Discussion utilisateur:Tipiac
Ajouter un sujetLe but de cette page est de définir un format d'article à appliquer pour avoir un dictionnaire homogène. La première version s'appuie sur le template du wiktionary anglais.
(Pour des exemples d'articles en anglais appliquant ce template : leap et portmanteau (1500))
Un article devrait inclure une définition principal avec éventuellement des sous-définitions pour les mots dérivés. Par exemple, un article sur la marche devrait avoir la définition de marche et des sous définitions pour marcheur ...
Une struture préconisée d'article serait
=={langue}== (Non obligatoire si le mot est français) ===Orthographes alternatives=== ===Étymologie=== ===Prononciation=== ==={Utilisation dans une phrase}=== {example of word} (properly capitalized) ====Citation==== ====Synonymes==== ====Antonymes==== ====Traductions==== ====Mots dérivés==== ====Mots liés==== ====Références====
{language} should be the full form ISO name of that language. The two-letter ISO codes for languages are not always obvious to readers.
{Part of Speech} can be Abbreviation, Noun, Adjective, Adverb, Verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb, Reflexive verb, Auxiliary verb, Preposition, Pronoun, Number, Cardinal number, Ordinal number, etc.
As most of the rest of the sections could contain different entries for the sub-definitions then as to the definition the word being defined should be stated in each section being preceded by a semi-colon (;).
So for instance for Walk and Walker under {Part of speech} would be,
===Verb=== to walk : Move using feet from one location to another at a relaxed rate. ===Noun=== walker (Plural: walkers) (This only needs to be added when irregular) : Someone who walks.
When there is more than one meaning, each one is preceded by #, so they get numbered.
Pretty much the same applies for all the sections.
The pronunciation should be laid out like the following,
;Portmanteau :(UK) SAMPA:/pO:t'm{nt@u/ :IPA:/pɔ:t'mantəʊ/.
With the country {(UK), (US), (AUS), et al} first, followed by the pronunciation system, (SAMPA/IPA) a colon and then the pronunciation between the slashes. SAMPA is the default system. In this case, the system can be left out.
For quotations instead of using a ":" to indent the section use a bullet point "*" before the date/reference and put the quotation on the next line preceeded by a "*:".
In references, it´s convenient include a link to the Wikipedia article. For this you can use this type of link [[w:articlename]].
Multiple definitions
[modifier le wikicode]If a word has multiple definitions, its definitions can share a page, but if the definitions represent different etymologies and pronunciations it will be necessary to subdivide the article accordingly. Subdivision by etymology should have priority because each etymology will tend to spawn a series of related definitions.
You can number the different definitions of the same part of the speech.
Invitation à rejoindre le Cercle des quinze ans
[modifier le wikicode]
Le temps passe mais le Wiktionnaire demeure ! Je t’invite à rejoindre le Cercle des quinze ans, un groupe informel de contributeurs qui ont participé au Wiktionnaire depuis 15 ans ou plus.
Amicalement, Urhixidur (discussion) 12 mai 2019 à 14:07 (UTC)