Forme de verbe
[modifier le wikicode]Temps | Forme |
Infinitif | to CASEVAC \Prononciation ?\ |
Présent simple, 3e pers. sing. |
Prétérit | CASEVAC’d ou CASEVACked |
Participe passé | CASEVAC’d ou CASEVACked |
Participe présent | CASEVACking |
voir conjugaison anglaise |
CASEVAC’d \Prononciation ?\
- Prétérit de CASEVAC.
- Participe passé de CASEVAC.
- As we geared-up for another fight, a second, gut-wrenching call came across the net. Another Marine was shot and was being CASEVAC’d to TCP 3 to the South. — (Scott A. Huesing, Echo in Ramadi: The Firsthand Story of US Marines in Iraq's Deadliest City, Simon and Schuster, 20 février 2018, ISBN 9781621577638)