Ce module a pour but de fournir des fonctions pour écrire les modèles {{T}}
, {{trad}}
, {{trad+}}
et {{trad-}}
- T(frame[ code_langue ])
- Cette fonction s’utilise directement avec
et renvoie le nom de la langue correspondant au code langue fourni si elle existe, plus des catégories (traductions en cette langue, code langue manquant ou traduction à trier avec un second paramètre 2="trier"). - trad(frame)
- utilisé dans les modèles de type {{trad}} en y précisant le paramètre statut="inconnu" (trad), "existe" (trad+) ou "absent" (trad-). Voir la liste des paramètres pris en compte dans chacun des modèles.
La documentation de ce module est générée par le modèle {{Documentation module}}.
Elle est incluse depuis la page Module:traduction/Documentation. Veuillez placer les catégories sur cette page-là.
Les éditeurs peuvent travailler dans le bac à sable (créer).
Voir les statistiques d'appel depuis le wikicode sur l'outil wstat et les appels depuis d'autres modules.
local m_bases = require("Module:bases")
local m_params = require("Module:paramètres")
local m_langs = require("Module:langues")
local p = {}
local cats = {}
-- List of languages for which the "’" must be kept
local keepApos = { fr = true, de = true, }
-- Shows categories when true.
-- For debugging purposes, deactivate *before* saving.
local DEBUG = false
--- Returns the category with the given name.
--- @param categoryName string The category’s name.
--- @param sortingKey string The sorting key.
--- @param asLink boolean Whether the category should be a link or not.
--- @return string The category.
local function getCategory(categoryName, sortingKey, asLink)
if DEBUG then
if sortingKey then
return m_bases.fait_categorie(categoryName, nil, true) .. "(" .. sortingKey .. ")"
return m_bases.fait_categorie(categoryName, nil, true)
return m_bases.fait_categorie_contenu(categoryName, sortingKey, asLink)
--- Formats a language name.
--- @param langName string The language’s name.
--- @param langCode string The language’s code.
--- @return string The formated language name.
local function formatLanguageName(langName, langCode)
if langName and langCode then
return mw.ustring.format('<span class="trad-%s">%s</span>', langCode, langName)
return ""
--- Function for the template {{T}}.
--- frame.args[1] (string): Language code.
--- frame.args[2] (string): If equal to "trier", tells that this translation has to be sorted by users.
--- @return string Template’s code.
function p.templateT(frame)
local args = m_params.process(frame:getParent().args, {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
local langCode = args[1]
local sort = args[2] == "trier"
-- Language code is mandatory.
if not langCode then
return "[[WT:Liste des langues|Langue à préciser]]"
.. getCategory("Wiktionnaire:Traductions T sans langue précisée")
local langName = m_langs.get_nom(langCode)
local formatedText
local category
if langName then
formatedText = m_bases.ucfirst(langName)
local categoryNamePrefix = sort and "Wiktionnaire:Traductions à trier en " or "Traductions en "
category = getCategory(categoryNamePrefix .. langName)
-- Undefined language code, categorize for easy checking.
formatedText = mw.ustring.format('<i><span style="color:red">%s</span></i>[[WT:Liste des langues|*]]', langCode)
category = getCategory("Wiktionnaire:Traductions T avec code langue non défini", langCode)
return formatLanguageName(formatedText, langCode) .. category
--- Generates the link pointing to another Wiktionary.
--- @param langCode string Word’s language code.
--- @param word string The word to link to.
--- @param status string The status (either "existe", "inconnu", "absent", "" or nil).
--- @return string The outgoing link.
local function generateOutgoingLink(langCode, word, status)
local displayedText = ""
-- Link destination
local wikiLangCode = m_langs.get_lien_Wikimedia(langCode) or langCode
if not keepApos[langCode] then
word = mw.ustring.gsub(word, "[’ʼ]", "'") -- apostrophes dactylographique et modificative
local destination = mw.ustring.format(":%s:%s", wikiLangCode, word)
if not m_langs.has_wiktionary(langCode) and langCode ~= 'conv' then
displayedText = '<span class="trad-nowikt">(*)</span>'
destination = "Wiktionnaire:Pas de wiktionnaire dans cette langue"
elseif status == "existe" then
displayedText = mw.ustring.format('<span class="trad-existe">(%s)</span>', wikiLangCode)
elseif status == "inconnu" then
displayedText = mw.ustring.format('<span class="trad-inconnu">(%s)</span>', wikiLangCode)
elseif status == "absent" then
displayedText = mw.ustring.format('<span class="trad-absent">(%s)</span>', wikiLangCode)
displayedText = ""
destination = nil
return destination
and mw.ustring.format('<span class="trad-exposant">[[%s|%s]]</span>', destination, displayedText)
or ""
--- Formats the given text as traditional script (mainly for Chinese).
--- @param langCode string The language code.
--- @param word string The word to format.
--- @return string The formated word.
local function formatTraditionalScript(langCode, word)
if not word then
return nil
-- Traditional Chinese is better displayed by browsers when using the code zh-Hant.
if langCode == "zh" then
langCode = "zh-Hant"
elseif langCode == "ko" then
langCode = "ko-Hani"
-- Mark the text as “traditional” for gadgets.
local shownText = mw.ustring.format('<span class="ecrit_tradi">%s</span>', word)
return m_bases.lien_modele(word, langCode, nil, shownText, true)
--- Formats a transcription.
--- @param langCode string Transcription’s language code.
--- @param transcription string Text to format.
--- @param traditionalLangCode string Optional language code for traditional scripts.
--- @return string The formated transcription.
local function formatTranscription(langCode, transcription, traditionalLangCode)
if not transcription or not langCode then
return nil
local lang = traditionalLangCode or langCode .. "-Latn"
return m_bases.balise_langue(transcription, lang)
--- Returns the full gender label for the given code.
--- @param gender string Gender code.
--- @return string The full gender label.
local function formatGender(gender)
if not gender then
return nil
-- List of authorized genders and associated numbers
local gendersList = {
["m"] = "masculin",
["f"] = "féminin",
["n"] = "neutre",
["c"] = "commun",
["s"] = "singulier",
["p"] = "pluriel",
["d"] = "duel",
["a"] = "animé",
["i"] = "inanimé",
["mf"] = "masculin et féminin identiques",
["mp"] = "masculin pluriel",
["fp"] = "féminin pluriel",
["mfp"] = "masculin et féminin pluriel",
["np"] = "neutre pluriel",
["ma"] = "masculin animé",
["mi"] = "masculin inanimé",
["fa"] = "féminin animé",
["fi"] = "féminin inanimé",
["na"] = "neutre animé",
["ni"] = "neutre inanimé",
if gendersList[gender] then
return mw.ustring.format("''%s''", gendersList[gender])
table.insert(cats, getCategory("Wiktionnaire:Traductions avec genre inexistant", gender))
return ""
--- Generates the code for the templates {{trad}}, {{trad+}}, {{trad-}} and {{trad--}}.
--- @param status string Status of the interwiki link.
--- @param langCode string Translation’s language code.
--- @param word string The translation.
--- @param gender string Word’s gender.
--- @param alternativeText string Alternative text to display instead of the word.
--- @param transcription string Word’s transcription.
--- @param traditionalLangCode string Language code for traditional script if any (for Chinese and Korean).
--- @param traditionalTerm string Word for traditional script (for Chinese and Korean).
--- @return string Template’s code.
function p._templateTrad(status, langCode, word, gender, alternativeText, transcription, traditionalLangCode, traditionalTerm)
if not langCode then
table.insert(cats, getCategory("Wiktionnaire:Traductions sans langue précisée"))
return '<span style="color:red;">[[WT:Liste des langues|Langue à préciser]] (paramètre 1)</span>'
elseif m_langs.get_nom(langCode) == nil then
table.insert(cats, getCategory("Wiktionnaire:Traductions trad avec code langue non défini"))
local localLink = ""
local superscriptText = ""
if not word then
table.insert(cats, getCategory("Wiktionnaire:Traductions sans traduction précisée"))
localLink = '<span style="color:red">pas de traduction précisée (paramètre 2)</span>'
localLink = m_bases.lien_modele(word, langCode, nil, alternativeText, true)
superscriptText = generateOutgoingLink(langCode, word, status)
local formatedTraditionalScript = traditionalTerm and formatTraditionalScript(langCode, traditionalTerm) or nil
local formatedTranscription = transcription and formatTranscription(langCode, transcription, traditionalLangCode) or nil
local formatedGender = formatGender(gender)
local finalText = localLink
if superscriptText then
finalText = finalText .. " " .. superscriptText
if formatedTraditionalScript then
finalText = finalText .. " (" .. formatedTraditionalScript .. ")"
if formatedTranscription then
finalText = finalText .. " " .. formatedTranscription
if formatedGender then
finalText = finalText .. " " .. formatedGender
return finalText
--- Generates the code for the templates {{trad}}, {{trad+}}, {{trad-}} and {{trad--}}.
--- frame.args["statut"] (string): Status of the interwiki link.
--- parent frame.args[1] (string): Translation’s language code.
--- parent frame.args[2] (string): The translation.
--- parent frame.args[3] (string): Word’s gender.
--- parent frame.args["dif"] (string): Alternative text to display instead of the word.
--- parent frame.args["tr"]/parent frame.args["R"] (string): Word’s transcription.
--- parent frame.args["lang-tr"]/parent frame.args["lang-R"] (string): Language code for traditional script if any (for Chinese and Korean).
--- parent frame.args["tradi"] (string): Word for traditional script (for Chinese and Korean).
--- @return string Template’s code.
function p.templateTrad(frame)
local status = m_params.process(frame.args, {
["statut"] = { enum = { "nowikt", "existe", "inconnu", "absent", nil } },
local args = m_params.process(frame:getParent().args, {
[1] = {},
[2] = {},
[3] = {},
["lang-tr"] = {},
["lang-R"] = { alias_of = "lang-tr" },
["tr"] = {},
["R"] = { alias_of = "tr" },
["dif"] = {},
["tradi"] = {},
local langCode = args[1]
local traditionalLangCode = args["lang-tr"]
local word = args[2]
local alternativeText = args["dif"]
local traditionalTerm = args["tradi"]
local transcription = args["tr"]
local gender = args[3]
local wikicode = p._templateTrad(status, langCode, word, gender, alternativeText, transcription, traditionalLangCode, traditionalTerm)
return wikicode .. table.concat(cats)
return p