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Fichier:Bright red tomato and cross section02.jpg

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English: A bright red tomato and a cross section of another tomato placed by the side for comparison. Size of uncut tomato is approx 10cm in diameter
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flagstaffotos [at]
Canon 20D + Sigma 150mm f/2.8
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1 067 pixel

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel1 mai 2007 à 07:59Vignette pour la version du 1 mai 2007 à 07:591 600 × 1 067 (235 Kio)Fir0002A bright red tomato and a cross section of another tomato placed by the side for comparison. Size of uncut tomato is approx 10cm in diameter {{Fir0002 150}}

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