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Anglais[modifier le wikicode]

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Poleponnese \pəlɛpəˈniːz\ ou \pəlɛpəˈniːs\

  1. (Toponyme) (Antiquité grecque) Variante de Peloponnese.
    • Indeed, this type of castle can be seen on many other Greek islands which were once Venetian outposts, such as at Kelefa in the Poleponnese, Aptera, and Francokastello in Crete. — (Arx, nº 5, janvier 2008.)
    • As we know Perrhaebi were Illyrians, as were Enchelaeae, Autariates, Dardani, Maedi, and Taulantii; according to this, the classical Greeks believed that Illyrians were of Pelasgian ancestry. Original Hellenes, as indicated above, were also Pelasgic. This similar identification would indicate that both original Hellenes and the Illyrians had to have had similar language and other cultural attributes. With coming of Dorians from the north in Poleponnese, some degree of Pelasgic affinity was maintained, for as Neibuhr maintains that the Dorians and Pelasgians were “kindered races”. Many historians believe that today’s Albanian language provides a link with Illyrians. — (The History of Albanians in Greece.)

Italien[modifier le wikicode]

Nom propre [modifier le wikicode]

Poleponnese \Prononciation ?\ masculin

  1. (Toponyme) (Antiquité grecque) Variante de Peloponneso.
    • Alcuni forſe ſi ſarebbono immaginati, che la reſiſtenza degl’ Albaneſi doueſli hauer rotto il trattato della pace, fra l’Imperator Greco, & Amurath ; ella reſtò nondimeno nei termini nei quali era ſtata concluſa, & Turacan ſendoſi contentato di depredare tutto quel che gl’ Albaneſi, & i Venetiani poſledeuono nel Poleponnese, ſen’ andò a drittura in Valachia, doue ei riportò Vittoria contro alcune forti Truppe di Soldati, che si erono vniti per opporſi ai diſegni del ſuo Signore. — (Gilbert Saulnier Du Verdier, Compendio dell’ historie generali de Turchi, traduction par Ferdinando de Servi Fiorentino, Première partie, Giovanni Battista Scalvinoni, Venise, 1662, p. 62.)

Néerlandais[modifier le wikicode]

Nom propre [modifier le wikicode]

Poleponnese \Prononciation ?\ masculin

  1. (Toponyme) (Antiquité grecque) Variante de Peloponnesos.
    • Egeus Konink van Athene ontfangt Medea in ſijn palais, en, om die feil-greep niet enkel gedaan te hebben, troutſe tot een vrou : als wanneer Theſeus, onbekenden ſone van Egeus, quam op-donderen, die door ſijin dapperheid Poleponneſe, en 't land van twee zeën beſpoelt in ruſt en vreede gebragt had. — (Ovide, Al de werken, traduction par Abraham Valentyn, Daniel van Gaasbeek, Leyde, 1678, p. 202, 203.)