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Du latin Fescenninus, du nom de l’ancienne ville étrusque Fescennia, qui avait pour tradition de scander des chansons injurieuses pour des occasions spéciales[1].
Nature Forme
Positif Fescennine
Comparatif more Fescennine
Superlatif most Fescennine

Fescennine \ˈfɛsənʌɪn\

  1. Obscène ou injurieux.
    • As the poet decorously shows his desire to consummate the marriage, he retains the fescennine element without being crude. — (James D. Simmonds, Milton Studies, Volume 6, Univ of Pittsburgh Press, p168, 1988)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • The conventional complaint over the delay in the proceedings is voiced by the poet in... [this] series of questions which include fescennine teasing of the bridal couple. — (John Donne & Gary A. Stringer, The variorum edition of the poetry of John Donne: The Epigrams, Epithalamions, Epitaphs, Inscriptions and Miscellaneous poems, Indiana University Press, p380-1, 1995)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • For instance, I admit that this book is anacreontic, paphian, and sometimes even fescennine. — (Mark Steven Morton, The Lover’s Tongue: A Merry Romp Through the Language of Love and Sex, Insomniac Press, p25, 2003)


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