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Le terme est lu par K. Forsyth et G. Donaldson sur la pierre de Lunnasting, J. R. Allen et J. Anderson lisent ᚅᚓᚆᚆᚈᚑᚅᚅ, nehhtonn.

ᚅᚓᚆᚆᚈᚑᚅᚄ nehhtons *\Prononciation ?\

  1. Lecture alternative de ᚅᚓᚆᚆᚈᚑᚅᚅ, Nechtan.


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  • Katheruine Forsyth, The Ogham Inscriptions of Scotland: An Edited Corpus, Harvard University, 1996
  • Gordon Donaldson K. Forsyth, The Edinburgh history of Scotland, volume 1, 1966
  • J. R. Allen et J. Anderson, The Early Christian Monuments of Scotland, Part III, Édimbourg, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1903