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Dernier commentaire : il y a 8 ans par Nataraj

Salut Pamputt! "Arriver au résultat escompté." from the translaions section is not listed in the section where senses are listed. May be it is a synonym to one, but as a foreigner I can not clearly see it. Can you fix it? --Nataraj (discussion) 20 novembre 2016 à 13:45 (UTC)Répondre

Hi Nataraj. I think I replace by the right definition. At least this is the closest meaning. Pamputt [Discuter] 20 novembre 2016 à 21:39 (UTC)Répondre
Merci, Pamputt. I've added the Russian translations where I can... --Nataraj (discussion) 16 décembre 2016 à 14:47 (UTC)Répondre