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Fichier:Roughout (plan) (FindID 490089).jpg

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roughout (plan)
Royal Institution of Cornwall, Anna Tyacke, 2012-02-22 14:03:14
roughout (plan)
English: Weathered cobble of greenstone, oval in plan and ovoid in profile and section. There is rough working over the whole of the surface of the flat oval shape which may have once been an axehead roughout, and has since been broken and weathered. One end tapers more to a rounded point, but there is no clear blade or butt end. The ventral face is more flat, mainly through weathering, while the dorsal face is more pecked. This is one of a group of 14 stone tools described as 'potential axes' that have been found on Clodgy Moor or Trungle Moor in Paul parish. A few of these have distinct areas where grinding has been carried out to start a blade. The remainder have a broadly axe-shaped outline and apparent traces of pecking. Examination of most of this group by Roger Taylor, as part of the Clodgy Moor Project, has confirmed that of they are gabbroic greenstone, except for one described as volcanic greenstone. One or two of these he identifies as of similar lithology to that of the greenstone Gwavas quarry nearby. Of the group as a whole Roger Taylor comments that the overall shape of each piece, the apparent 'axe' shape, is due to these pieces having previously been cobbles. However this was way back in geological time before the Quaternary period, as most of the apparent pecking is due to weathering subsequent to the formation of the cobbles. He quotes remnant high level beach material from the Crousa Gravels overlying the gabbro in the Lizard and other material overlying the Carnmennellis Granite as parallels. He considers that the greenstone in all these pieces is comparatively soft, and indeed this can be clearly seen when the group is compared to the hammerstone/pestles. However some of the pieces clearly have areas of grinding over the weathering. The most likely interpretation for this group as a whole is that they were collected as potential axe-making material: their close concentration in one part of the study area makes natural occurrence extremely unlikely (Henrietta Quinnell, Clodgy Moor stonework, forthcoming).

Similar short rounded axes have been excavated from the Neolithic settlement at Carn Brea and are illustrated in Mercer (1981) on page 155, Fig.64, for example, No.S7.

Lieu représenté (County of findspot) Cornwall
Date entre 4500 BC et 2100 BC
Numéro d’inventaire
FindID: 490089
Old ref: CORN-4F4B17
Filename: 570.8plan.jpg
Attribution de l’acquisition
The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) is a voluntary programme run by the United Kingdom government to record the increasing numbers of small finds of archaeological interest found by members of the public. The scheme started in 1997 and now covers most of England and Wales. Finds are published at
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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel24 janvier 2017 à 18:21Vignette pour la version du 24 janvier 2017 à 18:211 280 × 960 (419 Kio)Portable Antiquities Scheme, CORN, FindID: 490089, neolithic, page 517, batch count 1961

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