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  1. Sigle de adaptive cruise control.
  2. Abréviation de accusative.
  3. Sigle de amorphous calcium carbonate.
  4. Sigle de area control center.
  5. Sigle de ascending chain condition.

ACC \Prononciation ?\

  1. (Automobile) Régulateur de vitesse et d’espacement.
    • Adaptive cruise control (ACC) is an in-vehicle convenience feature designed to maintain a set speed and, when applicable, adjust the set speed to maintain a specified distance from a lead vehicle. When following another vehicle, the ACC system will automatically slow down or speed up in responses to changes in the lead vehicle’s speed. Adaptive Cruise Control systems are still relatively new technologies and are not widely available within the U.S. passenger vehicle fleet. One in eight Americans is 65 or older, and this proportion will continue to grow as the American population ages. It is possible that new technologies such as ACC can assist older drivers to drive more safely with less stress, thus extending their safe driving years. It is also possible that ACC may cause unintended consequences such as over-reliance on the technology  (Traffic Safety Facts Vehicle Safety Research Notes; Use of Advanced In-Vehicle Technology by Young and Older Early Adopters: Survey; Results on Adaptive Cruise Control Systems, NHTSA, décembre 2008)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • The goal of this study was to improve the understanding of the relationship between experience with adaptive cruise control (ACC) and driving performance. The three study objectives were: (1) Determine whether drivers who are experienced with ACC respond appropriately to the feedback provided by a familiar ACC system under crash-likely scenarios; (2) Determine if there are usage and error patterns that emerge across a sample of drivers who currently use ACC; (3) Identify countermeasures if drivers make safety-critical errors or engage in problematic usage patterns when driving with familiar ACC systems.  (Evaluation of Adaptive Cruise Control Interface Requirements on the National Advanced Driving Simulator, NHTSA, aout 2015)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
    • One of the latest technologies arriving in the world of two wheels is ACC, for Adaptive Cruise Control, or Adaptive Cruise Control. This system has already been present in automobiles for several years, and so far, only two manufacturers have presented motorcycles equipped with radars: Ducati and BMW.  (Paul-Emile Viel, Is ACC or adaptive cruise control really safe?, 12 fébrier 2021)
      La traduction en français de l’exemple manque. (Ajouter)
  2. (Linguistique) Accusatif.
  3. (Minéralogie) Carbonate de calcium amorphe.
  4. (Aviation) Centre de contrôle régional.
  5. (Algèbre) Condition de chaîne ascendante.

ACC \Prononciation ?\

  1. Association of Corporate Counsel.
  2. American Chemistry Council.
  3. Air Coordinating Committee.
  4. (Inde) Associated Cement Companies.
  5. (Nouvelle-Zélande) Accident Compensation Corporation.

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  • ACC sur l’encyclopédie Wikipédia (en anglais)