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Fichier d’origine (1 473 × 1 000 pixels, taille du fichier : 837 Kio, type MIME : image/jpeg)

English: The Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in Australia. It is a member of the starling family. The Common Myna is readily identified by the brown body, black hooded head and the bare yellow patch behind the eye. The bill and legs are bright yellow. There is a white patch on the outer primaries and the wing lining on the underside is white.
Source Travail personnel
Auteur Benjamint444

Photographed by Benjamint444

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Date et heureVignetteDimensionsUtilisateurCommentaire
actuel20 février 2010 à 12:27Vignette pour la version du 20 février 2010 à 12:271 473 × 1 000 (837 Kio)Benjamint444{{Information |Description=The Common Myna (''Acridotheres tristis''), is a member of the starling family. The Common Myna is readily identified by the brown body, black hooded head and the bare yellow patch behind the eye. The bill and legs are brigh

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