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Fichier:Joetsu Shinkansen derailed by the 2004 Chuetsu Earthquake 20041024.png

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Joetsu_Shinkansen_derailed_by_the_2004_Chuetsu_Earthquake_20041024.png (367 × 300 pixels, taille du fichier : 264 Kio, type MIME : image/png)


English: Joetsu Shinkansen train derailed by the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake (from Report on the Investigation of Railway Accidents RA2007-8-1 by Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission, MLIT)
日本語: 新潟県中越地震で脱線した上越新幹線とき325号」10両目(2004年10月24日207k550m付近より撮影) (国土交通省 航空・鉄道事故調査委員会『鉄道事故調査報告書 報告書番号:RA2007-8-1 東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 上越新幹線浦佐駅~長岡駅間 列車脱線事故』より)
English: Report on the Investigation of Railway Accidents RA2007-8-1 by Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission, MLIT, p. 38
English: Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan
日本語: 国土交通省 航空・鉄道事故調査委員会

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Jōetsu Shinkansen derailed by the 2004 Chūetsu earthquake (from "Report on the Investigation of Railway Accidents RA2007-8-1" by Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission, MLIT)


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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel28 décembre 2020 à 00:14Vignette pour la version du 28 décembre 2020 à 00:14367 × 300 (264 Kio)Fb nooUploaded a work by {{ja|国土交通省 航空・鉄道事故調査委員会}} {{en|Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission, MLIT}} from {{ja|国土交通省ホームページ 航空・鉄道事故調査委員会『鉄道事故調査報告書 報告書番号:RA2007-8-1 東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 上越新幹線浦佐駅~長岡駅間 列車脱線事故』 p.38}} {{en|"Report on the Investigation of Railway Acci...

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