can learn French. We offer this service to help non-French speakers improve their contributions in French.


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You don't understand ? We can help you translate but you can look up the word you don’t understand first. We will be happy to translate what you don’t understand because we want you to feel comfortable contributing here.

We don’t offer the following translations

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This service is for helping non-French speakers understand French, not to help them translate into other languages. We are happy to offer this service to help you.

These persons can help you

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