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Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire.

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 * (en)
 * This gadget highlights all blue links that feature an anchor which
 * corresponds to a language code but the pointed page does not
 * contain a section for this language code.
 * (fr)
 * Ce gadget surligne tout les liens bleus possédant une ancre
 * correspondant à un code de langue mais dont la page pointée ne
 * contient pas de section pour le code en question.
 * v1.0 2020-09-18 Initial version
 * v1.1 2021-10-17 Gadget now goes through redirections
 * [[Catégorie:JavaScript du Wiktionnaire|highlight missing sections]]
// <nowiki>
"use strict";

if (mw.config.get("wgAction") === "view") {
  console.log("Chargement de Gadget-wikt.highlight-missing-sections.js…");

  window.wikt.gadgets.highlightMissingSections = {
    NAME: "Highlight Missing Sections",

    VERSION: "1.1",

    init: function () {
      this.api = new mw.Api();
          (function (languages) {
            this._onResponse($.map(JSON.parse(languages), function (_, k) {
              return k;

     * Callback function called when the GET query succeeds in init().
     * @param languages {Array<string>} The array containing language codes.
     * @private
    _onResponse: function (languages) {
      var links = [];

      $(".mw-parser-output a:not(.new)").each(function (_, link) {
        var $link = $(link);
        var match = /^https:\/\/fr\.wiktionary\.org\/wiki\/(.+?)#(.+)$/.exec($link.prop("href"));

        if (match) {
          var pageTitle = decodeURIComponent(match[1]);
          var namespace = pageTitle.substring(0, pageTitle.indexOf(":")).toLowerCase();
          var anchor = match[2];
          var namespaces = mw.config.get("wgNamespaceIds");

          // Vérifie que le lien pointe vers l’espace principal, pas vers un autre wiki et que l’ancre est un code de langue
          if (languages.includes(anchor) && !namespaces[namespace] && !languages.includes(namespace)) {
              $link: $link,
              pageTitle: pageTitle,
              langCode: anchor,

      var self = this;
      // Cache pages’ code in case same page is linked several times
      var pageCodes = {};
      links.forEach(function (item) {
        if (!pageCodes[item.pageTitle]) {
          self._getPageContent(item.pageTitle, function (content) {
            pageCodes[item.pageTitle] = content;
            self._highlightLink(item.$link, item.langCode, pageCodes[item.pageTitle]);
        } else {
          self._highlightLink(item.$link, item.langCode, pageCodes[item.pageTitle]);

     * Retrieve the content of the given page, following redirections.
     * Does not check for redirection loops.
     * @param pageTitle {string} Page’s title.
     * @param callback {function} Function to call at the end of the asynchronous call.
     * Takes in the content of the page.
     * @private
    _getPageContent: function (pageTitle, callback) {
        action: "query",
        prop: "revisions",
        titles: pageTitle,
        rvslots: "main",
        rvprop: "content",
      }).then((function (queryResult) {
        for (var pageID in queryResult.query.pages) {
          if (queryResult.query.pages.hasOwnProperty(pageID)) {
        var content = queryResult.query.pages[pageID]["revisions"][0]["slots"]["main"]["*"];
        var match = /^#REDIRECT\[\[([^\[]+)]]$/.exec(content.trim());
        if (match) {
          this._getPageContent(match[1], callback);
        } else {

     * Highlights the given link if the target page doesn’t
     * feature a section for the given language code.
     * @param $link {Object} The jQuery link object.
     * @param langCode {string} The language code.
     * @param pageCode {string} The code of the page the link points to.
     * @private
    _highlightLink: function ($link, langCode, pageCode) {
      if (!pageCode.includes("{{langue|{0}}}".format(langCode))) {
        $link.addClass(["wikt-missing-entry", "wikt-missing-entry-{0}".format(langCode)]);
        $link.attr("title", $link.attr("title") + " (section « {0} » manquante)".format(langCode));

// </nowiki>