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Par abréviation de quaternion.
Singulier Pluriel
\Prononciation ?\
\Prononciation ?\

4n \Prononciation ?\

  1. Abréviation de quaternion (huit feuilles, soit huit pages recto et huit pages verso).
    • Collation. —Eight 4ns and one 5n = 74 leaves, of which the Ist and 74th are blank.
      That is: "eight quaternions and one quinternion, which makes 74 leaves in all, of which tne first and last are blank". The language used by Blades is traditional and seems innocent: the words quaternion, quinternion, (abbreviated 4n, 5n) are the same words used in the concluding "register" of many early Italian printed books to describe the structure of those books. — (Joseph A. Dane, Abstractions of Evidence in the Study of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, 2016)