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Dernier commentaire : il y a 10 ans par Automatik dans le sujet prononciation anglaise

Cette est catégorisée mal. --Æ&Œ (discussion) 15 septembre 2013 à 04:02 (UTC)Répondre

C'est corrigé, merci. Xic667 15 septembre 2013 à 04:07 (UTC)Répondre

prononciation anglaise[modifier le wikicode]

I edited the pronunciation of the English word, which is pronounced [ˈstuːdənt], and it was changed back. The letter u in student is pronounced as a close back rounded vowel in English, which is represented as [u] in the IPA/API. The close front rounded vowel [y] of French does not exist in English. Why are English words being transcribed with French phonemes? See the English Wiktionary entry on student. I apologize for writing this in English; it was too difficult to express in French.

My revert was an error. Thank you for your attention. Merci pour votre contribution. — Automatik (discussion) 30 avril 2014 à 01:31 (UTC)Répondre