English: (Original description by author) Lübeck remained part of Schleswig-Holstein after the war and was situated directly at the inner German border during the division of Germany into two rival states during the Cold War period. South of the city the border followed the path of the river Wakenitz that separated both countries by less than 10 m in many parts. The northernmost border crossing was in Lübeck's district of Schlutup. My historical picture here shows the former border between Lübeck and "German Democratic Republic" with the little village Herrnburg in Mecklenburg. Behind the border barrier we can see an East German border-soldier of the "National Peoples' Army", and behind him one of the several watch towers to guard the border against those attempting to escape. On this side of the border are two officers of the West German Frontier Police (Bundesgrenzschutz), today called Federal Police (Bundespolizei).
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Inner German border in Ludersdorf from the West German side in 1989. In the foreground there are two soldiers of the West German Bundesgrenzschutz, and in the background there is an East German Grenztruppen soldier.
Granica wewnątrzniemiecka od strony zachodniej (RFN) w Ludersdorfie. O barierkę opierają się dwaj funkcjonariusze zachodnioniemieckiego Bundesgrenzschutz, w tle funkcjonariusz graniczny wschodnioniemieckiego Grenztruppen, rok 1989.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=(Original description by author) Lübeck remained part of Schleswig-Holstein after the war and was situated directly at the inner German border during the division of Germany into two rival states in the Cold War period.