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Ishikawa diagram

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Du nom de Kaoru Ishikawa, qui fut le premier à développer ces diagrammes comme outil de gestion.

Locution nominale

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Ishikawa diagram
\ˌɪ.ʃɪˈkɑ.wɑ ˈdaɪ.ə.gɹæm\
Ishikawa diagrams
\ˌɪ.ʃɪˈkɑ.wɑ ˈdaɪ.ə.gɹæmz\
A Ishikawa diagram.

Ishikawa diagram

  1. (Management) Diagramme d’Ishikawa.
    • The procedure for constructing an Ishikawa diagram relies on brainstorming for stimulating the QI team to think of reasons for the problem. – Donald E. Lighter, Douglas C. Fair, Principles and Methods of Quality Management in Health Care, 2000, page 59 .
    • The Ishikawa diagram is used extensively in what is termed root cause analysis, meaning the development of hypotheses of why an event occurred. – Judy Hankins, Infusion Therapy in Clinical Practice, 2001, page 42


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