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Discussion Conjugaison:japonais/考える

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Dernier commentaire : il y a 11 ans par TAKASUGI Shinji

- Factitif passif missing - The factitif of all ichidan verbs is partially wrong:

What is written:

考えせる 	 (かんがえせる) 	        
着らせる  	 (きらせる) 	        
寝らせる 	        (ねらせる) 	        

etc. etc.

How they should be:

考えせる 	(かんがえせる)    	
着させる    	(きさせる) 	   
寝させる 	       (ねさせる) 	   

Ichidan verbs's Factitifs is made by adding させる to the verb stem (which is the same as Renyoukei in Ichidan verbs)

Thank you, I’ve asked for a specialist expertise. JackPotte ($) 22 août 2013 à 19:17 (UTC)Répondre
Thank you very much. I have fixed the error. — TAKASUGI Shinji (d) 26 août 2013 à 15:53 (UTC)Répondre