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Dernier commentaire : il y a 10 ans par Unsui

I'm pretty sure your entry for the English word "militant" is wrong. I'm an English native speaker who came to this page for the French word, but I read the "Anglais" entry while I was here. The type is wrong: it's generally used as an adjective rather than a noun. It is "warlike" or "martial", for English synonyms. I apologize for writing this in English. My French is not fluent yet, to the point where I don't feel comfortable making the edits here yet, since I'm not even yet commenting in it...

En français: je pense que vous devez modifier le mot anglais pour dire que c'est un adjectif au moins. Et je suis désolé que je parle le français tellement mal.

On second thought, it's both.

Vraiment, c'est l'un et l'autre. Donc, ajouter à le mot anglais que c'est souvent un adjectif.

Done. Thanks a lot for your suggestion. — Unsui Discuter 3 mars 2014 à 08:39 (UTC)Répondre