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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:nan-pron/Documentation

local export = {}

local find = mw.ustring.find
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local sub = mw.ustring.sub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local len = mw.ustring.len
local split = mw.text.split

local psdb_initial = {
	["p"] = "'p", ["ph"] = "ph", ["b"] = "'b",
	["t"] = "'d", ["th"] = "'t",
	["k"] = "'k", ["kh"] = "'q", ["g"] = "'g",
	["chi"] = "c", ["ch"] = "z",
	["chhi"] = "ch", ["chh"] = "zh",
	["si"] = "s", ["s"] = "s",
	["j"] = "j",
	["l"] = "l", ["h"] = "'h",
	["m"] = "m", ["n"] = "n", ["ng"] = "ng",
	[""] = "'"

local function psdb_final(text)
	local basic_psdb = {
		--single vowel tone 12357
		["a1"] = "af", ["a2"] = "ar", ["a3"] = "ax", ["a5"] = "aa", ["a7"] = "a",
		["i1"] = "y", ["i2"] = "ie", ["i3"] = "ix", ["i5"] = "ii", ["i7"] = "i",
		["u1"] = "w", ["u2"] = "uo", ["u3"] = "ux", ["u5"] = "uu", ["u7"] = "u",
		["e1"] = "ef", ["e2"] = "ea", ["e3"] = "ex", ["e5"] = "ee", ["e7"] = "e",
		["oo1"] = "of", ["oo2"] = "or", ["oo3"] = "ox", ["oo5"] = "oo", ["oo7"] = "o",
		["o1"] = "oy", ["o2"] = "oir", ["o3"] = "oix", ["o5"] = "ooi", ["o7"] = "oi",
		["ng1"] = "'ngf", ["ng2"] = "'ngr", ["ng3"] = "'ngx", ["ng5"] = "'ngg", ["ng7"] = "'ng",
		["m1"] = "'mf", ["m2"] = "'mr", ["m3"] = "'mx", ["m5"] = "'mm", ["m7"] = "'m",
		--double vowel tone 12357
		["ai1"] = "ay", ["ai2"] = "ae", ["ai3"] = "aix", ["ai5"] = "aai", ["ai7"] = "ai",
		["au1"] = "aw", ["au2"] = "ao", ["au3"] = "aux", ["au5"] = "aau", ["au7"] = "au",
		["ia1"] = "iaf", ["ia2"] = "iar", ["ia3"] = "iax", ["ia5"] = "iaa", ["ia7"] = "ia",
		["iau1"] = "iaw", ["iau2"] = "iao", ["iau3"] = "iaux", ["iau5"] = "iaau", ["iau7"] = "iau",
		["io1"] = "ioy", ["io2"] = "ioir", ["io3"] = "ioix", ["io5"] = "iooi", ["io7"] = "ioi",
		["iu1"] = "iw", ["iu2"] = "iuo", ["iu3"] = "iux", ["iu5"] = "iuu", ["iu7"] = "iu",
		["oa1"] = "oaf", ["oa2"] = "oar", ["oa3"] = "oax", ["oa5"] = "oaa", ["oa7"] = "oa",
		["oai1"] = "oay", ["oai2"] = "oae", ["oai3"] = "oaix", ["oai5"] = "oaai", ["oai7"] = "oai",
		["oe1"] = "oef", ["oe2"] = "oea", ["oe3"] = "oex", ["oe5"] = "oee", ["oe7"] = "oe",
		["ui1"] = "uy", ["ui2"] = "uie", ["ui3"] = "uix", ["ui5"] = "uii", ["ui7"] = "ui",
		--nasal vowel tone 12357
		--nasal ending tone 12357
		["ian1"] = "iefn", ["ian2"] = "iern", ["ian3"] = "iexn", ["ian5"] = "ieen", ["ian7"] = "ien",
		["iong1"] = "iofng", ["iong2"] = "iorng", ["iong3"] = "ioxng", ["iong5"] = "ioong", ["iong7"] = "iong",
		--stopped single vowel tone 48
		["op4"] = "ob", ["op8"] = "op",
		["ot4"] = "od", ["ot8"] = "ot",
		["ok4"] = "og", ["ok8"] = "ok",
		--stopped double vowel tone 48
		["iop4"] = "iob", ["iop8"] = "iop",
		["iot4"] = "iod", ["iot8"] = "iot",
		["iok4"] = "iog", ["iok8"] = "iok",
	text = gsub(text, "[一二三四五六七八]", {["一"] = "1", ["二"] = "2", ["三"] = "3", ["四"] = "4", ["五"] = "5", ["六"] = "6", ["七"] = "7", ["八"] = "8"})
	if find(text, "ⁿ[12357]$") then
		local basic = gsub(text, "ⁿ", "")
		basic = gsub(basic, "^o([12357])$", "oo%1")
		if basic_psdb[basic] then
			return "v" .. basic_psdb[basic]
	elseif find(text, ".[mn]g?[12357]$") and not find(text, "^ian[12357]$") and not find(text, "^iong[12357]$") then
		local basic = gsub(text, "[mn]g?([12357])$", "%1")
		local ending = match(text, "([mn]g?)[12357]$")
		basic = gsub(basic, "^o([12357])$", "oo%1")
		if basic_psdb[basic] then
			return basic_psdb[basic] .. ending
	elseif find(text, "[ptkh]ⁿ?4$") and not find(text, "^i?o[ptk]4$") then
		local basic = gsub(text, "[ptkh](ⁿ?)4$", "%1") .. "7"
		local ending = match(text, "([ptkh])ⁿ?4$")
		ending = gsub(ending, "[ptkh]",{p = "b", t = "d", k = "g", h = "q"})
		if find(basic, "ⁿ") then
			basic = gsub(basic, "ⁿ", "")
			basic = gsub(basic, "^o([12357])$", "oo%1")
			if basic_psdb[basic] then
				return "v" .. basic_psdb[basic] .. ending
			if basic_psdb[basic] then
				return basic_psdb[basic] .. ending
	elseif find(text, "[ptkh]ⁿ?8$") and not find(text, "^i?o[ptk]8$") then
		local basic = gsub(text, "[ptkh](ⁿ?)8$", "%1") .. "7"
		local ending = match(text, "([ptkh])ⁿ?8$")
		if find(basic, "ⁿ") then
			basic = gsub(basic, "ⁿ", "")
			basic = gsub(basic, "^o([12357])$", "oo%1")
			if basic_psdb[basic] then
				return "v" .. basic_psdb[basic] .. ending
			if basic_psdb[basic] then
				return basic_psdb[basic] .. ending
		return basic_psdb[text]

function export.poj_check_invalid(text)
	if not text then
		return nil
	local correct = mw.ustring.toNFD(text) .. "-"
	local accent = "[́̀̂̌̄̍̋]"
	local switch = "%1%3%2%4"
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	correct = gsub(correct, "([oO])([ae])(" .. gsub(accent, "̍", "") .. ")([ⁿ%-/ ])", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([oO])(" .. accent .. ")([ae])([imnptkh][gh]?ⁿ?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([oO]a)(i)(" .. accent .. ")(h?ⁿ?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([aA])([iu])(" .. accent .. ")(h?ⁿ?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([iI])(" .. accent .. ")([aou])(u?[mnptkh]?g?ⁿ?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([iI]a)(u)(" .. accent .. ")(h?ⁿ?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([uU])(i)(" .. accent .. ")([hⁿ]?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([eE])(e)(" .. accent .. ")(h?ⁿ?)", switch)
	correct = gsub(correct, "([eE])(re)(" .. gsub(accent, "̍", "") .. ")([%-/ ])", switch)
	-- correct = gsub(correct, "([oO]" .. accent .. ")[ou·]", "%1͘")
	if find(title, "[子仔]") and title ~= "明仔早" then
		correct = gsub(correct, "%-" .. mw.ustring.toNFD("á") .. "([%- /])", "-仔%1")
	correct = mw.ustring.toNFC(gsub(correct, "-$", ""))
	if text ~= correct then
		error("Invalid POJ input \"" .. text .. "\": please change it to \"" .. correct .. "\"")
	return text

function export.poj_to_tl_conv(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then text = text.args[1] end
	local accent = "[́̀̂̌̄̍̋]?"
	local conv = {
		["e"] = "i", ["E"] = "I", ["o"] = "u", ["O"] = "U"
	local function convert(a, b)
		return conv[a] .. b
	text = gsub(text, "#", "")
	text = mw.ustring.toNFD(text)
	text = gsub(text, "仔", "á")
	text = gsub(text, "%(([^%)]+)%)", "%1-%1-%1")
	text = gsub(text, "([eE])(̍?k)", convert)
	text = gsub(text, "([eE])(" .. accent .. "ng)", convert)
	text = gsub(text, "([oO])(" .. accent .. "[ae])", convert)
	text = gsub(text, "([uU])(" .. accent .. ")([aei])", "%1%3%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([eE])(" .. accent .. ")(re)", "%1%3%2")
	text = gsub(text, "([oO]" .. accent .. ")͘", "%1o")
	text = gsub(text, "(h?)ⁿ", "nn%1")
	text = gsub(text, "[cC]h", {["ch"] = "ts", ["Ch"] = "Ts"})
	text = gsub(text,'/([^ ])',' / %1')
	return mw.ustring.toNFC(text)

function export.poj_check_syllable(initial, final, loc)
	local validInitials = {
		["p"] = 1, ["ph"] = 1, ["m"] = 1, ["b"] = 1, 
		["t"] = 1, ["th"] = 1, ["n"] = 1, ["l"] = 1, 
		["ch"] = 1, ["s"] = 1, 
		["k"] = 1, ["kh"] = 1, ["ng"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["h"] = 1, [""] = 1,
	local moreValidInitials = { }
	moreValidInitials["Xiamen"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Xiamen-d"] = { ["chh"] = 1, ["j"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Tong'an"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Quanzhou"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Jinjiang"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Zhangpu"] = { ["j"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Zhangzhou"] = { ["chh"] = 1, ["j"] = 1 }
	moreValidInitials["Taipei"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Kaohsiung"] = { ["chh"] = 1, ["j"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Kinmen"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	moreValidInitials["Singapore"] = { ["chh"] = 1, ["j"] = 1 }
	moreValidInitials["Penang"] = {
			["chh"] = 1,
			["f"] = 1, ["d"] = 1, ["j"] = 1, ["sh"] = 1,
			["r"] = 1, ["w"] = 1, ["y"] = 1,
	moreValidInitials["Philippines"] = { ["chh"] = 1, }
	local validFinals = {
		["a"] = 1, ["ah"] = 1, ["ai"] = 1, ["aiⁿ"] = 1, ["ak"] = 1, 
		["am"] = 1, ["an"] = 1, ["aⁿ"] = 1, ["ang"] = 1, ["ap"] = 1,
		["at"] = 1, ["au"] = 1, ["auh"] = 1, ["e"] = 1, ["eh"] = 1, 
		["eng"] = 1, ["i"] = 1, ["ia"] = 1, ["iah"] = 1, ["iak"] = 1,
		["iam"] = 1, ["ian"] = 1, ["iaⁿ"] = 1, ["iang"] = 1, ["iap"] = 1, 
		["iat"] = 1, ["iau"] = 1, ["iauⁿ"] = 1, ["ih"] = 1, ["im"] = 1, 
		["in"] = 1, ["iⁿ"] = 1, ["io"] = 1, ["ioh"] = 1, ["iok"] = 1, 
		["iong"] = 1, ["ip"] = 1, ["it"] = 1, ["iu"] = 1, ["m"] = 1,
		["ng"] = 1, ["o"] = 1, ["o͘"] = 1, ["oa"] = 1, ["oah"] = 1,
		["oai"] = 1, ["oan"] = 1, ["oaⁿ"] = 1, ["oat"] = 1, 
		["oe"] = 1, ["oeh"] = 1, ["oh"] = 1, ["ok"] = 1, ["oⁿ"] = 1,
		["ong"] = 1, ["u"] = 1, ["uh"] = 1, ["ui"] = 1, ["uiⁿ"] = 1,
		["un"] = 1, ["ut"] = 1, 
	local moreValidFinals = { }
	moreValidFinals["Xiamen"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ek"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, 
			["oaih"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oehⁿ"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1,
			["uih"] = 1, ["uihⁿ"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Xiamen-d"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ek"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, 
			["oaih"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oehⁿ"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1,
			["uih"] = 1, ["uihⁿ"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Tong'an"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ek"] = 1,
			["er"] = 1, ["erh"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["ir"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, 
			["ngh"] = 1, ["oaih"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oang"] = 1, ["oehⁿ"] = 1,
			["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["uih"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Quanzhou"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, ["er"] = 1,
			["erh"] = 1, ["erm"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["ir"] = 1, ["irh"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1,
			["ngh"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oang"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1,
			["uih"] = 1, ["uihⁿ"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Jinjiang"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1,
			["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, ["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1,
			["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oang"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1,
			["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["uih"] = 1, ["uihⁿ"] = 1,
	moreValidFinals["Zhangpu"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ee"] = 1, ["eeh"] = 1,
			["ehⁿ"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, 
			["iauhⁿ"] = 1, ["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1,
			["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1,
			["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["om"] = 1, ["op"] = 1,
	moreValidFinals["Zhangzhou"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ee"] = 1,
			["eeh"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, ["ek"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, 
			["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, ["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["ioⁿ"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1,
			["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, ["oaih"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1,
			["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["om"] = 1, ["op"] = 1,
	moreValidFinals["Taipei"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ek"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, ["ihⁿ"] = 1, 
			["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, ["oaih"] = 1,
			["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["om"] = 1, ["op"] = 1, 
			["uih"] = 1,
	moreValidFinals["Kaohsiung"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ek"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1,
			["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, 
			["oaih"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oeⁿ"] = 1, ["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["om"] = 1,
			["op"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Kinmen"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["aih"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ek"] = 1,
			["er"] = 1, ["erh"] = 1, ["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["ir"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, 
			["ngh"] = 1, ["oaih"] = 1, ["oaihⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oang"] = 1, ["oehⁿ"] = 1,
			["o͘h"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["uih"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Singapore"] = {
			["ahⁿ"] = 1, ["auhⁿ"] = 1, ["auⁿ"] = 1, ["ee"] = 1, ["ehⁿ"] = 1, 
			["ek"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1, ["er"] = 1, ["erh"] = 1, ["ern"] = 1,
			["iahⁿ"] = 1, ["iauh"] = 1, ["iauhⁿ"] = 1, ["ihⁿ"] = 1, ["ioⁿ"] = 1,
			["ir"] = 1, ["iuh"] = 1, ["iuⁿ"] = 1, ["mh"] = 1, ["ngh"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, 
			["oang"] = 1, ["oehⁿ"] = 1, ["oeⁿ"] = 1, ["ohⁿ"] = 1, ["uih"] = 1, 
	moreValidFinals["Penang"] = {
			["aih"] = 1, ["ee"] = 1, ["eeh"] = 1, ["eek"] = 1, ["eeng"] = 1,
			["ei"] = 1, ["ek"] = 1, ["em"] = 1, ["en"] = 1, ["eⁿ"] = 1,
			["eoi"] = 1, ["er"] = 1, ["erh"] = 1, ["ern"] = 1, ["ert"] = 1,
			["et"] = 1, ["ik"] = 1, ["ing"] = 1, ["ioⁿ"] = 1, ["oaiⁿ"] = 1, ["oang"] = 1,
			["o͘h"] = 1, ["oi"] = 1, ["oiⁿ"] = 1, ["om"] = 1, ["on"] = 1,
			["ot"] = 1, ["ou"] = 1, ["uk"] = 1, ["um"] = 1, ["ung"] = 1,
			["y"] = 1, ["yn"] = 1,
	moreValidFinals["Philippines"] = moreValidFinals["Jinjiang"]
	local loc_code = {
		["Xiamen"] = "x",
		["Xiamen-d"] = "a",
		["Tong'an"] = "d",
		["Quanzhou"] = "q",
		["Jinjiang"] = "c",
		["Zhangpu"] = "h",
		["Zhangzhou"] = "z",
		["Taipei"] = "t",
		["Kaohsiung"] = "k",
		["Kinmen"] = "j",
		["Singapore"] = "s",
		["Penang"] = "p",
		["Philippines"] = "f",
	if not ((validInitials[initial] or moreValidInitials[loc][initial]) and (validFinals[final] or moreValidFinals[loc][final])) then
		--error("The syllable " .. initial .. "+" .. final .. " does not appear to be a valid " .. loc .. " POJ syllable.")
		return "[[Category:Min Nan terms needing pronunciation attention|" .. loc_code[loc] .. "]]"
	return nil

function export.generate_all(text)
	local nan_pronunc, loc
	if type(text) == "table" then
		text, nan_pronunc, loc = text.args[1], text.args[2], text.args["loc"]
	local location_list = {
		["ax"] = "Anxi",
		["ct"] = "Changtai",
		["hc"] = "Hsinchu",
		["jj"] = "Jinjiang",
		["kh"] = "Kaohsiung",
		["km"] = "Kinmen",
		["lk"] = "Lukang",
		["md"] = "Medan",
		["mg"] = "Magong",
		["ml"] = "Mainland",
		["ph"] = "Philippines",
		["pn"] = "Penang",
		["qz"] = "Quanzhou",
		["qzd"] = "Quanzhou-d",
		["sg"] = "Singapore",
		["sx"] = "Sanxia",
		["ta"] = "Tong'an",
		["tc"] = "Taichung",
		["tn"] = "Tainan",
		["tp"] = "Taipei",
		["tt"] = "Taitung",
		["wh"] = "Wanhua",
		["wq"] = "Wuqi",
		["xm"] = "Xiamen",
		["xmd"] = "Xiamen-d",
		["yl"] = "Yilan",
		["zp"] = "Zhangpu",
		["zz"] = "Zhangzhou",
		["tw"] = "Taiwan",
		["twt"] = "Taiwan-t",
		["twk"] = "Taiwan-k",
		["twv"] = "Taiwan-v",
		["twvt"] = "Taiwan-vt",
		["twvk"] = "Taiwan-vk",
		["twd"] = "Taiwan-d",
		["twdt"] = "Taiwan-dt",
		["twdk"] = "Taiwan-dk",
		["twr"] = "Taiwan-r",
		["twrt"] = "Taiwan-rt",
		["twrk"] = "Taiwan-rk",
		["twq"] = "Taiwan-Q",
		["twz"] = "Taiwan-Z",
	local location_alias = {
		["xz"] = "hc", ["sj"] = "hc", ["st"] = "hc",
		["kx"] = "kh",
		["gm"] = "km", ["jm"] = "km", ["qm"] = "km",
		["lg"] = "lk",
		["mk"] = "mg",
		["cj"] = "qj",
		["ss"] = "sx", ["sk"] = "sx",
		["tz"] = "tc", ["tj"] = "tc",
		["tl"] = "tn",
		["em"] = "xm", ["am"] = "xm", ["hm"] = "xm",
		["il"] = "yl",
		["lc"] = "zz",
		["cc"] = "zz (Zhangzhou) or qz (Quanzhou)",
		["cz"] = "zz (Zhangzhou) or qz (Quanzhou)"

	local location_link = {
		["Anxi"] = "''[[w:Anxi County|Anxi]]''",
		["Changtai"] = "''[[w:Changtai County|Changtai]]''",
		["Hsinchu"] = "''[[w:Hsinchu|Hsinchu]]''",
		["Jinjiang"] = "''[[w:Jinjiang, Fujian|Jinjiang]]''",
		["Kaohsiung"] = "''[[w:Kaohsiung|Kaohsiung]]''",
		["Kinmen"] = "''[[w:Kinmen|Kinmen]]''",
		["Lukang"] = "''[[w:Lukang|Lukang]]''",
		["Magong"] = "''[[w:Magong|Magong]]''",
		["Medan"] = "''[[w:Medan Hokkien|Medan]]''",
		["Mainland"] = "''[[w:Amoy dialect|Xiamen]]'', ''[[w:Quanzhou dialect|Quanzhou]]'', ''[[w:Zhangzhou dialect|Zhangzhou]]''",
		["Penang"] = "''[[w:Penang Hokkien|Penang]]''",
		["Philippines"] = "''[[w:Philippine Hokkien|Philippines]]''",
		["Quanzhou"] = "''[[w:Quanzhou dialect|Quanzhou]]''",
		["Quanzhou-d"] = "''dated in [[w:Quanzhou dialect|Quanzhou]]''",
		["Sanxia"] = "''[[w:Sanxia|Sanxia]]''",
		["Singapore"] = "''[[w:Singaporean Hokkien|Singapore]]''",
		["Taichung"] = "''[[w:Taichung|Taichung]]''",
		["Tainan"] = "''[[w:Tainan|Tainan]]''",
		["Taipei"] = "''[[w:Taipei|Taipei]]''",
		["Taitung"] = "''[[w:Taitung City|Taitung]]''",
		["Tong'an"] = "''[[w:Tong'an District|Tong'an]]''",
		["Wanhua"] = "''[[w:Wanhua District|Wanhua]]''",
		["Wuqi"] = "''[[w:Wuqi District|Wuqi]]''",
		["Xiamen"] = "''[[w:Amoy dialect|Xiamen]]''",
		["Xiamen-d"] = "''dated in [[w:Amoy dialect|Xiamen]]''",
		["Yilan"] = "''[[w:Yilan|Yilan]]''",
		["Zhangpu"] = "''[[w:Zhangpu County|Zhangpu]]''",
		["Zhangzhou"] = "''[[w:Zhangzhou dialect|Zhangzhou]]''",
		["Taiwan"] = "''General [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwanese]]''",
		["Taiwan-t"] = "''General [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwanese]]''",
		["Taiwan-k"] = "''General [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwanese]]''",
		["Taiwan-v"] = "''variant in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-vt"] = "''variant in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-vk"] = "''variant in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-d"] = "''dated in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-dt"] = "''dated in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-dk"] = "''dated in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-r"] = "''rare in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-rt"] = "''rare in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-rk"] = "''rare in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-Q"] = "''[[w:Quanzhou dialect|Quanzhou]]-like accent in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
		["Taiwan-Z"] = "''[[w:Zhangzhou dialect|Zhangzhou]]-like accent in [[w:Taiwanese Hokkien|Taiwan]]''",
	local IPA_available = {
		["Xiamen"] = true,
		["Tong'an"] = true,
		["Quanzhou"] = true,
		["Jinjiang"] = true,
		["Zhangpu"] = true,
		["Zhangzhou"] = true,
		["Taipei"] = true,
		["Kaohsiung"] = true,
		["Kinmen"] = true,
		["Singapore"] = true,
		["Penang"] = true,
		["Philippines"] = true,
	local ast = (not nan_pronunc or nan_pronunc == "") and "*" or ""
	local formatting = {
		LV_two = {
			leading = "\n" .. ast .. "* <small>(\'\'[[w:Hokkien|Hokkien]]\'\'",
			trailing = ")</small>",
		POJ = {
			leading = "\n" .. ast .. "** <small>''[[w:Pe̍h-ōe-jī|Pe̍h-ōe-jī]]''</small>: <span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">",
			trailing = "</span>",
		TL = {
			leading = "\n" .. ast .. "** <small>''[[w:Tâi-lô|Tâi-lô]]''</small>: <span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">",
			trailing = "</span>",
		PSDB = {
			leading = "\n" .. ast .. "** <small>''[[w:Phofsit Daibuun|Phofsit Daibuun]]''</small>: <span style=\"font-family: monospace;\">",
			trailing = "</span>",
		IPA = {
			leading = "\n" .. ast .. "** <small>[[Wiktionary:International Phonetic Alphabet|IPA]] (",
			trailing = ")</small>: ",
	local IPA_available_list = { "Xiamen", "Quanzhou", "Zhangzhou", "Taiwan" }
	local all_readings, locations, output_text = {}, {}, {}
	for i, reading in ipairs(split(text, "/")) do
		if find(reading, ":") then
			local reading_part = split(reading, ":")
			locations[i] = {}
			all_readings[i] = reading_part[2]
			for location_abbrev in mw.text.gsplit(reading_part[1], ",") do
				if location_alias[location_abbrev] then
					error("Invalid Min Nan location code: " .. location_abbrev .. ", maybe you meant: " .. location_alias[location_abbrev])
				if not location_list[location_abbrev] then
					error("The region label '" .. location_abbrev .. "' cannot be found. Please see [[Template:zh-pron#Parameters]].")
				table.insert(locations[i], location_list[location_abbrev])
			locations[i] = IPA_available_list
			all_readings[i] = reading
	if not find(text, ":") then
		table.insert(output_text, formatting.LV_two.leading .. formatting.LV_two.trailing ..
			formatting.POJ.leading .. export.poj_display(text) .. formatting.POJ.trailing ..
			formatting.TL.leading .. export.poj_to_tl_conv(text) .. formatting.TL.trailing)
		if not find(text, "%-%-") then
			local psdb_hash = export.poj_to_psdb_conv(text)
			if not find(psdb_hash, "error") then
				table.insert(output_text, formatting.PSDB.leading .. psdb_hash .. formatting.PSDB.trailing)
			for _, IPA_location in ipairs(IPA_available_list) do
				IPA_location = IPA_location == "Taiwan" and { "Taipei", "Kaohsiung" } or { IPA_location }
				for _, location in ipairs(IPA_location) do
					table.insert(output_text, formatting.IPA.leading .. location_link[location] .. formatting.IPA.trailing)
					local reading_IPA_hash = {}
					for poj_reading in mw.text.gsplit(text, "/") do
						table.insert(reading_IPA_hash, export.generate_IPA(poj_reading, location))
					table.insert(output_text, table.concat(reading_IPA_hash, ", "))
					if #reading_IPA_hash > 1 then
						table.insert(output_text, string.format("[[Category:Min Nan terms needing pronunciation attention|%d]]", #reading_IPA_hash))
		for i, poj_reading in ipairs(all_readings) do
			table.insert(output_text, formatting.LV_two.leading)
			local location_hash = {}
			for _, location_name in ipairs(locations[i]) do
				table.insert(location_hash, location_link[location_name])
			table.insert(output_text, ": " .. table.concat(location_hash, ", ") .. formatting.LV_two.trailing)
			table.insert(output_text, formatting.POJ.leading .. export.poj_display(poj_reading) .. formatting.POJ.trailing ..
				formatting.TL.leading .. export.poj_to_tl_conv(poj_reading) .. formatting.TL.trailing)
			if not find(poj_reading, "%-%-") then
				local psdb_hash = export.poj_to_psdb_conv(poj_reading)
				if not find(psdb_hash, "error") then
					table.insert(output_text, formatting.PSDB.leading .. psdb_hash .. formatting.PSDB.trailing)
				local IPA_readings = {}
				for j, location_name in ipairs(locations[i]) do
					location_name = gsub(location_name, '^Taiwan%-[vdr]?([tk]?)$', { ['t'] = 'Taipei', ['k'] = 'Kaohsiung', [''] = 'Taiwan' })
					loc = {
						['Taiwan'] = { 'Taipei', 'Kaohsiung' },
						['Xiamen-d'] = { 'Xiamen-d' },
						['Mainland'] = { 'Xiamen', 'Quanzhou', 'Zhangzhou' }
					location_name = loc[location_name] or { gsub(location_name, '%-d$', '') }
					for k, location in ipairs(location_name) do
						local loc = gsub(location, '%-d$', '')
						if IPA_available[loc] then
							local poj_to_ipa = export.generate_IPA(poj_reading, location)
							if IPA_readings[poj_to_ipa] then
								table.insert(IPA_readings[poj_to_ipa][2], location_link[loc])
								IPA_readings[poj_to_ipa] = { j + (k/10), { location_link[loc] } }
				for reading, reading_info in pairs(IPA_readings) do
					table.insert(output_text, formatting.IPA.leading .. table.concat(reading_info[2], ", ") ..
						formatting.IPA.trailing .. reading)
	return table.concat(output_text)

function export.generate_IPA(text, location)
	-- (Wyang) I can't seem to find an example where 'triple' is used.. The code is below: 
	--if match(p[i], "%(") then
	--	p[i] = gsub(p[i], "[%(%)]", "")
	--	triple[i] = true
	--if triple[i] then
	--	if tone[i] == "一" then
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "一至七 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "一至七 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "一" or "一至七"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "二" then
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "二至一 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "二至一 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "二" or "二至一"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "三" then
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "三至二 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "三至二 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "三" or "三至二"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "四A" then
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "四至八 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "四至八 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "四" or "四至八"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "四B" then
	--		final[i] = gsub(final[i], "ʔ", "(ʔ)")
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "四至二 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "四至二 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "四" or "四至二"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "五" then
	--		if loc == "Quanzhou" or loc == "Taipei" then
	--			ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "五 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "五至三 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "五" or "五至三"))
	--		else
	--			ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "五 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "五至七 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "五" or "五至七"))
	--		end
	--	elseif tone[i] == "七" then
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "七至一 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "七至三 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "七" or "七至三"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "八A" then
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "八至四 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "八至四 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "八" or "八至四"))
	--	elseif tone[i] == "八B" then
	--		final[i] = gsub(final[i], "ʔ", "(ʔ)")
	--		ipa[i] = (initial[i] .. final[i] .. "八至五 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. "八至三 " .. initial[i] .. final[i] .. (i == #tone and "八" or "八至三"))
	--	end

	if type(text) == "table" then text, location = text.args[1], text.args["loc"] end
	local tone_from_mark = {
		[""] = "1", 
		["́"] = "2",
		["̀"] = "3",
		["p"] = "4A", ["t"] = "4A", ["k"] = "4A",
		["h"] = "4B",
		["̂"] = "5",
		["̌"] = "6",
		["̄"] = "7",
		["̍p"] = "8A", ["̍t"] = "8A", ["̍k"] = "8A",
		["̍h"] = "8B",
		["̋"] = "9",
	local initial_ipa = {
		["p"] = "p", ["ph"] = "pʰ", ["m"] = "m", ["b"] = "b", ["f"] = "f",
		["t"] = "t", ["th"] = "tʰ", ["n"] = "n", ["l"] = "l", ["d"] = "d",
		["ch"] = "t͡s", ["chh"] = "t͡sʰ", ["j"] = "d͡z", ["s"] = "s",  ["sh"] = "ʃ",
		["k"] = "k", ["kh"] = "kʰ", ["ng"] = "ŋ", ["g"] = "ɡ", 
		["h"] = "h", ["r"] = "ɹ", ["w"] = "w", ["y"] = "j", [""] = "",
		["Kaohsiung-j"] = "z",
	local palatal = { ["s"] = "ɕ", ["z"] = "ʑ" }
	local final_ipa = {
		["a"] = "a", ["ah"] = "aʔ", ["ahⁿ"] = "ãʔ",
		["ai"] = "ai", ["aih"] = "aiʔ", ["aiⁿ"] = "ãi",
		["ak"] = "ak̚", ["am"] = "am", ["an"] = "an", ["aⁿ"] = "ã", 
		["ang"] = "aŋ", ["ap"] = "ap̚", ["at"] = "at̚",
		["au"] = "au", ["auh"] = "auʔ", ["auhⁿ"] = "ãuʔ", ["auⁿ"] = "ãu",
		["e"] = "e", ["ee"] = "ɛ", ["eeh"] = "ɛʔ", 
		["eek"] = "ɛk̚", ["eeng"] = "ɛŋ",
		["eh"] = "eʔ", ["ehⁿ"] = "ẽʔ", ["ei"] = "ei", ["ek"] = "iɪk̚", 
		["em"] = "ɛm", ["en"] = "ɛn", ["eⁿ"] = "ẽ", 
		["eng"] = "iɪŋ", ["eoi"] = "ɵy", ["er"] = "ə",
		["erh"] = "əʔ", ["erm"] = "əm", ["ern"] = "ən",
		["ert"] = "ət", ["et"] = "ɛt",
		["i"] = "i", ["ia"] = "ia", ["iah"] = "iaʔ",
		["iahⁿ"] = "iãʔ", ["iak"] = "iak̚", 
		["iam"] = "iam", ["ian"] = "iɛn", ["iaⁿ"] = "iã",
		["iang"] = "iaŋ", ["iap"] = "iap̚", ["iat"] = "iɛt̚",
		["iau"] = "iau", ["iauh"] = "iauʔ", ["iauhⁿ"] = "iãuʔ", ["iauⁿ"] = "iãu",
		["ih"] = "iʔ", ["ihⁿ"] = "ĩʔ",
		["im"] = "im", ["in"] = "in", ["iⁿ"] = "ĩ", ["ing"] = "iŋ",
		["io"] = "io", ["ioh"] = "ioʔ", ["io͘h"] = "iɔʔ", ["io͘"] = "iɔ",
		["iok"] = "iɔk̚", ["ioⁿ"] = "iɔ̃", ["iong"] = "iɔŋ",
		["ip"] = "ip̚", ["ir"] = "ɯ", ["irh"] = "ɯʔ", ["it"] = "it̚",
		["iu"] = "iu", ["iuh"] = "iuʔ", ["iuⁿ"] = "iũ",
		["m"] = "m̩", ["mh"] = "m̩ʔ",
		["ng"] = "ŋ̍", ["ngh"] = "ŋ̍ʔ",
		["o"] = "o", ["o͘"] = "ɔ", ["oa"] = "ua", ["oah"] = "uaʔ", ["oai"] = "uai",
		["oaih"] = "uaiʔ", ["oaihⁿ"] = "uãiʔ", ["oaiⁿ"] = "uãi", ["oan"] = "uan", ["oaⁿ"] = "uã", 
		["oang"] = "uaŋ", ["oat"] = "uat̚",
		["oe"] = "ue", ["oeh"] = "ueʔ", ["oehⁿ"] = "uẽʔ", ["oeⁿ"] = "uẽ", 
		["oh"] = "oʔ", ["o͘h"] = "ɔʔ", ["ohⁿ"] = "ɔ̃ʔ", ["oi"] = "ɔi", ["oiⁿ"] = "ɔ̃i",
		["ok"] = "ɔk̚", ["om"] = "ɔm", ["oⁿ"] = "ɔ̃", ["ong"] = "ɔŋ", ["op"] = "ɔp̚",
		["ot"] = "ɔt̚", ["ou"] = "ou",
		["u"] = "u", ["uh"] = "uʔ", ["ui"] = "ui",
		["uih"] = "uiʔ", ["uihⁿ"] = "uĩʔ", ["uiⁿ"] = "uĩ",
		["uk"] = "ok̚", ["um"] = "om", ["uⁿ"] = "ū",
		["un"] = "un", ["ung"] = "oŋ", ["ut"] = "ut̚",
		["y"] = "y", ["yn"] = "yn",
		["Zhangpu-e"] = "iei",
		["Zhangpu-eⁿ"] = "ɛ̃", ["Zhangzhou-eⁿ"] = "ɛ̃", ["Penang-eⁿ"] = "ɛ̃",
		["Zhangpu-ehⁿ"] = "ɛ̃ʔ", ["Zhangzhou-ehⁿ"] = "ɛ̃ʔ",
		["Kaohsiung-o"] = "ɤ", ["Kaohsiung-io"] = "iɤ",
		["Kaohsiung-oh"] = "ɤʔ", ["Kaohsiung-ioh"] = "iɤʔ",
		["Zhangpu-oe"] = "uɛ",
		["Zhangpu-oeⁿ"] = "uɛ̃",
		["Zhangpu-oeh"] = "uɛʔ",
		["Zhangpu-eng"] = "ɛŋ", ["Zhangpu-ek"] = "ɛk̚",
		["Singapore-eng"] = "eŋ", ["Singapore-ek"] = "ek̚",
		["Penang-eng"] = "eŋ", ["Penang-ek"] = "ek̚", ["Penang-ik"] = "ik̚",
		["Zhangpu-o͘"] = "ɔu", ["Zhangpu-oⁿ"] = "ɔ̃u",
	local tone_sandhi = { }
		-- (Wyang) I'm not sure about the 'Xd' ones, when tone X is followed by the diminutive 仔.
	tone_sandhi["Xiamen"] = {
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "8A", ["4B"] = "2",
		["5"] = "7", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "4A", ["8B"] = "3",
	tone_sandhi["Tong'an"] = { -- 2 and 4 are special cases
		["1"] = "7", ["3"] = "10",
		["5"] = "9", ["7"] = "9", ["8A"] = "11", ["8B"] = "11",
	tone_sandhi["Quanzhou"] = {
		["1"] = "1", ["2"] = "5", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "8A", ["4B"] = "4B",
		["5"] = "6", ["6"] = "6", ["7"] = "6", ["8A"] = "6", ["8B"] = "6",
	tone_sandhi["Jinjiang"] = {
		["1"] = "1", ["2"] = "5", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "8A", ["4B"] = "4B",
		["5"] = "S", ["6"] = "S", ["7"] = "S", ["8A"] = "S", ["8B"] = "S",
	tone_sandhi["Zhangpu"] = {
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "4A", ["4B"] = "4B",
		["5"] = "7", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "7", ["8B"] = "7",
	tone_sandhi["Zhangzhou"] = {
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "S", ["4B"] = "2", 
		["5"] = "7", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "3", ["8B"] = "3",
		["4Bd"] = "1", ["8Bd"] = "7",
	tone_sandhi["Taipei"] = {
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "8A", ["4B"] = "2", 
		["5"] = "3", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "4A", ["8B"] = "3", ["9"] = "9",
		["3d"] = "1", ["4Bd"] = "1", ["5d"] = "7", ["7d"] = "7", ["8Bd"] = "7",
	tone_sandhi["Kaohsiung"] = {
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "8A", ["4B"] = "2",
		["5"] = "7", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "4A", ["8B"] = "3", ["9"] = "9",
		["3d"] = "1", ["4Bd"] = "1", ["5d"] = "7", ["7d"] = "7", ["8Bd"] = "7",
	tone_sandhi["Kinmen"] = { -- 3 and 4B are special cases
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "5", ["4A"] = "8A",
		["5"] = "3", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "4A", ["8B"] = "3"
	tone_sandhi["Singapore"] = { --Xiamen/Zhangzhou-like
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "2", ["4A"] = "8As", ["4B"] = "2",
		["5"] = "3", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "3", ["8B"] = "3"
	tone_sandhi["Penang"] = {
		["1"] = "7", ["2"] = "1", ["3"] = "1", ["4A"] = "8A", ["4B"] = "8B", 
		["5"] = "7", ["6"] = "6", ["7"] = "3", ["8A"] = "4A", ["8B"] = "4B", ["9"] = "9"
	tone_sandhi["Philippines"] = tone_sandhi["Jinjiang"]

	local tone_value = { }
	tone_value["Xiamen"] = {
		["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "21", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32", 
		["5"] = "24", ["7"] = "22", ["8A"] = "4", ["8B"] = "4",
	tone_value["Tong'an"] = {
		["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "31", ["3"] = "112", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32", 
		["5"] = "24", ["7"] = "22", ["8A"] = "53", ["8B"] = "53",
		["9"] = "11", ["10"] = "42", ["11"] = "1", ["12"] = "4" --sandhi-only tones
	tone_value["Quanzhou"] = {
		["1"] = "33", ["2"] = "554", ["3"] = "41", ["4A"] = "5", ["4B"] = "5",
		["5"] = "24", ["6"] = "22", ["7"] = "41", ["8A"] = "24", ["8B"] = "24",
	tone_value["Jinjiang"] = {
		["1"] = "33", ["2"] = "554", ["3"] = "41", ["4A"] = "5", ["4B"] = "5",
		["5"] = "24", ["6"] = "33", ["7"] = "41", ["8A"] = "24", ["8B"] = "24",
		["S"] = "22", --sandhi-only
	tone_value["Zhangpu"] = {
		["1"] = "55", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "11", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32",
		["5"] = "213", ["7"] = "33", ["8A"] = "14", ["8B"] = "14",
	tone_value["Zhangzhou"] = {
		["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "21", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32",
		["5"] = "13", ["7"] = "22", ["8A"] = "121", ["8B"] = "121",
		["S"] = "5", --sandhi-only
	tone_value["Taipei"] = {
		["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "11", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32", 
		["5"] = "24", ["7"] = "33", ["8A"] = "4", ["8B"] = "4", ["9"] = "35"
	tone_value["Kaohsiung"] = {
		["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "41", ["3"] = "21", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32", 
		["5"] = "23", ["7"] = "33", ["8A"] = "4", ["8B"] = "4", ["9"] = "35"
	tone_value["Kinmen"] = {
		["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "12", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32", 
		["5"] = "24", ["7"] = "22", ["8A"] = "54", ["8B"] = "54"
	tone_value["Singapore"] = { --Xiamen/Zhangzhou-like
			["1"] = "44", ["2"] = "42", ["3"] = "21", ["4A"] = "32", ["4B"] = "32", 
			["5"] = "24", ["7"] = "22", ["8A"] = "43", ["8B"] = "43", ["8As"] = "4"
	tone_value["Penang"] = {
		["1"] = "33", ["2"] = "445", ["3"] = "21", ["4A"] = "3", ["4B"] = "3", 
		["5"] = "23", ["6"] = "55", ["7"] = "21", ["8A"] = "4", ["8B"] = "4", ["9"] = "5"
	tone_value["Philippines"] = tone_value["Jinjiang"]
	local function get_sandhi_from_post(location, current, post)
		if post then
			if location == "Tong'an" then
				if current == "2" then
					if find(post, "^[15]$") or find(post, "^8[AB]$") then
						return "7"
						return "5"
				elseif find(current, "^4[AB]$") then
					if post == "2" then
						return "10"
						return "12"
			elseif location == "Kinmen" then
				if current == "3" or current == "4B" then
					if find(post, "^[12]$") or find(post, "^4[AB]$") then
						return "1"
						return "2"
	local function get_tone(text)
		local tone = gsub(text, "^[^́̀̂̌̄̍̋ptkh]+([́̀̂̌̄̍̋]?)[^́̀̂̌̄̍̋ptkh]*([ptkh]?)ⁿ?", function(tone_symbol, coda)
			return tone_from_mark[tone_symbol .. coda] end)
		return tone
	local function nasalize(final)
		if find(final, "^mh?$") or find(final, "^ngh?$") then return final end
		if find(final, "o͘h?$") then
			final = gsub(final, "͘", "")
		elseif find(final, "oh?$") then
			error("Invalid POJ: nasal initial cannot go with -" .. final)
		elseif find(final, "eeh?$") then
			final = gsub(final, "ee", "e")
		return final .. "ⁿ"
	local formatting = {
		leading = "<span class=\"IPA\">/",
		trailing = "/</span>"
	local tone_superscript = { [1] = "¹", [2] = "²", [3] = "³", [4] = "⁴", [5] = "⁵", ["-"] = "⁻" }
	local word_result = {}
	local attention = {}
	text = gsub(text, " ", "-")
	text = gsub(text, ",", "#")
	text = gsub(text, "%-?%.%.%.%-?", "#")
	text = gsub(text, "#$", "")
	text = gsub(text, "#%-?", " ")
	text = mw.ustring.toNFD(mw.ustring.lower(text))
	for word in mw.text.gsplit(text, " ") do
		local initial, final, tone, diminutive, sandhi, result = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
		local syllables = split(word, "-")
		syllables.length = #syllables
		for index, syllable in ipairs(syllables) do
			if syllable == "仔" then
				syllable = "a".."́"
				diminutive[index] = true
			local original_syllable = syllable
			syllable = gsub(syllable, "[́̀̂̌̄̍̋]", "")
			if not find(syllable, "[aeiouy]") then
				final[index] = match(syllable, "^[ckmnpst]?h?h?(ngh?)$") or match(syllable, "^h?(mh?)$")
				initial[index] = syllable ~= final[index] and sub(syllable, 1, len(syllable) - len(final[index])) or "" --original code: "ʔ"
				initial[index] = match(syllable, "^[bcdfgjklmnprstwy]?[gh]?h?")
				final[index] = sub(syllable, len(initial[index]) + 1, -1)
			tone[index] = get_tone(sub(original_syllable, len(initial[index]) + 1, -1))
			location = gsub(location, '%-d$', '')
			local nasal_initial = match(initial[index], "^[mn]g?$")
			if nasal_initial then
				if find(final[index], "ⁿ") then
					error("Too much nasality in POJ. " .. original_syllable .. " should be " .. gsub(original_syllable, "ⁿ", ""))
				if location ~= "Penang" and location ~= "Philippines" and location ~= "Singapore" then --exception for Penang, Philippines and Singapore
					final[index] = nasalize(final[index])
			local nasal_final = match(final[index], "^[mn]") or match(final[index], "ⁿ")
			local not_nasal_initial = match(initial[index], "^[blg]$")
			if ((nasal_initial and not nasal_final) or (not_nasal_initial and nasal_final)) and (location ~= "Penang" and location ~= "Philippines" and location ~= "Singapore") then --exception for Penang, Philippines and Singapore
				error("POJ error: nasality of initial and final not synchronized.")
			table.insert(attention, export.poj_check_syllable(initial[index], final[index], location))
			initial[index] = initial_ipa[location .. "-" .. initial[index]] or initial_ipa[initial[index]]
			final[index] = final_ipa[location .. "-" .. final[index]] or final_ipa[final[index]]
				or error("Cannot recognise " .. final[index] .. ".")
			if find(initial[index], "[sz]ʰ?") and find(final[index], "^[iĩy]") then
				initial[index] = gsub(initial[index], "[sz]", palatal)
			if index < syllables.length then
				final[index] = gsub(final[index], "ʔ", "(ʔ)")
		for index = 1, syllables.length do
			sandhi[index] = tone_value[location][tone[index]]
			local sandhi_hash = get_sandhi_from_post(location, tone[index], tone[index+1])
				or tone_sandhi[location][tone[index]..(diminutive[index+1] and "d" or "")]
				or tone_sandhi[location][tone[index]]
			if index < syllables.length and tone_value[location][sandhi_hash] ~= tone_value[location][tone[index]] then
				sandhi[index] = sandhi[index] .. "-" .. tone_value[location][sandhi_hash]
			table.insert(result, initial[index] .. final[index] .. sandhi[index])
		table.insert(word_result, table.concat(result, " "))
	return (gsub(formatting.leading .. table.concat(word_result, " ") ..
		formatting.trailing, "[12345%-]", tone_superscript)) .. table.concat(attention)

function export.poj_to_psdb_conv(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then text = text.args[1] end
	local readings = split(mw.ustring.lower(text), "/", true)
	for i = 1, #readings do
		-- will ignore # boundary marker
		local parts = split(gsub(readings[i], "#", ""), " ", true)
		for j = 1, #parts do
			local initial = {}
			local final = {}
			local psdb = {}
			local tone = {}
			local tonesandhi = {}
			local neutral = {}
			parts[j] = gsub(parts[j], "%-%-", "-0")
			local p = split(parts[j], "-",true)
			local ar = {}
			local triple = {}
			for i, item in ipairs(p) do
				if find(item, "仔") then
					item = gsub(item, "仔", "á")
					ar[i] = true
				if find(item, "%(") then
					item = gsub(item, "[%(%)]", "")
					triple[i] = true
				if find(item, "^0") then
					item = gsub(item, "0", "")
					neutral[i] = true
				item = gsub(item, "ớ", "óo")
				item = gsub(item, "ờ", "òo")
				item = gsub(item, "ơ̂", "ôo")
				item = gsub(item, "ơ̄", "ōo")
				item = gsub(item, "ơ̍", "o̍o")
				item = gsub(item, "ơ", "oo")
				item = gsub(item, "͘", "o")
				item = gsub(item, "[̍̂̄̀]",{["̍"] = "捌", ["̂"] = "伍", ["̄"] = "柒", ["̀"] = "叁"})
				if find(item, "[aeiou][捌]?[ptkh]") or find(item, "[^aeiou][mn][捌]?g?[ptkh]") then
					if find(item, "捌") then
						tone[i] = "八"
						tone[i] = "四"
				elseif find(item, "[áíúéóḿń貳]") then
					tone[i] = "二"
				elseif find(item, "[àìùèòǹ叁]") then
					tone[i] = "三"
				elseif find(item, "[âîûêô伍]") then
					tone[i] = "五"
				elseif find(item, "[āīūēō柒]") then
					tone[i] = "七"
					tone[i] = "一"
				item = gsub(item, "[áíúéóḿńàìùèòǹâîûêôāīūēō貳叁伍柒捌]",{["á"] = "a", ["í"] = "i", ["ú"] = "u", ["é"] = "e", ["ó"] = "o", ["ḿ"] = "m", ["ń"] = "n", ["貳"] = "", ["à"] = "a", ["ì"] = "i", ["ù"] = "u", ["è"] = "e", ["ò"] = "o", ["ǹ"] = "n", ["叁"] = "", ["â"] = "a", ["î"] = "i", ["û"] = "u", ["ê"] = "e", ["ô"] = "o", ["伍"] = "", ["ā"] = "a", ["ī"] = "i", ["ū"] = "u", ["ē"] = "e", ["ō"] = "o", ["柒"] = "", ["捌"] = ""})
				if sub(item,1,3) == "chh" then
					initial[i] = "chh"
					final[i] = sub(item,4,-1)
				elseif sub(item,1,1) == "m" then
					if sub(item,2,2) == "h" then
						initial[i] = ""
						final[i] = "mh"
					elseif sub(item,2,2) == "" then
						initial[i] = ""
						final[i] = "m"
						initial[i] = "m"
						final[i] = sub(item,2,-1)
				elseif sub(item,1,2) == "ng" then
					if sub(item,3,3) == "h" then
						initial[i] = ""
						final[i] = "ngh"
					elseif sub(item,3,3) == "" then
						initial[i] = ""
						final[i] = "ng"
						initial[i] = "ng"
						final[i] = sub(item,3,-1)
				elseif find(item, "^[ptkc]h") then
					initial[i] = sub(item,1,2)
					final[i] = sub(item,3,-1)
				elseif find(item, "^[npbtkgjshl]") then
					initial[i] = sub(item,1,1)
					final[i] = sub(item,2,-1)
					initial[i] = ""
					final[i] = item
				if find(initial[i], "^chh?$") or initial[i] == "s" then
					if find(final[i], "^i") then
						initial[i] = initial[i] .. "i"
				p[i] = item
			for i = 1, #p do
				if tone[i] == "一" then
					tonesandhi[i] = "七"
				elseif tone[i] == "二" then
					tonesandhi[i] = "一"
				elseif tone[i] == "三" then
					tonesandhi[i] = ar[i+1] and "一" or "二"
				elseif tone[i] == "四" then
					tonesandhi[i] = "八"
				elseif tone[i] == "五" then
					tonesandhi[i] = "七"
				elseif tone[i] == "七" then
					tonesandhi[i] = ar[i+1] and "七" or "三"
				elseif tone[i] == "八" then
					tonesandhi[i] = "四"
				if triple[i] then
					local tonesandhi1 = nil
					if tone[i] == "五" then
						tonesandhi1 = "五"
					elseif tone[i] == "七" then
						tonesandhi1 = "一"
					psdb[i] = (psdb_initial[initial[i]] or "error")
							..(psdb_final(final[i]..(tonesandhi1 or tonesandhi[i])) or "error")
							..psdb_final(final[i]..(i == #tone and tone[i] or tonesandhi[i]))
					psdb[i] = (psdb_initial[initial[i]] or "error")
							..(psdb_final(final[i]..(i == #tone and tone[i] or tonesandhi[i])) or "error")
				if neutral[i] then
					psdb[i] = "~" .. (psdb_initial[initial[i]] or "error")
							..(psdb_final(final[i].."七") or "error")
				end --psdb[i] = p[i]
			parts[j] = table.concat(psdb, "")
		readings[i] = table.concat(parts, " ")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "'+", "'")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "^'", "")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "([^a-z])'", "%1")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "([^pbdtkqgczsjlmnhaeiou])'([aeiouwy])", "%1%2")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "([^aeiouwy])'([ptkbdqmn])", "%1%2")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "([^aeiouwyn])'g", "%1g")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "([^aeiouwypcz])'h", "%1h")
	return (gsub(table.concat(readings, ", "),'/([^ ])',' / %1'))

function export.poj_display(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then text = text.args[1] end
	text = gsub(text, "仔", "á")
	local readings = split(text, "/")
	for i = 1, #readings do
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "[%a,]+:", "")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "#", "")
		readings[i] = gsub(readings[i], "%(([^%)]+)%)", "%1-%1-%1")
		if not find(readings[i], " ") then
			readings[i] = "[[" .. readings[i] .. "#Min Nan|" .. readings[i] .. "]]"
	text = table.concat(readings, " / ")
	return text

function export.pengim_check_syllable(initial, final, loc)
	local validInitials = {
		["b"] = 1, ["p"] = 1, ["m"] = 1, ["bh"] = 1, 
		["d"] = 1, ["t"] = 1, ["n"] = 1, ["l"] = 1, 
		["g"] = 1, ["k"] = 1, ["ng"] = 1, ["gh"] = 1, ["h"] = 1,
		["z"] = 1, ["c"] = 1, ["s"] = 1, ["r"] = 1, [""] = 1,
	local validFinals = {
		["a"] = 1, ["i"] = 1, ["u"] = 1, ["ê"] = 1, ["o"] = 1, 
		["ah"] = 1, ["ih"] = 1, ["uh"] = 1, ["êh"] = 1, ["oh"] = 1, 
		["oi"] = 1, ["ai"] = 1, ["ou"] = 1, ["au"] = 1, 
		["ia"] = 1, ["iu"] = 1, ["uê"] = 1, ["ua"] = 1, ["ui"] = 1, ["uai"] = 1, 
		["oih"] = 1, ["auh"] = 1, ["uêh"] = 1, ["uah"] = 1, 
		["ang"] = 1, ["êng"] = 1, ["ong"] = 1, 
		["iang"] = 1, ["iong"] = 1, ["ung"] = 1, ["uang"] = 1, 
		["ag"] = 1, ["êg"] = 1, ["og"] = 1, ["iag"] = 1, 
		["iog"] = 1, ["ug"] = 1, ["uag"] = 1, 
		["an"] = 1, ["in"] = 1, ["ên"] = 1, 
		["oun"] = 1, ["ain"] = 1, ["aun"] = 1, 
		["iun"] = 1, ["ian"] = 1, ["uên"] = 1, ["uin"] = 1, ["uan"] = 1, ["uain"] = 1, 
		["ng"] = 1, ["m"] = 1, 
	local moreValidFinals = {
		["Chaozhou"] = {
			["e"] = 1, ["iê"] = 1, ["iou"] = 1, ["iêh"] = 1,
			["eng"] = 1, ["am"] = 1, ["ing"] = 1, ["iêng"] = 1, 
			["im"] = 1, ["iêm"] = 1, ["uêng"] = 1, ["uam"] = 1, 
			["eg"] = 1, ["ab"] = 1, ["ig"] = 1, ["iêg"] = 1, 
			["ib"] = 1, ["iêb"] = 1, ["uêg"] = 1, ["uab"] = 1, 
			["oin"] = 1, ["iên"] = 1, 
		["Shantou"] = {
			["e"] = 1, ["io"] = 1, ["iau"] = 1, ["ioh"] = 1,
			["eng"] = 1, ["am"] = 1, ["ing"] = 1, 
			["im"] = 1, ["iam"] = 1, ["uam"] = 1, 
			["eg"] = 1, ["ab"] = 1, ["ig"] = 1, 
			["ib"] = 1, ["iab"] = 1, ["uab"] = 1, 
			["oin"] = 1, ["ion"] = 1, 
		["Chenghai"] = {
			["e"] = 1, ["iê"] = 1, ["iou"] = 1, ["iêh"] = 1,
			["eng"] = 1, ["ing"] = 1, 
			["eg"] = 1, ["ig"] = 1, 
			["oin"] = 1, ["iên"] = 1, 
		["Raoping"] = {
			["e"] = 1, ["io"] = 1, ["iau"] = 1, ["ioh"] = 1, 
			["eng"] = 1, ["am"] = 1, ["ing"] = 1, 
			["im"] = 1, ["iam"] = 1, ["uam"] = 1, 
			["eg"] = 1, ["ab"] = 1, ["ig"] = 1, 
			["ib"] = 1, ["iab"] = 1, ["uab"] = 1, 
			["oin"] = 1, ["ion"] = 1, 
		["Jieyang"] = {
			["e"] = 1, ["io"] = 1, ["iau"] = 1, ["ioh"] = 1, 
			["am"] = 1, ["im"] = 1, ["iam"] = 1, ["uêng"] = 1, 
			["uam"] = 1, ["ab"] = 1, ["ib"] = 1, ["iab"] = 1, 
			["uêg"] = 1, ["uab"] = 1, ["ion"] = 1, 
		["Chaoyang"] = {
			["io"] = 1, ["iau"] = 1, ["ioh"] = 1, 
			["am"] = 1, ["ing"] = 1, ["im"] = 1, ["iam"] = 1, 
			["uêng"] = 1, ["uam"] = 1, ["ab"] = 1, ["ig"] = 1, 
			["ib"] = 1, ["iab"] = 1, ["uêg"] = 1, ["uab"] = 1, 
			["ion"] = 1, 
	if not (validInitials[initial] and (validFinals[final] or moreValidFinals[loc][final])) then
		return "[[Category:Min Nan terms needing pronunciation attention|c]]"
	return nil

local pengim_to_ipa_two_letters_above = {
	["gh"] = "ɡ", ["bh"] = "β", ["ng"] = "ŋ",
	["ao"] = "au",

local pengim_to_ipa_one_letter = {
	["m"] = "m", ["n"] = "n",
	["b"] = "p", ["d"] = "t", ["g"] = "k",
	["p"] = "pʰ", ["t"] = "tʰ", ["k"] = "kʰ",
	["s"] = "s", ["h"] = "h",
	["r"] = "d͡z",
	["z"] = "t͡s",
	["c"] = "t͡sʰ",
	["l"] = "l",
	["a"] = "a",
	["ê"] = "e",
	["e"] = "ɯ",
	["i"] = "i",
	["o"] = "o",
	["u"] = "u",
	["1"] = "³³⁻²³",
	["2"] = "⁵²⁻³⁵",
	["2"] = "⁵²⁻²¹",
	["3"] = "²¹³⁻⁵⁵",
	["4"] = "²⁻⁴",
	["5"] = "⁵⁵⁻¹¹",
	["6"] = "³⁵⁻¹¹",
	["7"] = "¹¹",
	["8"] = "⁴⁻²",

local pengim_tone_value = {}
pengim_tone_value["Chaozhou"] = {
	["1"] = "33", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "213", ["4"] = "2",
	["5"] = "55", ["6"] = "35", ["7"] = "11", ["8"] = "5"
pengim_tone_value["Shantou"] = pengim_tone_value["Chaozhou"]
pengim_tone_value["Chenghai"] = pengim_tone_value["Chaozhou"]
pengim_tone_value["Jieyang"] = pengim_tone_value["Chaozhou"]
pengim_tone_value["Chaoyang"] = {
	["1"] = "33", ["2"] = "53", ["3"] = "31", ["4"] = "2",
	["5"] = "55", ["6"] = "313", ["7"] = "11", ["8"] = "5"

local pengim_tone_sandhi = {}
pengim_tone_sandhi["Chaozhou"] = {
	["1"] = "23",
	["2A"] = "23", ["2B"] = "35",
	["3A"] = "31", ["3B"] = "53",
	["4A"] = "3", ["4B"] = "5",
	["5"] = "11", ["6"] = "21", ["7"] = "", ["8"] = "2"
pengim_tone_sandhi["Shantou"] = {
	["1"] = "23",
	["2A"] = "35", ["2B"] = "35",
	["3A"] = "55", ["3B"] = "55",
	["4A"] = "5", ["4B"] = "5",
	["5"] = "11", ["6"] = "21", ["7"] = "", ["8"] = "2"
pengim_tone_sandhi["Chenghai"] = pengim_tone_value["Chaozhou"]
pengim_tone_sandhi["Jieyang"] = pengim_tone_value["Chaozhou"]
pengim_tone_sandhi["Chaoyang"] = {
	["1"] = "23",
	["2A"] = "31", ["2B"] = "31",
	["3A"] = "55", ["3B"] = "55",
	["4A"] = "5", ["4B"] = "5",
	["5"] = "11", ["6"] = "33", ["7"] = "33", ["8"] = "2"

local pengim_to_ipa_fix = {
	["β"] = "b",
	["p([²⁴⁻]+[ -/])"] = "p̚%1",
	["k([²⁴⁻]+[ -/])"] = "k̚%1",
	["h([²⁴⁻]+[ -/])"] = "ʔ%1",

local pengim_to_ipa_nasal = {
	["a"] = "ã",
	["e"] = "ẽ", -- ê
	["ɯ"] = "ɯ̃", -- e
	["i"] = "ĩ",
	["o"] = "õ",
	["u"] = "ũ",
	["n"] = "",

function export.pengim_to_ipa_conv(text)
	local result
	for key, val in pairs(pengim_to_ipa_two_letters_above) do
		text = gsub(text, key, val)
	text = gsub(text, "([234]) ([^12345678 ]+)2$", "%1 %22")
	local function verbose_function(char) return pengim_to_ipa_one_letter[char] or char end
	-- This should work, but it doesn't convert the tone number in "diên1":
	-- result = gsub(text, ".", pengim_to_ipa_one_letter)
	result = gsub(text, ".", verbose_function)
	result = result .. "/"
	for key, val in pairs(pengim_to_ipa_fix) do
		result = gsub(result, key, val)
	result = gsub(result, "[aeiouɯ]+nʔ?[¹²³⁴⁵⁻]+[ -/]", function (a)
		return gsub(a, ".", pengim_to_ipa_nasal)
	result = gsub(result, "(⁻[¹²³⁴⁵]+)/", function(a) return (a ~= "⁻²¹" and "/" or a .. "/") end)
	result = gsub(result, "/$", "")
	result = gsub(result, "/", "/, /")
	return "/" .. result .. "/"

function export.pengim_display(text)
	text = gsub(text, "([1-8])/", "%1 / ")
	text = gsub(text, "([1-8])", "<sup>%1</sup>") -- note: originally ([1-8-]+) but it seems like websites have the final tone within parentheses, if at all
	return text

function export.pengim_to_pojlike_conv(text)
	-- kind of based on MTR (
	local words = split(text, '/')
	local tone_marks = {
		['1'] = '', 
		['2'] = '́',
		['3'] = '̀',
		['4'] = '',
		['5'] = '̂',
		['6'] = '̆', -- this is a breve; MTR: breve; current hokkien dialect convention: hacek; missionary: tilde or breve??
		['7'] = '̄',
		['8'] = '̍'
	local function get_tone_mark(a, num) return tone_marks[num] .. a end
	local function convert_final(x,c,t) -- convert final -g and -b (but not -ng)
		if c=='b' then c='p'
		elseif c=='g' then c='k' end
		return x..c..t
	local cons_correspondences = { ['bh']='b', ['gh']='g', ['b']='p', ['d']='t',
		['g']='k', ['p']='ph', ['t']='th', ['k']='kh', ['z']='ts', ['c']='tsh',
		['r']='j' }
	local function nasalization(n,h,t) return h..'ⁿ'..t end
	for i, word in ipairs(words) do
		local syllables = split(word, ' ')
		for i, syllable in ipairs(syllables) do
			syllable = gsub(syllable, '^[bdgptkzcr]h?', cons_correspondences)
			syllable = gsub(syllable, '([^n])([bg])(%d)', convert_final)

			syllable = gsub(syllable, '[êe]', { ['ê']='e', ['e']='ṳ' } )
			syllable = gsub(syllable, 'ao', 'au' )

			syllable = gsub(syllable, '(n)(h?)(%d)', nasalization)

			if find(syllable, 'uai') then
				syllable = gsub(syllable, 'uai', 'ua符i')
			elseif find(syllable, '[aiueoṳ][aiueoṳ]') then
				syllable = gsub(syllable, '([aouṳ])i', '%1符i') -- ?i
				syllable = gsub(syllable, 'i([aoeuṳ])', 'i%1符') -- i?
				syllable = gsub(syllable, '([ao])([uṳ])', '%1符%2') -- ?u
				syllable = gsub(syllable, '([uṳ])([ae])', '%1%2符') -- u?
			elseif find(syllable, '[^aiueoṳ][aiueoṳ]') or find(syllable, '^[aiueoṳ]') then
				syllable = gsub(syllable, '([aiueoṳ])', '%1符')
			elseif find(syllable, 'ngh?%d') then
				syllable = gsub(syllable, 'ng(h?)(%d)', 'n符g%1%2')
			elseif find(syllable, '[^aiueoṳ]h?%d') then
				syllable = gsub(syllable, '([^aiueoṳ])(h?)(%d)', '%1符%2%3')
			syllable = gsub(syllable, '符(.*)(%d)', get_tone_mark)

			syllables[i] = syllable
		words[i] = table.concat(syllables, ' ')

	return mw.ustring.toNFC(table.concat(words, ' / '))

return export