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Fichier d’origine (912 × 752 pixels, taille du fichier : 138 Kio, type MIME : image/jpeg)


Several pods of Xylopia aethiopica (long nose pepper). Xylopia aethiopica purchased in Ghana.

Photo by Flickr user: stephenbuchan. Photo taken in Edinburgh, Scotland with a Sony DSC-P10 digital camera, on April 15, 2005.


Photo may be used by anyone for any purpose, provided that the photographer (Flickr user: stephenbuchan), and the photographer's Flickr page ( ) are credited.

Conditions d’utilisation

w:fr:Creative Commons
Ce fichier est disponible selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Générique.
Attribution: Flickr user: stephenbuchan; website:
Vous êtes libre :
  • de partager – de copier, distribuer et transmettre cette œuvre
  • d’adapter – de modifier cette œuvre
Sous les conditions suivantes :
  • paternité – Vous devez donner les informations appropriées concernant l'auteur, fournir un lien vers la licence et indiquer si des modifications ont été faites. Vous pouvez faire cela par tout moyen raisonnable, mais en aucune façon suggérant que l’auteur vous soutient ou approuve l’utilisation que vous en faites.
This image, originally posted to Flickr, is currently not available on Flickr under the license specified on this page. However, please see below for permission to use it under this license.

Permission to use photo

( from )

dbadagna says:

Hi, we have an article at Wikipedia about this spice, but no photo; would you allow your photo to appear there as the representative photo for this variety of pepper?

Posted 23 hours ago.

stephenbuchan Pro User says:

Thanks for the compliment dbadagna. Please go ahead and include my photo.

Posted 19 hours ago.

dbadagna says:

Great--would the CC 2.0-by license be okay for this photo? That's the "free" license we've been using lately.

Posted 17 hours ago.

stephenbuchan Pro User says:

Yes, the CC license is OK for that photo.

Posted 4 hours ago.


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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel10 mars 2008 à 18:20Vignette pour la version du 10 mars 2008 à 18:20912 × 752 (138 Kio)Badagnani== Summary == Several pods of ''Xylopia aethiopica'' (long nose pepper). ''Xylopia aethiopica'' purchased in Ghana. Photo by Flickr user: stephenbuchan. Photo taken in Edinburgh, Scotland with a Sony DSC-P10 digital camera, on

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