DescriptionGrowing razors 01 inorganic layer growing on biomaterial.jpg
English: This is a microphotography from scanning electron microscope of a inorganic layer growing on biomaterial that is investigated as a potential cartilage substitute. The photos from this kind of microscope are usually black and white, as the electrons have no color like the photons do. This one is colorful not because of the light and differences in energy, but to show differences in elemental composition. Red color represents carbon, green silicon, and blue phosphorous. Having the map of different elements shown as colors we can say how homogeneous is the sample. Unfortunately what is beautiful on the photo (we can observe different, saturated colors) is not homogeneous and not satisfying from the scientific point of view. Highly homogeneous samples result with bland colors.
English: Hydroxyapatite overgrowing the biomaterial. Photo was made on Cracow University of Technology using SEM Microscope from JEOL company. The colorful maps of elements were made by EDS technique and applied on SEI image.
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