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Dernier commentaire : il y a 8 ans par Nataraj

Comments about Russian translations

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An outdated word "зверинец" is used for institution where animals in cages are used for amusement. More modern word "зоопарк" is about institution where a great deal of animal science is involved. But through you can come there and see animals. Through "зоопарк" is usually translated as "zoo", where as I can understand , there is no much science involved, or at list it is not the main point. But nevertheless I added "зоопарк" as "animals + science" to the 1st sense, and "зверинец" аs "animals no science" as the 2nd. I hope it is the best way to do it. --Nataraj (discussion) 12 juin 2016 à 10:47 (UTC)Répondre