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Dernier commentaire : il y a 8 ans par Nataraj dans le sujet Question

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Salut Notification @Pamputt :!

In this article, in Adjectif section there are two senses. The second definition speaks about imagination. And my Fr-Rus dictionary in this sense speaks about "the glance and so on". If the second sense is wider then just an imagination, then may be the definition should be widened somehow. So it speak about "imagination, glance and so on" --Nataraj (discussion) 7 mai 2016 à 14:23 (UTC)Répondre

Hi Nataraj. I missed this discussion. About the second meaning, I would say that in French, we speak mainly about an "imagination errante". I never heard about a "coup d’œil (glance) errant". So I would say it is mainly restricted to imagination and closely related terms (glance is not part of them). But not absolutely sure about that. I will ask on WT:QM to get more point of view. Pamputt [Discuter] 25 août 2016 à 22:00 (UTC)Répondre
Pamputt, I see may be my paper dictionary have some mistakes in it. Nevertheless I will leave блуждающий as a translation for this sense. It is appliable to all kind of forms of attention: thoughts, glance, ideas, imagination and so on. May be somebody will make this article better, but I will leave it as is for now. --Nataraj (discussion) 16 décembre 2016 à 15:26 (UTC)Répondre