Text Appearing Before Image: , for the sayings of the Four and Twenty Elders lookforward to the Resurrections and Judgments of chapter 20. Thescene is located in Heaven. For it is there that John hears the Trum-pet sound, and sees the Temple of God opened, and hears thevoices and thunderings that accompany the devastation of theearth by earthquake and hail.. This announcement is preliminaryto the great events that are to follow, which will be the most remark-able and momentous that have ever happened on this earth. The THIRD WOE includes the VIALS, and all other judg-ments down to chapter 20: 3. The Time Limit of the SEVENTHTRUMPET is given in chapter 10: 7, and is spoken of as THEDAYS of the Voice of the SEVENTH ANGEL when he shallBEGIN TO SOUND. Implying that the blast or blasts, of theSEVENTH TRUMPET shall be long continued, that is, extendover the whole of the last half of the Week. THE THINGS WHICH SHALL BE HEREAFTER. 89 The Middle of the Week The Seven Personages 1. THE SUN-CLOTHED WOMAN. Rev. 12:1-2. Text Appearing After Image: And there appeared a GREAT WONDER in Heaven; aWoman CLOTHED WITH THE SUN, and the MOON UNDERHER FEET, and upon her head a CROWN OF TWELVESTARS: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, andpained to be delivered. In the Middle of the Week two Wonders will appear inHeaven, for John is back again in Heaven. The Revised Versioncalls them SIGNS, that is, they are SYMBOLS of something,and must be thus interpreted. The first will be a SUN CLOTHEDWOMAN. Who does this Sun Clothed Woman represent? Somewould have us believe that this Woman is the Virgin Mary, othersthat she represents the Church. Those who say she represents the 90 THE THINGS WHICH SHALL BE HEREAFTER. Church claim that she represents the visible or outward Church, andher Child represents the True Church or those who are to becaught out at the Rapture. If this be true, and the Child is notcaught out until the Middle of the Week, then the Church willhave to go half way through the Tribulation. The fact is, theWoman is
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