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Dernier commentaire : il y a 10 ans par Pamputt
As a native Russian speaker I should say that this should be not высщий, but высший. Please rename it. --Nataraj (discussion) 23 septembre 2014 à 07:40 (UTC)
@Nataraj : I did it. However, since we are looking at this article, I would like to check the meaning. For now, it is written that it means "dominant, overwhelming, supreme". It is quite different from what it is written on en.wikt. Should me modify this entry to have the same meaning as on en.wikt? Pamputt [Discuter] 23 septembre 2014 à 07:48 (UTC)
@Pamputt : I am not that good at french. As for me I am not sure that the translation are correct.
- I'll try to tell it what does it means, any then you can see if french translation is correct.
- 1. This word almost not used in common speech at all. Only in official or religious names, or in a fixed number of "speech patterns"
- 2. In official language it can mean something that is one step above in hierarchy that one we discuss. For example "суд высшей иснтанции" is court that is above the current court
- 3. In official, religious and philosophical speeches "высший" used as the highest node in the hierarchy, often that means Got himself. For example "высший суд" is a court made by god. Or "высшая сила" some extraordinary force that can't be understand. May be god himself.
- 4. Some times it is used in common speech in several "speech patterns", specifying the highest possible kind of something. "Высший пилотаж" - the maximum possible way to pilot aircraft i.e. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boucle_(aviation). "Высший сорт" the best kind of some goods. "высший класс" - the best rate of something been done. "высшая лига" -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_League; "высшее образование" -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher_education