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Dernier commentaire : il y a 8 ans par Nataraj

Notification @Pamputt :! Do we need translations here? Usually there is no translations in the form of the words. There is nothing specific for feminine gender for word "jolie" here. There can can be only a link to joli and nothing more. What do you think? --Nataraj (discussion) 25 août 2016 à 08:32 (UTC)Répondre

Hi Nataraj! No, as you said all translations are in the "main" article. I moved the translations to the joli entry. Pamputt [Discuter] 25 août 2016 à 16:24 (UTC)Répondre
Pamputt, Thank you! --Nataraj (discussion) 25 août 2016 à 21:42 (UTC)Répondre