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Fichier:The Gor Project 1 by mjranum stock.jpg

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Fichier d’origine (3 256 × 2 580 pixels, taille du fichier : 853 Kio, type MIME : image/jpeg)



The Gor Project - 1: Photograph of a model attired as a Gorean "kajira" (slave-girl), wearing a Gorean "camisk" garment (i.e. a belted narrow sideless poncho worn without underwear), and with a simulated "kef" brand on her thigh, as described in John Norman's Gor series of science-fiction books (see [1] for further explanations of these terms).

Artist's Comments: was detected, that her body as she drew the brief, exotic, degrading silk about her, subtly and mistakeably, was shaken by an involuntary tremor of was the first time her body had felt slave silk. Surely it would be difficult for a woman to wear silk and not, by that much more, be aware of her womanhood...Indeed it would hardly account for the totality of her involuntary response, her body's betrayal. It was not ordinary silk which she then, for the first time felt on her body. It was the softest and finest of diaphanous silks, clinging and betraying. It had been milled and created to reveal a woman most exquisitely and beautifully to her Master. It was brief, exotic, humiliating, degrading. It was of course slave silk.

-- condensed and slightly paraphrased version of a passage from John Norman's novel, Hunters of Gor (pg. 150 of original 1974 DAW paperback edition).

Français : Femme parée en kajira, avec camisk et kef.
Source The Gor Project - 1 by ~mjranum-stock
Auteur Photography by Marcus J. Ranum -
(Réutilisation de ce fichier)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License according to the information posted on deviantArt and re-confirmed by the photographer in e-mail.

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Processus d'extraction d'images Ce fichier est la source d’une image extraite : The Gor Project 1 by mjranum stock (cropped).jpg.
File:The Gor Project 2 by mjranum stock.jpg, File:The Gor Project 3 by mjranum stock.jpg
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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel6 février 2009 à 07:53Vignette pour la version du 6 février 2009 à 07:533 256 × 2 580 (853 Kio) Summary == {{Information |Description=The Gor Project - 1: Photograph of model attired as a Gorean "kajira" (slave-girl), wearing Gorean "camisk" garment (narrow sideless poncho), and with a simulated "kef" brand on her thigh, as described in John Norm
5 février 2009 à 04:03Vignette pour la version du 5 février 2009 à 04:03552 × 480 (44 Kio)AnonMooslosslessly cropping
29 janvier 2009 à 12:42Vignette pour la version du 29 janvier 2009 à 12:42600 × 538 (48 Kio){{Information |Description=The Gor Project - 1 '''Artist's Comments''' '' was detected, that her body as she drew the brief, exotic, degrading silk about her, subtly and mistakeably, was shaken by an involuntary tremor of was the

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